There are libraries posted by Greasy Fork users that you can @require
in your scripts. For other kinds of libraries you can @require
, read Greasy Fork's policy on @require
"@grant none" Shim JS (Library) - Emulates the GM_ APIs as closely as possible, using modern browser features like DOM storage; tweaked to work properly in Tampermonkyey
$.alert JS (Library) - Create Simple Alert Messages with jQuery and Bootstrap - alert.js
$Boolean JS (Library) - Handles persistent storage of boolean values.
$Config JS (Library) - Allows users to configure scripts
* Common: getBuildings JS (Library) - Fragt alle Gebäude ab, speichert sie im SessionStorage ab und stellt eine Funktion zum Abrufen zur Verfügung
* Common: getVehicles JS (Library) - Fragt alle Fahrzeuge ab, speichert sie im SessionStorage ab und stellt eine Funktion zum Abrufen zur Verfügung
* Common: IndexedDB JS (Library) - Stellt Funktionen zum Speichern und Abrufen von Daten in der IndexedDB bereit
* Not A Server Crashing Script JS (Library) - It's obvious what this script does...
00-公共函数 JS (Library) - 公共函数
033-native JS (Library) - 033 native
1-前台登录 JS (Library) - 前台登录
1. Greasemonkey Emulation JS (Library) - Emulate the Greasemonkey GM_* functions for other browsers.
1. 当事人 2. 党的十九届 JS (Library) - 2022/5/31上午12:15:19
115推送工具 JS (Library) - 推送磁力或ed2k链接到115。需要当前浏览器已登录到115
12-snowy JS (Library) - 网页飘雪的具体实现-12
123456789665258 JS (Library) - 123456789665258我
12348rufa JS (Library) - 2022普法练习题目答案
14-snowy JS (Library) - 网页飘雪的具体实现-14
- 中文化插件 - 中文词库规则 JS (Library) - 18xx 中文化插件 - 中文词库规则
1p3a_qa JS (Library) - 1p3a_script的题库
2-17-模板浏览 JS (Library) - 模板浏览
2-后台 JS (Library) - 后台
2.1-切换用户 JS (Library) - 切换用户
2.10-基因返还 JS (Library) - 基因返还
2.11-基因QC JS (Library) - 基因QC
2.12-基因新订单 JS (Library) - 基因新订单
2.13-安排合成 JS (Library) - 安排合成
2.14-反应生产 JS (Library) - 反应生产
2.15-测序入财务 JS (Library) - 测序入财务
2.16-模板生产 JS (Library) - 模板生产
2.18-样品补送 JS (Library) - 样品补送
2.2-订单管理 JS (Library) - 描述-订单管理
2.20-模板排版 JS (Library) - 模板排版
2.21-合成费用 JS (Library) - 合成费用
2.22-合成订单完成 JS (Library) - 合成订单完成
2.23-合成入财务 JS (Library) - 合成入财务
2.24-库存管理 JS (Library) - 库存管理
2.3-测序样品 JS (Library) - 测序样品
2.4-课题组管理 JS (Library) - 课题组管理
2.5-自备引物 JS (Library) - 自备引物
2.6-合成订单 JS (Library) - 合成订单
2.7-合成样品 JS (Library) - 合成样品
2.8-客户管理 JS (Library) - 客户管理
2.9-测序文件 JS (Library) - 测序文件
20114- (safe from google trackers) JS (Library) - you should have not added the google ad tracker or do i misunderstand?
20161226_01_load_github_mobile JS (Library) - Fuer mobile Endgeraete mit Dolphin-Browser
2021-2022 JS (Library) - 青骄第二课堂禁毒知识竞赛2021-2022版题库
22222 JS (Library) - 333333
2ch autoHide imageComparator bytecode JS (Library) - Байткод сравнения картинок
2ch autoHide images spam-list JS (Library) - Спам-лист картинок
321 JS (Library) - 3363
333 JS (Library) - 989898989
3939-FOOD-BOT JS (Library) - 食物品名
91-plus-mux-mp4 JS (Library) - mux-mp4.js
@mantine_nprogress-umd JS (Library) - UMD of @mantine/nprogress
@mantine_store-umd JS (Library) - UMD of @mantine/store
@mantine᜵charts-umd JS (Library) - UMD build of @mantine/charts
@mantine᜵core-umd JS (Library) - UMD of @mantine/core
@mantine᜵dates-umd JS (Library) - UMD of @mantine/dates
@mantine᜵dropzone-umd JS (Library) - A UMD build of @mantine/dropzone
@mantine᜵hooks-umd JS (Library) - UMD of @mantine/hooks
@suchipi/jsxdom JS (Library) - Create DOM elements with a createElement-like jsx function
@xyflow᜵react JS (Library) - A UMD build of @xyflow/react
@xyflow᜵system JS (Library) - A UMD build of @xyflow/system
[AoR] GameAPI JS (Library) - GameAPI
[DP] PlanetDP MAL ID Eşleştirme Kütüphanesi JS (Library) - PlanetDP'deki anime sayfalarındaki sezonlar ile MAL ID'lerin eşleştirildiği dökuman. Başka betiklere veri servis etmek içindir.
[GC | Library] - Highlight and sort 15 NP stocks JS (Library) - Automatically identifies cheapest buyable stocks for easily selecting a stock to purchase.
[GC | Library] - SSW: Savvy Shop Wiz JS (Library) - Library to call.
[GC | Library] Organize SW Results JS (Library) - Blocked users can be synced but do not actually change anything in the SW results yet.
[GC] - Avatar Data Helper JS (Library) - Beta, not complete.
[GC] - Kadoatery Details Helper JS (Library) - Checks if feeding a kad was successful and logs the results to pass through a Discord webhook.
[GC] - Map Prizes Helper JS (Library) - Prize list last updated 1/26/24.
[GC] - Underwater Fishing Prizes Library JS (Library) - Prizes worth sending webhooks for.
[Library] - GS ENCH JS (Library) - Library For GameSense 2.1
[LIBRARY] InjectorLib JS (Library) - Contains several functions for injecting html/js/css
[OUTDATED] ESP; Library Version (clean) JS (Library) - Simple ESP script for (Library Version, Clean)
[TS] USO-Updater JS (Library) - An advanced USO Script Updater
[YouTube] Auto add Text in ChatBox JS (Library) - Auto add Text in ChatBox.
[归档] 上海市大学生安全教育在线 - 题库 - 1805条 JS (Library) - 上海市大学生安全教育在线 已经没了,此脚本已归档。缺失第 10, 11, 12, 350, 351, 352, 418, 1148 条,似乎已在服务器端被删除。
A library dedicated to anti-debugging of js (non-original) JS (Library) - This is a library for anti-debugging JavaScript, the code of this library must not be used for any illegal purpose. If you decide to use this library, you are responsible for its possible consequences.
Abnormal Menu JS (Library) - This is a JavaScript script that creates a menu for scripts.
about_and_feedback_components JS (Library) - 个人项目自用关于和问题反馈组件
Absolute Visibility JS (Library) - Makes tabs and windows think they're visible even when they're not.
ab站背景更改css JS (Library) - ab站背景更改css样式表2.0
ab站背景更改css脚本 JS (Library) - ab站背景更改css样式表
ACGN-Stock股票事件監聽 JS (Library) - 監聽ACGN網頁變化並給予Addevent
ACGN-Stock股票事件監聽 JS (Library) - 監聽ACGN網頁變化並給予Addevent
Activation and Login Code Library JS (Library) - A library for generating, storing, and exposing activation and login codes for other scripts.
AC偏序0907 JS (Library) - AC偏序
add-download-btn JS (Library) - add "DOWNLOAD" button to image
addjs JS (Library) - 动态加载库
addqrcode JS (Library) - qrcode
addScriptsMenu JS (Library) - Add a "Scripts" section in the WME menu
addStyle JS (Library) - add Style without GM_addStyle
Ads DOM Remover Runner JS (Library) - Library - Removes Ad Containers from DOM (doesn't replace adblocker extension, but blocks dynamic content which the adblocker fails to block by removing whole sections from the HTML DOM.)
AerO-Ogar-JS.js JS (Library) - an extension add
aes.js JS (Library) - slowAES algorithm implementation
AFK-command Library JS (Library) - Library for Ventero's AFK-command script
AGARIO Vanilla (harambroa) JS (Library) - Official Javascript client from 2015/2016 before emsscripten.