Zoom redirector with Subdomains JS - Transparently redirects any meeting links to use Zoom's browser based web client
IPFS Hash Linker JS - Link IPFS hashes to the IPFS gateway
Feedless Facebook JS - Remove the news feed from Facebook to prevent distraction
Always Show Zoom Web Client JS - Always show the web client link on meeting join pages, even if the host has asked Zoom to hide it by default.
Constantly reload Credit Karma Tax dashboard to prevent timeout JS - Constantly reloads the Credit Karma Tax dashboard to prevent the site from logging you out while you are entering data. Open in another tab and it will refresh every minute.
Just For U Coupon Clipper JS - Clip all the coupons on the current (as of 5/21/2020) Safeway Just For U coupon system.
Comrade: Stack Bot for Zoom JS - Bot that manages stack for meetings. Active if your name is "Comrade" when you join.
Zoom Auditor JS - Script that lets you find the final instances of recurring Zoom meetings