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(mTurk) Dave Cobb HIT Helper JS - (mTurk) Press "1" to select "Yes, we missed some faces/heads!" and advance. Press "2" to select "No, every single face/head has been found." and advance. "3" submits.
(mTurk) ProductRnR HIT Helper JS - (mTurk) Selects "Non-Adult" for all images. Click the image to flag. Left mouse selects "Explicit". Double click (left mouse) selects "Hard-Core". Right mouse selects "Suggestive". Double click (right mouse) selects "Educational Nudity". Middle mouse reverts back to "Non-Adult".
(mTurk) ProductRnR Query Image JS - Selects "Related" for all images. Click the image to flag. Left click selects "Unrelated". Right click selects "Related". Middle click selects "Image didn't load".
(mTurk) ProductRnR School Appropriate HIT Helper JS - Defaults all images in the ProductRnR "Identify these images as School appropriate" HITs as "OK to show" so that you only have to glance at and change the ones that aren't.
(mTurk) Show captcha and accept button ASAP JS - (mTurk) Shows the captcha and accept buttons on hits ASAP instead of waiting for the page to fully load.
(MTurk) Show Qualtrics Survey Progress JS - Shows hidden progress on qualtrics surveys
[MTurk Worker] Auto Accept Checker JS - Keeps the auto accept next hit checkbox always checked.
[MTurk Worker] Auto Accept Unchecker JS - Keeps the auto accept next hit checkbox always unchecked.
[MTurk Worker] Confirm Return HIT JS - Prevent accidental returns by adding a prompt when returning a HIT
[MTurk Worker] Dashboard Enhancer JS - Brings many enhancements to the MTurk Worker Dashboard.
[MTurk Worker] Display Total Available HITs JS - Will provide a bar at the top of the page to mimic old functionality on www that displays the total available HITs. Will use # of page requests equal to the total available hit groups / 100.
[MTurk Worker] HIT Details Enhancer JS - Changes the HIT Details link text to the requester name, changes the requester name inside the popup to a link that searches for their HITs and adds the remaining HIT count to the details bar.
[MTurk Worker] HIT Exporter JS - Allows you to export HITs as formatted text with short, plain, bbcode or markdown styling.
[MTurk Worker] HIT Exporter for Slack JS - Allows you to export HITs as formatted text with short, plain, bbcode or markdown styling.
[MTurk Worker] No HIT Reloader JS - Reloads pages automatically if no HIT is loaded for provided Group Ids
[MTurk Worker] Return All HITs JS - Returns all HITs that are in your queue
[MTurk Worker] Status Page Searchable Requesters JS - Turns the requester name into a link that searches for their HITs on status detail pages
[MTurk Worker] Workspace Expander JS - Expands accepted HITs to fill the browser viewport, scrolls to the HIT and focuses it.
[MTURK] Hide Goal Bar JS - Hides the upper goal bar on MTurk.
[MTURK] Queue Header Link JS - Adds a link to your HITs queue into the MTurk header on worker site.
[Worker MTurk] Group Id History JS - Saves the most recently viewed source for all different type of HITs
[Worker] Today's Projected Earnings (mTurk) JS - Add your projected earnings to whatever sites you want. Uses Task Archive's API.
AA Time JS - Shows AA time when you expand a HIT in the search
AJ Ghergich Helper (MTurk) JS - A simple helper script for AJ Ghergich email HITs on MTurk (Mechanical Turk). It linkifies the URL, automatically focuses on the email input box and makes it easier to select the "Not found" button.
Alegion - Disable Enter Key JS - Disable Enter Key on Alegion HITs
Alegion - Fix JLL Property Brochure Link JS - Turns real estate broker's 'Property Brochure' links into standard right-clickable links.
Amazon Category Validation for Mturk JS - Categorize
Amazon Requester Inc Yes/No JS - Use keys to select options in the Mturk Hit
Amazon's Mechanical Turk: Always Show All Details JS - Always "Show all details" on Amazon Mechanical Turk search pages.
AMT Searchbar JS - A Simple Mturk/Greasyfork/MTG search bar
AMT Titles JS - Splice and Modify of CH MTurk Page Titles and mTurk Title Bar Timer
Approval Time JS - Displays the auto-approval time
Athena HIT search productivity enhancement JS - Provides a number of improvements when searching for and working on HITs, including AA time, six-level TO filtering, use of HitScraper blocklist, qualification feasibility tiers, etc.
autonomnom - Tamara Berg - Identify If Images Correspond To General Categories JS - Autostart, keyboard shortcuts for 1 to 5 images, next button, and submit.
Backspace Means Backspace JS - Prevents Back action on Backspace key
Block Individual Requests JS - Hide individual HITs you're not interested in.
Block Requesters (Fixed) JS - Hide HITs from requesters you're not interested in (FIXED FOR GOOGLE CHROME)
Captcha Clear JS - Unleashes Your Sharingan on Worker Captchas.
CH Amazon ASIN Adder JS - Display ASIN after product links in search results, and after the title on a product page; plus, the dash is a short product link. Note that Amazon often uses AJAX to change search page content without reloading the new URL, in which case you won't see this script's ASINs on the new results; simply hit Refresh/F5 when this happens, and then the ASINs should appear.
CH Ben Peterson Demographics Defaults JS - Select your specified answers for gender and birth year on Ben Peterson's HITs. You must edit the script to specify your answers.
CH Block Using HIT Scraper's Blocklist JS - Block requesters and HITs on regular MTurk search results pages using your blocklist from 'HIT Scraper With Export'. Also highlights favorite requesters from your includelist.
CH CrowdSource-OneSpace Favicon JS - Replaces OneSpace favicon with a nicer-looking version.
CH CrowdSource-OneSpace WorkStation Antifavorites JS - Add indicators next to the task types you don't like, the opposite of the built-in 'Favorites' stars. Also standardizes the format of half-cent tasks' listings.
CH Export MTurk Quals JS - Exports your Mturk qualifications as tab-separated values - adapted from mmmturkeybacon Export Mturk History.
CH Google Color-Coded Results JS - Change background color of Google search ad areas and other special types of results. Google Instant should be disabled.
CH Hide Annoying MTurk Announcements JS - Hides annoying global announcement messages from Amazon, on every MTurk page except the Dashboard.
CH MTG Report Warning JS - Make it obvious if you click on 'Report' instead of 'Reputation' for a post on the MTurkGrind forum (Xenforo).
CH MTurk HIT Link Cleanup JS - On Oct 12, 2016, Amazon added a bunch of useless garbage variables to all the HIT links on MTurk search results pages, making your browser history no longer able to change the link color of HITs you've already visited. This script removes the garbage from those links so your browser history can work properly again. And if you put it first in your userscript execution order, it should also fix some other scripts that were affected by this garbage.
CH MTurk Page Titles JS - Change MTurk page titles to be more specific, instead of most just saying "Amazon Mechanical Turk".
CH MTurk Qualifications Wrapper JS - Word-wraps long qualifications on individual HIT pages, with better multi-script compatibility. Now also word-wraps the HIT links cells on search results pages.
CH Plaintext HIT Export JS - Export HIT information in multi-line plain text format.
CH Precise Percents JS - Adds a more precise/accurate/honest display of your approved/rejected percentages and stats qual values to the MTurk dashboard.
CH Re-Box MTurk Favicon JS - Bring back the orange box/cube favicon for
CH Reload Frame Button JS - Adds a reload button on pages loaded in an iframe/frame. For more convenient access than the right-click menu, or for browser versions which don't have that menu command. Also shows the frame's URL in the button's mouseover text.
CH Remaining HITs Replicator JS - Replicates the 'HITs Available' number underneath the HIT work area for ease of reference.
CH Requester Results Refinements JS - Use the MTurk 'All HITs' search filter options on individual requester results pages too. Displays which filter settings you used, and adds contact and TO links, even on 'no results' requester pages.
CH Status Detail Numbering JS - Displays numbering next to the up-to-25 HITs on each page of MTurk's daily status detail reports. Also shows HIT assignment ID in mouseover text, and copies it on click.
CH Turkopticon Blocklist Indicator JS - If you paste in your HIT Scraper blocklist and includelist inside this script's code, you can see on the TO site if an MTurk requester's name is already on your blocklist or includelist.
CH Turkopticon Page Titles Plus JS - Change Turkopticon page titles to be more specific and consistent, and display them as heading text within the page too. Also adds review permalinks and other navigation improvements, and shortens long edit notes.
CH Yahoo Color-Coded Results JS - Change background color of Yahoo search ad areas and other special types of results.
Clear BLOCK table in HITDB JS - Completely empty the BLOCK table in HITDB
Clear Radio Button JS - When clicking on a selected radio button, this script will clear it
Collins Non Quals JS - Mturk collins multiple copy/paste
Confirm Report Hit JS - Ask for confirmation before reporting a hit to Mturk AHK friendly
Copy Mturk ID to Clipboard Button JS - Adds a copy to clipboard button in the upper right corner of the page
Crowd Task Google Search Link JS - Turns company name into Google search link.
Crowdsource HIT Helper JS - (mTurk) Turns the links in "REVIEW: Website Categorization (Adult Content)" into iFrames.
Crowdsource Workstation Monitor JS - Monitors your CrowdSource work center for favorite tasks
CrowdSource: Search Image URL JS - Click the search button to begin. Then simply click on the matching image in the google results.
CS User Manuals Hot Key JS - Mturk Hit the ? key for key list
CS User Manuals Yes JS - Fills All Yes mturk
Custom Google Search for Mturk JS - A new window will open and search the highlighted words and saved words.
Custom Mturk Tab Titles JS - Adds new settings to the very bottom of your Dashboard page that allow you to set tab titles for urls.
Dark mTurk Pages JS - inverts mturk page color
DCI New HIT Monitor - Party Edition JS - Scans first 3 pages of new HITs for your search terms.
DCI New HIT Monitor for mturk (classic version) JS - Monitors for new HITs from requesters on your list
DCI New HIT Monitor for mturk (with links) (mralaska version) JS - Monitors for new HITs from requesters on your list
Discover Fake Availabilities JS - Often times you open a hit to find there is no more hits available, even though MTurk reports that there is some left. This script discovers and lets you know
DTs Dashboard Charts JS - Adds charts to the mturk dashboard
Ed Kohler UPC Helper JS - Highlight UPC code from Toys R Us Product pages
Expand Survey Instructions JS - Auto-expand the collapsed survey instructions used in some HITs.
Facebook HIT Export (regular links) JS - Export HIT information for posting on Facebook (long link version)
Fetch Total Number of Viewable Hits JS - Fetches the current number of viewable hits on mturk.
Focus mTurk IFrame JS - Focus the Mechanical Turk IFrame. Useful for many HITs, especially those that use keyboard controls.
Full Queue JS - All 25 hits on one page, return all, return by requester name and open by requester name.
General: Requester ID JS - Displays the Requester ID in the dashboard and HIT search.
Hermes HIT exporter JS - Adds an Export button to MTurk HIT capsules to share HITs on forums, reddit, etc.
Hide Promoted Hits JS - Hides the promoted HITs that appear at the top of mturk pages.
HIT Area Expander (with compact interface mod) JS - Adds a button to change the height of the working area for the hit.
HIT Database Analytics JS - Analytics for HIT Database--makes pretty graphs
HIT Database Backup JS - Does things...
HIT Export Mod for HIT Catcher JS - Adds panda and once links to HIT exports
HIT Forker JS - Monitors for HITs
Hit Forker Fork - "Forking Over 9000" Installer JS - Fork of Hit Forker. Adds extra fields (e.g., requester rejection rate), simplifies others (realtime feed values are simplified to symbols in order to read them more quickly), adds new features (e.g., home-row key accept for realtime feed), makes feed more readable (low-rated HITs are semitransparent, "caveman-speak" for narrow windows to convey only important details).
HIT Monitor for JS - Browser/SMS/email alerts for mturk HITs
HIT Return & Accept JS - This userscript returns your current mTurk then accepts a new one. It also checks the "accept next hit" box.
HIT Scraper (classic version) JS - Snag HITs.
HIT Scraper to MTurk Suite JS - Does things...
HIT Scraper WITH EXPORT JS - Snag HITs. mturk.