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Login reminder popup remover (developement ceased - not up to date) JS - Removes the nagging login popups and banners from mobile and desktop versions of Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, Twitter, Quora, VK, Pinterest, Tumblr, Twitch and from the mobile versions of Youtube and TikTok.
Twitch Auto Channel Points Claimer JS - Automatically claim channel points.
Twitch - Disable automatic video downscale JS - Disables the automatic downscaling of Twitch streams while tabbed away
Auto Claim Twitch drop JS - Auto clicking "Click to claim a drop" under the chat
twitchAdSkip JS - Bezos is already too rich;i didn't make this
Play with MPV JS - Play videos and songs on the website via mpv-handler
[DEPRECATED] Twitch Adblock JS - [DEPRECATED] Please use instead
Twitch - Mute ads and optionally hide them JS - Automatically mutes the Twitch player when an advertisement started and unmute it once finished. You can also hide ads by setting disableDisplay to true.
pttchatonyoutube JS - Connect ptt pushes to youtube chatroom
Privacy Redirector JS - Redirect social media platforms to their privacy respecting frontends
Twitch Auto Claim Drops JS - Automatically claim Twitch Drops, display progress in the tab, and if not finished when the stream ends, it will automatically find another Drops-enabled stream and continue farming. Customizable settings in the code.
Auto Close Twitch Ads JS - Close, mute or hide Twitch video ads automatically while watching a stream!
The Internet gets better: No Cookies 🍪 JS - First version: gets rid of cookies 🍪🍪🍪 Let me know wich website it doesn't work on
Enhance twitch JS - Auto click claim bonus (channel points and moments), Show images/video in chat, always source quality, hide offline channels and more
Giveaway Helper JS - Enhances Steam key-related giveaways
Twitch auto get bonus JS - Auto get 50 reward.
Auto click bonus points on JS - Auto clicking "Click to claim a bonus" under the chat
Twitch Player Plus JS - Various tweaks to the Twitch HTML5 player UI
Twitch - Refresh on Advert JS - Detects placeholder ads and refreshes the page, or for FFZ users, resets the player.
AutoClaim Point Twitch | by MjKey JS - AutoClaim Point Twitch | +50 Passives
Survivio | Enhanced | JS - Enhanced | UI-HUD | Menu Buttons | Streamer Mode | Adblocker |
Gaston's - Video/Image Downloader JS - Instagram/Twitch/YouTube/TikTok Video/Audio Downloader (frequently updated)
Twitch BetterTTV without extension JS - This script load bttv without having to download the extension;
Twitch Auto Claim Drop JS - This script will check for the updates on the invertory page and claim rewards when received.
Twitch - Auto Channel Points JS - Automatically claim channel points
* Streaming Comment Reader chan JS - It reads comment text on streaming sites by speech synthesis.
dismiss cookies warning JS - Agrees to the cookies dialog to make it disappear forever
auto-task-v4 JS - 自动完成 Freeanywhere,Giveawaysu,GiveeClub,Givekey,Gleam,Indiedb,keyhub,OpiumPulses,Opquests,SweepWidget 等网站的任务。
Twitch Ad Fix JS - Code author:
FrankerFaceZ JS - Loads the main FrankerFaceZ script in browsers that don't support the extension but do support UserScripts; updated from and may break in your browser, UserScript version does not reflect actual FFZ version.
Twitch Ad Skipper JS - Script to skip ad placeholder (i.e. purple screen of doom when ads are blocked)
My Twitch Drop Claimer JS - automatically clicks the "Claim" button
Colorblind Mode | JS - options for Colorblind Persons
Anti-Autoplay on Twitch JS - Disable Autoplay on Twitch's Homepage
Monster Twitch JS - Stretches stream to max width and hides left navigation bar with an Monster toggle that's to the right of the volume rocker
Bigger Twitch JS - Removes the left nav bar entirely and stretches the twitch player to use as much space as possible.
ValorantDropFarmer JS - Farm twitch drops automatically from your browser
"TwitchPleb" JS - "Free subscriber emotes"
Twitch Clip Downloader JS - adds a download link to twitch clips
Twitch Turbo + Updated JS - Block all Twitch ads, auto-claim bonus points, auto-join raids, add clip download link, and promote Discord server
Twitch CHANNEL POINTS Clicker JS - Automatic Twitch CHANNEL POINTS Clicker
Remove ads Twitch JS - Continue to view twitch stream when ad
FrankerFaceZ JS - FrankerFaceZ gives Twitch users custom chat emotes and introduces new features to improve the viewing experience.
Twitch Beautify JS - Live page: Auto-beautify, auto-collapse buttons on mouse hover, auto-trigger replay function. Home page: Restore original style, auto-pause and mute, draggable and scalable live window.
BetterTwitchTV for FrankerFaceZ JS - Better Twitch TV emotes for FrankerFaceZ
Twitch Scroll Wheel Volume JS - Scroll wheel volume control for Twitch
Twitch Channel Points Chest Auto Opener JS - Automatically click channel points bonus button
Twitch RaidHammer - Easily ban multiple accounts during hate raids JS - A tool for moderating Twitch easier during hate raids
Twitch Translate Chat Messages JS - Double-Click to Translate Twitch Chat Messages
Twitch - Auto Theatre JS - Automatically click theatre mode button
twitch spam filter JS - this script reduces twitch's chat spam
Twitch helper JS - Auto claim bonus and automatically restart the player if an error occurs
TwitchVODEnhancer JS - Find the most interesting moments in Videos (VODs).
Chat GPT Twitch Adblocker JS - Blocks ads
Twitch Material Design JS - Materialize Twitch
Hide Twitch SideBar JS - hide twitch sidebar
Twitch Plays Pokemon - Command Filtering & Spamming Tool JS - Adds tools to your chatbox for spamming chat and filtering out commands from chat.
Twitch chat cleaner JS - Add spam controls and filters to twitch chat.
Twitch Latency on Player Controls JS - Takes the Latency to Broadcaster in the video settings menu and places it in the player controls
Twitch Multi-Redirect JS - Redirect Twitch with options
Twitch Latency Overlay (EMBEDDED) JS - Latency to Broadcaster Overlay (customizable, see more in the code section).(FOR EMBEDDED/ADBLOCK VERSION) - Edited version of
Twitch - Images Link to Image JS - Convert the url images to the real images!
Twitch fullscreen with comments JS - Enter fullscreen mode with comments UI overlayed on the side with opacity
TrueTheaterMode - JS - Removes the small black bar that appears under the twitch player in theatre mode
Remove Twitch Chat JS - remove all twitch chat messages in a click
Get Channel Points Twitch JS - Script that automatically get Twitch channel point chests.
Twitch Stop Autoplay JS - Tries to stop autoplay on Twitch home page.
Twitch Chat Anti-Ban JS - This script automatically opens a proxy chat to channels where you are banned.
Twitch Auto Channel Point Claimer JS - Now auto claim bonus channel points when afk or watching the stream in fullscreen
Twitch - Redirect Videos (VoDs) to Popout Player Version JS - Save CPU usage by redirecting Twitch Videos (VoDs) to popout player version
Civilized Twitch Chat JS - Turns the Twitch chat into a civilized chat room by removing spam, all caps messages, repeated phrases, repeated messages, banned messages, repeated letters and more.
Twitch: Compact Chat JS - Larger video in theater mode with smaller chat and emote zoom on hover
Twitch Tab Completion (compatible with BTTV) JS - Tab completion for emotes (and users) also add chat history. BetterTTV
Twitch Prevent Autoplay JS - Prevents Autoplay in embedded Twitch Players
Twitch PiP button JS - Add picture in picture button to player.
Cobalt Tools Video Downloader JS - Adds a context menu item that downloads the current page's video.
Twitch Chroma Chat JS - Chroma Key Style Background for Twitch Chat
TwitchTV Never Autoplay JS - Mainly targets the forced autoplay on the homepage.
Twitch Re Enable Save Clip JS - Re Enables Right Click Save As
Twitch Prime Reminder JS - Adds a reminder of who you used your Twitch Prime sub on and when it expires to the Subscribe button modal
Twitch Latency Overlay (NON EMBEDDED) JS - Latency to Broadcaster Overlay (customizable, see more in the code section).(NON EMBEDDED/ADBLOCK VERSION) - Edited version of
Twitch Auto Rewarding JS - Auto rewarding channel points on Twitch.
Twitch Player Quality Changer JS - Automatically change the quality of the Twitch player to your liking.
- Channel Points Auto-clicker JS - Clicks the green gift button for you
- chat Translation JS - Add a button to the website that opens a menu to translate messages to the chat.
Twitch Auto Reward JS - xqcL
Twitch, I don't like change JS - Undo the nasty parts of the new twitch layout
Twitch Un-raid JS - Go back to the channel where you were a few minutes after a raid
Twitch, Fullscreen mode with chat JS - Enable fullscreen mode with chat when click fullscreen button or key down f key on theater mode
Twitch Drop Auto-Claim JS - Auto-Claims drops, while attempting to evade bot detection and claim quickly.
Twitch: Full Theater JS - Hides/Resizes elements preventing video from displaying in the full window while using Theater Mode
Twitch Prime Loot Claim All Button JS - Embeds a button into the twitch prime loot element to automatically claim all of the offers automatically without having to scroll through all of the million items you may/may not have.
Twitch.TV Above The Chat Bar Hider JS - Removes annoying top bar above chat that displays the buttons 'Chat' & 'Videos'
Twitch remove referrer=raid JS - automatically remove ?referrer=raid from twitch urls
Rust Twitch Drop bot JS - Twitch Auto Claim, Drop, change channel and auto track progress
Twitch bot detector JS - Запрашивает у api количество зрителей и юзеров в чате, сравнивает показатели и выводит над чатом
BetterTTV JS - This script loads BetterTTV.
twitch auto loot (24.01.2022 working) JS - 14.7.2020, 13:40:04