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MTurk A9 Category Validation (Non-Masters) JS - Assists with Category Validation HITs
mmmturkeybacon Single Page Queue JS - Shows all HITs in the queue on a single page.
mmmturkeybacon Survey Row Highlighter JS - Highlights rows in surveys to make it easier to see
Preview and Accept MTurk HITs JS - Automatically accept HITs. Please be careful while using this. I'm NOT responsible for drop in your returned or abandoned HITs.
ikarma's Sequential PandA zings and mylikes + add your own for mturk JS - panda script
(mTurk) ProductRnR School Appropriate HIT Helper JS - Defaults all images in the ProductRnR "Identify these images as School appropriate" HITs as "OK to show" so that you only have to glance at and change the ones that aren't.
MTurk Dashboard Style JS - Improve MTurk dashboard's layout/style.
mTurk Dark Theme JS - Changes mTurk to a dark theme.
mmmturkeybacon Logged Out Alert JS - Alerts you if you've been logged out of mturk. Your dashboard page must remain open in a tab for this script to work. To have this script open a new sign in page when a log out is detected change OPEN_SIGNIN_WIN to true.
[MTurk Worker] Confirm Return HIT JS - Prevent accidental returns by adding a prompt when returning a HIT
mmmturkeybacon Add AutoAccept Checkbox to HIT Preview JS - Adds AutoAccept Checkbox to a HIT Preview
AA Time JS - Shows AA time when you expand a HIT in the search
MTurk Max Job Window Height JS - Limit height of job window iFrame on
Mturk Logout Time JS - This will show your estimated auto logout time and display a warning when the time drops below 30 minutes.
mmmturkeybacon Show Only HIT Posts JS - Show only posts that contain links to mturk.
Text Captcha Alert JS - Alerts when a captcha is encountered.
Amazon Requester Inc Yes/No JS - Use keys to select options in the Mturk Hit
Turkdigo Pace Calculator JS - Calculate the pace at which you need to complete HITs to earn a target minimum wage.
DCI New HIT Monitor - Party Edition JS - Scans first 3 pages of new HITs for your search terms.
mmmturkeybacon Last HITs Previewed JS - Shows a log of the last 50 HITs that were previewed. This can aid you in saving a HIT to look at later, examining a HIT's contents after it has been submitted, contacting a requester, looking at turkopticon ratings, or sharing a HIT. MTurk Great HIT Export and mmmturkeybacon Color Coded Search with Checkpoints should execute after this script so they operate correctly on the page it generates. To see the last 50 HITs previewed visit:
CH Amazon ASIN Adder JS - Display ASIN after product links in search results, and after the title on a product page; plus, the dash is a short product link. Note that Amazon often uses AJAX to change search page content without reloading the new URL, in which case you won't see this script's ASINs on the new results; simply hit Refresh/F5 when this happens, and then the ASINs should appear.
Mturk Unqualified Contact JS - Adds a contact link to unqualified hit capsules
Next survey page Mturk JS - Hit the "{" (left curly brace) key, submit the survey page
DTs Dashboard Charts JS - Adds charts to the mturk dashboard
Requester ID && Auto Approval Time (Formatted) JS - Displays the Requester ID in case they change their name and the HIT's auto approval time
Dark mTurk Pages JS - inverts mturk page color
DCI New HIT Monitor for mturk (classic version) JS - Monitors for new HITs from requesters on your list
Focus mTurk IFrame JS - Focus the Mechanical Turk IFrame. Useful for many HITs, especially those that use keyboard controls.
DCI New HIT Monitor for mturk (with links) (mralaska version) JS - Monitors for new HITs from requesters on your list
Hit Forker Fork - "Forking Over 9000" Installer JS - Fork of Hit Forker. Adds extra fields (e.g., requester rejection rate), simplifies others (realtime feed values are simplified to symbols in order to read them more quickly), adds new features (e.g., home-row key accept for realtime feed), makes feed more readable (low-rated HITs are semitransparent, "caveman-speak" for narrow windows to convey only important details).
MTurk resize iframe and setfocus JS - Resizes the Mechanical Turk (MTurk) HIT iframe to 1200 and automatically sets the focus to the iframe.
Hit Timer Fixed JS - This is an edited version of Hit Timer 0.1 that fixes the compatibility issues with Firefox and adds support for auto-accepted HITs. Tested and working in Firefox 26 and Chrome 32.
[MTurk Worker] HIT Exporter JS - Allows you to export HITs as formatted text with short, plain, bbcode or markdown styling.
MTURK IC3 Speech QA HITs quick play w/hotkey JS - Auto play sound clip when clicking on a new tab (hotkeys for tabs 1 - 12 are letters q - p , the '[' key for tab 11, and the ']' key for tab 12 )
Turkmaster (Mturk) JS - A page-monitoring web app for Mturk (Mechanical Turk) designed to make turking more efficient. Easily monitor mturk search pages and requesters and Auto-Accept the HITs you missed.
Custom Google Search for Mturk JS - A new window will open and search the highlighted words and saved words.
CH Export MTurk Quals JS - Exports your Mturk qualifications as tab-separated values - adapted from mmmturkeybacon Export Mturk History.
MTurk A9 Category Validation-Windows JS - Assists with Category Validation HITs--modified from @tubedogg's script to be friendly with Windows
JR Mturk Noblis Image Finder Helper JS - Makes it easier to select answer for images of people.
John White HIT Helper JS - Turns company name into a Google search link or turns the website address into a clickable link.
ZSMTurker's HIT Scraper Extended Fork JS - Template for specific scrapers.
Turkmaster (Mturk) JS - A page-monitoring web app for Mturk (Mechanical Turk) designed to make turking more efficient. Easily monitor mturk search pages and requesters and Auto-Accept the HITs you missed.
HIT Export Mod for HIT Catcher JS - Adds panda and once links to HIT exports
HIT Area Expander (with compact interface mod) JS - Adds a button to change the height of the working area for the hit.
Facebook HIT Export (regular links) JS - Export HIT information for posting on Facebook (long link version)
Mturk Worker Queue Advancer JS - Advances to next HIT in queue for
I don't want to Install Google Chrome JS - Hides the "Install Google Chrome" message.
[MTurk Worker] Status Page Searchable Requesters JS - Turns the requester name into a link that searches for their HITs on status detail pages
mturk request rate reloader JS - Automatically reloads pages which hit the refresh rate wall.
SOJM (Slow Or Just Me?) Installer JS - Is it slow on Amazon Mechanical Turk? Install this script to tell whether MTurk is slow for everyone, or just for you. Averages, leaderboards, leagues, and rivalries. This script will prompt you to install SOJM the first time you visit your dashboard on mTurk after installing.
mmmturkeybacon Numbered Google Results (with 10-per-page mod) JS - Numbers Google search results in the format M.N (page number, and result number 1-10 on that page). Google Instant should be disabled.
CH Precise Percents JS - Adds a more precise/accurate/honest display of your approved/rejected percentages and stats qual values to the MTurk dashboard.
mTurk Title Bar Timer / Wage - Fork JS - Title bar timer/counter for MTurk
mTurk HITs Accepted on Dashboard JS - This script is for mTurk. Shows the number of hits you have accepted and lists the first page of them on your dashboard.
(mTurk) Dave Cobb HIT Helper JS - (mTurk) Press "1" to select "Yes, we missed some faces/heads!" and advance. Press "2" to select "No, every single face/head has been found." and advance. "3" submits.
Mturk Qualification Database and Scraper JS - Scrape, display, sort and search your Mturk qualifications
Page Background Grey JS - (mTurk) Changes the page background from white to grey
[Worker MTurk] Group Id History JS - Saves the most recently viewed source for all different type of HITs
MTurk Message Receiver JS - Used in conjuction with other scripts to automatically open windows from links contained in HITs
JR Mturk Panda Crazy Helper - Temp JS - A script add on for Panda Crazy sending commands to main script.
CH MTurk HIT Link Cleanup JS - On Oct 12, 2016, Amazon added a bunch of useless garbage variables to all the HIT links on MTurk search results pages, making your browser history no longer able to change the link color of HITs you've already visited. This script removes the garbage from those links so your browser history can work properly again. And if you put it first in your userscript execution order, it should also fix some other scripts that were affected by this garbage.
Mturk Background Color JS - Change the background color in Mturk.
CH Google Color-Coded Results JS - Change background color of Google search ad areas and other special types of results. Google Instant should be disabled.
AJ Ghergich Helper (MTurk) JS - A simple helper script for AJ Ghergich email HITs on MTurk (Mechanical Turk). It linkifies the URL, automatically focuses on the email input box and makes it easier to select the "Not found" button.
MTurk: Google Search Ranking JS - Click on the circle task number indicators on the left to start working
MTurk Worst Case Scenario Calculator JS - Shows what your approval rate would be in worst case scenario. This version was patched by Austin3600, since the original hasn't been updated since 2012 and is broken with new dashboard.
Mturk Multi Layer Master Cats JS - Keys A,S,D,F,G assigned to choices top to bottom, Key E to submit.
Mturk autoaccept hits on forums JS - Puts a button that will accept all Hits on forum page
HIT Database Backup JS - Does things...
CH MTurk Qualifications Wrapper JS - Word-wraps long qualifications on individual HIT pages, with better multi-script compatibility. Now also word-wraps the HIT links cells on search results pages.
CH Remaining HITs Replicator JS - Replicates the 'HITs Available' number underneath the HIT work area for ease of reference.
Preview, Accept and Hoard JS - Adds an Accept and Hoard link to every Hit Capsule.
Backspace Means Backspace JS - Prevents Back action on Backspace key
MTurk Worst Case Scenario Calculator + Gauge JS - Shows what your approval rate would be in worst case scenario
Preview | Accept JS - Splits Preview link into Preview | Accept links.
General: Requester ID JS - Displays the Requester ID in the dashboard and HIT search.
Webs Image Filter (safe version) JS - Pre-set all Webs Image Filter images to OK/clean.
Move Turk Timer JS - Move the Amazon Mechanical Turk timer to the bottom of the screen
Mturk ID Copy/Paste for New Layout JS - For Amazon Mechanical Turk (Mturk). Places an unobtrusive button on survey pages which provides quick access to copy your mTurk worker ID by copy and paste or drag and drop. This version is a derivative of swole_hamster's work.
mmmturkeybacon Bad Link Fixer JS - Sometimes requesters will leave off the protocol at the beginning of a URL; for example, instead of This results in bad links that look like This script prepends "http://" to links that don't start with "http" or "/". I'm not sure if it makes sense for any HIT to use relative links. It's possible this script might break valid links. It's best to leave it disabled until you need it.
[MTurk Worker] Auto Accept Unchecker JS - Keeps the auto accept next hit checkbox always unchecked.
RelevanceQuest HIT Helper JS - (mTurk) Selects all "Non Adult" radio buttons in "Flag images - (WARNING: This HIT may contain adult content. Worker discretion is advised.)" Clicking on an image flags it as explicit. Clicking on an image twice flags it as fetish. Right clicking on an image flags it as gruesome. Middle clicking an image flags it as suggestive.
MTurk Research Tasks Keyboard Shortcuts JS - Add keyboard shortcuts to MTurk requester Research Task's HITs
CH Requester Results Refinements JS - Use the MTurk 'All HITs' search filter options on individual requester results pages too. Displays which filter settings you used, and adds contact and TO links, even on 'no results' requester pages.
MTurk HIT Tabulator JS - Opens HITs in a single dedicated tab
Mturk PandaPush JS - Mturk PandaPush; Pushbullet/Telegram for Panda Crazy
Mturk Single Layer Master Cats JS - Keys A,S,D,F,G assigned to choices top to bottom.
Multi tab for Mturk JS - Adds Multi Tab link to open hits in 6 tabs
mTurkThemes JS - This script provides a UI that allows you to make and share themes for
mTurk - Highlight Masters JS - Highlights hits for masters on mturk.
Personal Turkmaster - Whisper Theme - Left Dock JS - A page-monitoring web app for Mturk (Mechanical Turk) designed to make turking more efficient. Easily monitor mturk search pages and requesters and Auto-Accept the HITs you missed.
CH Reload Frame Button JS - Adds a reload button on pages loaded in an iframe/frame. For more convenient access than the right-click menu, or for browser versions which don't have that menu command. Also shows the frame's URL in the button's mouseover text.
IRC Export (reformatted output mod) JS - Export HIT information for IRC chat
mmmturkeybacon Remove Embedded Video JS - Removes embedded videos from mturk forums and replaces them with links to the videos.
Custom Mturk Tab Titles JS - Adds new settings to the very bottom of your Dashboard page that allow you to set tab titles for urls.
Amazon Category Validation for Mturk JS - Categorize
Skill-capped video downloader JS - Download and merge video segments,
Mturk logo change JS - This will change the Mturk logo image on Dashboard to a gif of money.
MTurk 13D Data Extraction JS - Make it easier to copy/paste data for 13D Data Extraction HITs