Greasy Fork is available in English.

CH MTurk Page Titles

Change MTurk page titles to be more specific, instead of most just saying "Amazon Mechanical Turk".

// ==UserScript==
// @name        CH MTurk Page Titles
// @author      clickhappier
// @namespace   clickhappier
// @description Change MTurk page titles to be more specific, instead of most just saying "Amazon Mechanical Turk".
// @version     2.2c
// @match*
// @match*
// @require
// @grant       GM_log
// ==/UserScript==

var original_title = document.title;

// avoid redundancy from what will be appended
if (original_title == "Amazon Mechanical Turk - All HITs")
    original_title = "Amazon Mechanical Turk";
else if (original_title == "Amazon Mechanical Turk - HITs Available to You")
    original_title = "Amazon Mechanical Turk";
else if (original_title == "Amazon Mechanical Turk - All Qualifications")
    original_title = "Amazon Mechanical Turk";
else if (original_title == "Amazon Mechanical Turk-Your Pending Qualification Requests")
    original_title = "Amazon Mechanical Turk";
else if (original_title == "Amazon Mechanical Turk - Transfer Earnings")
    original_title = "Amazon Mechanical Turk";
else if (original_title == "Mechanical Turk")  // avoid inconsistency
    original_title = "Amazon Mechanical Turk";

// get URL variable - from
function getQueryVariable(variable)
    var query =;
    var vars = query.split("&");
    for ( var i=0; i<vars.length; i++ ) 
        var pair = vars[i].split("=");
        if ( pair[0] == variable )
            { return pair[1]; }

// append heading-esque text from page content:

// for URL used by
if ( document.location.href.indexOf('hit_scraper') > -1 )  
	document.title = original_title + " - " + "HIT Scraper";
// search results pages with some kind of results
else if ( $('td.title_orange_text_bold').text().trim() != "" )  
    // if redirected to 'all HITs' search results from preview/panda link with no more HITs available;
    // if not already included in the URL from accepting a previous HIT in the group, can make a note
    // of the requester name by adding a prevRequester value to the URL yourself; use + signs for spaces
    if ( (document.location.href.indexOf('prevRequester=') > -1) && ($('td.title_orange_text_bold').text().trim().indexOf('HITs Created by') < 0) )  
        document.title = original_title + " - was " + decodeURIComponent( getQueryVariable("prevRequester").replace(/\+/g, " ") ) + " - " + $('td.title_orange_text_bold').text().trim().replace("Created by","by") + " - " + $('td.title_orange_text').text().trim();
    // on a requester search results page with results, with prevRequester value available, no keyword
    // (add a hash/pound sign to indicate it's been prevRequester-ed already)
    else if ( (document.location.href.indexOf('prevRequester=') > -1) && ($('td.title_orange_text_bold').text().trim().indexOf('HITs Created by') > -1) && (document.getElementById('searchbox').value == "") )  
	    document.title = original_title + " - " + $('td.title_orange_text_bold').text().trim().replace("Created by","by") + " # - " + $('td.title_orange_text').text().trim();
    // requester results with keyword and prevRequester available
    // (add a hash/pound sign to indicate it's been prevRequester-ed already)
    else if ( (document.location.href.indexOf('prevRequester=') > -1) && (document.getElementById('searchbox').value != "") && ($('td.title_orange_text_bold').text().trim().indexOf('HITs Created by') > -1) )  
	    document.title = original_title + " - " + $('td.title_orange_text_bold').text().trim().replace("Created by","by") + " containing '" + document.getElementById('searchbox').value + "' # - " + $('td.title_orange_text').text().trim();
    // requester results with keyword, prevRequester not available
    else if ( (document.location.href.indexOf('prevRequester=') < 0) && (document.getElementById('searchbox').value != "") && ($('td.title_orange_text_bold').text().trim().indexOf('HITs Created by') > -1) )  
	    document.title = original_title + " - " + $('td.title_orange_text_bold').text().trim().replace("Created by","by") + " containing '" + document.getElementById('searchbox').value + "' - " + $('td.title_orange_text').text().trim();
	// requester results without keyword and without prevRequester available, or 'all HITs'-type/keyword-only search results
	    document.title = original_title + " - " + $('td.title_orange_text_bold').text().trim().replace("Created by","by") + " - " + $('td.title_orange_text').text().trim();
	    // if on pages of 'All HITs Available To You' past the first, which lose that distinguishment from the general 'All HITs'
	    if ( (document.location.href.indexOf('viewhits') > -1) && ($('a.nonboldsubnavclass').first().text().trim() == "HITs Available To You") )
	       document.title = document.title.replace("All HITs -", "All HITs Available To You -");
// individual HIT/qual pages
else if ( $('td.capsulelink_bold').text().trim() != "" )  
    if ( $('td.capsule_field_text').first().text().trim() != "" )
        // qual page
        if ( document.location.href.indexOf('qualification') > -1 )  
            document.title = original_title + " - Qual by " + $('td.capsule_field_text').first().text().trim() + " - " + $('td.capsulelink_bold').text().trim();
        // HIT page
            // captcha-ed HIT
            if ( $('a[class="whatis"][href*="whatAreCaptchas"]').text().trim() != "" )
                document.title = original_title + " - Captcha on HIT by " + $('td.capsule_field_text').first().text().trim() + " - " + $('td.capsulelink_bold').text().trim();
            // accepted HIT
            else if ( $('a[href*="mturk/return"]').length > 0 )
                document.title = original_title + " - *Accepted HIT by " + $('td.capsule_field_text').first().text().trim() + " - " + $('td.capsulelink_bold').text().trim();
            // regular preview page
                document.title = original_title + " - HIT by " + $('td.capsule_field_text').first().text().trim() + " - " + $('td.capsulelink_bold').text().trim();
	    document.title = original_title + " - " + $('td.capsulelink_bold').text().trim();
// contact pages
else if ( $('div.contactus form p').first().text().trim() != "" )  
    // contact requester pages
	if ( document.location.href.indexOf('requesterId=') > -1 )  
	    document.title = original_title + " - " + $('div.contactus form p').first().text().trim() + " (" + getQueryVariable("requesterId") + ")";
	    // add requester ID to in-page heading text too
	    if ( getQueryVariable("requesterName") )
	       $('div.contactus form p').first().text("Contact Requester: " + decodeURIComponent( getQueryVariable("requesterName").replace(/\+/g, " ") ) + " (" + getQueryVariable("requesterId") + ")" );
	    // replace confusing 'Contact Requester "" ' line with a statement of the ID when there's no name provided in the URL to use
	       $('div.contactus form p').first().text("Contact Requester ID: " + getQueryVariable("requesterId") );
	// contact mturk page
	    document.title = original_title + " - " + $('div.contactus form p').first().text().trim();
// dashboard/status/earnings pages
else if ( $('td.white_text_14_bold').text().trim() != "" )  
	document.title = original_title + " - " + $('td.white_text_14_bold').contents().filter(function(){return this.nodeType == 3;})[0].nodeValue.trim();  // exclude text inside another layer of nested tags such as 'a' or 'span'
// no search results pages, other error pages
else if ( $('td.error_title').text().trim() != "" )  
    // requester id search with added keyword filter, with no results
    if ( (document.getElementById('searchbox').value != "") && (document.location.href.indexOf('requesterId=') > -1) )
        document.title = original_title + " - was HITs by '" + decodeURIComponent( getQueryVariable("prevRequester").replace(/\+/g, " ") ) + "' containing '" + document.getElementById('searchbox').value + "' - " + $('td.error_title').text().trim() + " - "  + getQueryVariable("requesterId").replace(/\+/g, " ");
    // keyword search for HITs with no results
    else if ( (document.getElementById('searchbox').value != "") && (document.location.href.indexOf('selectedSearchType=quals') < 0) )  
        document.title = original_title + " - was HITs containing '" + document.getElementById('searchbox').value + "' - " + $('td.error_title').text().trim();
    // keyword search for quals with no results
    else if ( (document.getElementById('searchbox').value != "") && (document.location.href.indexOf('selectedSearchType=quals') > -1) )  
        document.title = original_title + " - was Quals containing '" + document.getElementById('searchbox').value + "' - " + $('td.error_title').text().trim();
    // requester id search with no results
    else if ( document.location.href.indexOf('requesterId=') > -1 )  
        if ( document.location.href.indexOf('prevRequester=') > -1 )  // doesn't appear in these URLs on its own, but can make a note of the requester name by adding this value to the URL yourself; use + signs for spaces
            document.title = original_title + " - was HITs by '" + decodeURIComponent( getQueryVariable("prevRequester").replace(/\+/g, " ") ) + "' - " + $('td.error_title').text().trim() + " - "  + getQueryVariable("requesterId").replace(/\+/g, " ");
            document.title = original_title + " - was HITs by ID " + getQueryVariable("requesterId").replace(/\+/g, " ") + " - " + $('td.error_title').text().trim();
    // other error pages
	    document.title = original_title + " - " + $('td.error_title').text().trim();
// help/policies pages
else if ( $('div.title_orange_text_bold').text().trim() != "" )  
	document.title = original_title + " - " + $('div.title_orange_text_bold').text().trim();
// report-a-HIT confirmation pages
else if ( $('span#alertboxHeader').text().trim() != "" )  
	document.title = original_title + " - " + $('span#alertboxHeader').text().trim();
// for URL used by
else if ( document.location.href.indexOf('/qualtable') > -1 )  
	document.title = original_title + " - " + "QualSorter Table";

// comment (put a // in front of) the below line to make all titles start with 'Amazon Mechanical Turk' instead of 'AMT'
document.title = document.title.replace("Amazon Mechanical Turk", "AMT");