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linkToDub JS - Add Links to Dub Projects
Shikimori Review Rate & Sorting JS - Shows user's compatibility rating next to their review on shikimori. Sorting by relevance is available with double-clicking on review's category title
Shikimori: last currently released episode JS - Shows the date of the last currently released episode
Shikimori Live v2 [Watch Anime Online] JS - Userscript of the Shikimori Live project. Returns the "Watch Online" button in the anime page on the site.
Shikimori Live v2 [Watch Anime Online] JS - Userscript of the Shikimori Live project. Returns the "Watch Online" button in the anime page on the site.
Shikimori Live v2 [Watch Anime Online] JS - Userscript of the Shikimori Live project. Returns the "Watch Online" button in the anime page on the site.
Shiki Anilibria JS - Adds original anilibria online player to the shikimori
Shiki OtherAnime JS - Adds other external anime online player to the shikimori
ShikiLinker JS - Redirect button for Shikimori that redirects to Anime 365
Shiki Listing Direct Chronology Link Addition JS - Chronology button addition
shikimori-ext JS - add button
ReYohoho for Shikimori JS - Open ReYohoho directly from