Autologin - HBO Nordic FINLAND JS - Automatically logging you in to the HBO Nordic FINLAND account.
Open all to tabs for Reddit JS - Opens all Reddit links on the page to tabs.
Trim Countdown JS - Removes all unnessesary data from countdown.
MAL manga default search JS - Make MyAnimelist search work faster for adding manga.
K-Ruoka hide non keto items. JS - Hide non keto foods from K-Ruoka search results.
K-Ruoka sort by unit price. JS - Sorts K-Ruoka search results by unit price.
MangaDex open links JS - Open MangaUpdates and MAL links to new tabs on MangaDex with one button.
Refresh mining statics every minute JS - Refresh mining statics every minute.
Lisenced in English JS - Inform right away if title in Baka-Updates is lisenced in English.
Steam redeem helper JS - Steam redeem check accept SSA and focus on product key input.
New Reddit post list to full width JS - Transforming new Reddit post list to full width.
Licensed (in English) JS - Show if manga is licensed in English.
YouTube Shorts Auto Next JS - Automatically plays the next YouTube short.
Youtube Pause On Start JS - Pause Youtube video on start.
Youtube Pause at the End JS - Pause Youtube video at the end.
Youtube Automatic Max Quality JS - Set Youtube player automatically to max quality.
Youtube Automatic Min Quality JS - Set Youtube player automatically to min quality.