Showing English results only. Show results for all languages.
Google Scholar Sci-hub Link JS - Display sci-hub link if the paper is available on sci-hub.
bilibili-guest JS - Prevent automatic pause playback and login pop-ups
Swap Footer Buttons JS - Swaps the "Mark as read" and "Show banned" buttons on's main page
2x24 JS - The best public script.
YouTube Ad Skipper JS - Skip ads on YouTube automatically. Hides ad elements, mutes ads during playback, removes ad slots, and provides an option to track total skipped ad time. Includes anti-adblock detection countermeasures.
Remove Google Ads by Query ID JS - Remove any Google ads from the page with a data-google-query-id attribute
Hardware Acceleration and Web Performance Enhancer JS - Toggle hardware acceleration and enhance web performance without logging users out
- Focus Search Hotkey (Ctrl+/) JS - Focus the search input on Ctrl+/ key press
Nitro for bots?!20mill! 100% not skid JS - watispro no?
Remove Gradient Dimming in Video Player on Prime Video JS - Removes the gradient dimming on the top of the video player on Prime Video
喜加一 JS - xiawanshe.com一键领取喜加一游戏
AK Box JS - a box
Less Distracting YouTube JS - Remove video suggestions on home/watch pages
Hacker News - Remove 'Add comment' box JS - Remove 'Add comment' box
Hacker News - Open in tabs JS - Open links in new tabs
nicovideo-autoplay-canceler JS - ニコニコ動画で動画の自動再生が開始された直後に自動的に一時停止します。停止に少しラグがあるため、停止時の再生時間が3秒未満の場合は0秒まで戻します。「nicovideo-next-video-canceler」「nicovideo-player-expander」は別のスクリプトです。
Drawaria Image Canvas Importer JS - Import Images Directly to Drawaria Canvas
Scroll Page Progress JS - Visual indicator of page progress while scrolling
WaniKani Prefetch Audio JS - 21/8/2024, 5:09:39 PM
AddNewIssueButton JS - Adds an issue creation button to GitHub repository pages.
- (minor changes) JS - autorespawn(auto ad watcher with 2min timer), leader arrow + minimap arrow, FOV & diepUnits & windowScaling() calculator, Factory controls overlay, bullet distance (FOR EVERY BULLET SPEED BUILD) of 75% tanks, copy party link, leave game, no privacy settings button, no advertisment, net_predict_movement false
Jack Role Play Скрипт by M.Extra JS - Для Кураторов Форума
Disable JavaScript with (noscript) JS - Disable JavaScript on websites when "(noscript)" is added to the URL
AnimeFLV-auto-skip-Mega-addon JS - Set video on fullscreen and send data to AnimeFLV addon
Block the terms alert on LMSYS JS - Blocks the JS alert that pops up when you open the site
TorrentBD-Torrent Downloader JS - A Scripts that donwload torrent file from torrentBD. Just Config the UserConfig you are done.
AnimeFlV auto skip JS - This script will try to autoplay videos and also when its ending the episode, will reproduce next.
Text Book PDF Link Extractor for Smartedu JS - Extract and display links from Smartedu's text books
Rubric Marks to csv for Google Classroom JS - Export rubric marks from Google Classroom assignment to a .csv file
leetcode enhanced code editor JS - unlocks Intellisense on leetcode for free
Hide Premiere/Upcoming Videos in YouTube Search results until they release. JS - Hide Premiere/Upcoming Videos in YouTube Search results until they release. It doesn't hide normal and live videos.
Thumb Everything JS - Thumbs the hell out of everything.
Side party JS - 05/08/2024, 18:48:28]
GET parameters for Caisse d'Epargne bankwire JS - Fill bank account informations when performing a new bankwire
- Header Remover JS - Removes the header.
nicovideo-next-video-canceler JS - Automatically click next video cancel button on nicovideo.
- gold bots JS - creates bots moving to you
- New cyan color JS - Adds a new cyan color to the color selection panel
自动关闭学习通AI助教 JS - 自动关闭AI助教
ZXOJ Better! JS - Add a button to redirect to ZXOJ (Partial)
Auto Close Slack Tab on Redirect JS - Auto close Slack's "We’ve redirected you to the desktop app." tabs.
monkey-yunxiao JS - 云效脚本
Anna's Archive Download Button for Z-Library JS - Adds a download button to Anna's Archive on z-library pages with book takedowns
双击显示密码明文 dbclick show password JS - 双击密码输入框显示密码明文,5秒后或者点击其他地方恢复加密 Double-click the password input box to display the password plaintext, after 5 seconds, or click elsewhere to restore the encryption
Amazon Search Result Enhancer JS - Enhance Amazon search results by adding numbers, advertisement IDs, and Best Sellers Rank.
OUTDATED FPS Bypass read desc. JS - READ THIS: THIS MOD IS OUTDATED. USE MY 60FPS BUGFIX MOD INSTEAD. To use this mod with minimal lag, your computer must be able to maintain the fps that you input. Use multiples of 60 to ensure minimal lag. You can use any fps value you want, but 120 and 180 will have the least lag. Thank you to Taxin for forcing me to create this. Thank you to Ancient for inspiring me to make something that actually works, unlike his client's fps uncap.
- index.html Override Script JS - Allows you to upload a modified version of Starblast's index.html file. Works the same way as a local override would. Intended to make modifying the game's code and making some simple mods for the game easier.
Advanced Search Assistant for Google JS - Add an advanced search form to the top of the page
Button Remover JS - Removes the "Explore Premium" and "Install App" buttons from Spotify web player.
Anilist Auto Refresh on Session Expiry JS - Refresh the page if session expired message appears and the page is focused
Cqmbo Client for YT! JS - Anti - Adblocker Removal, Download Video, Auto Like & More!
BonkBarChanger JS - you can change the style in the script
Summernote to Markdown for Kanka JS - Adds bidirectional Markdown conversion to Kanka editors
SubsPlease Keep Track of Watched Episodes JS - Keep track of which episodes have been clicked on on
tau and pi chat spam JS - lol!!!
- global chat JS - Replaces the text at the bottom of the page with an IRC client that allows to have a global chat! You can also use the webpage at
- Display My Ping JS - Displays ping in the top left of the screen.
Twitter Interests: Uncheck All (Stealth Mode) JS - Unchecks all Interests on the Twitter/X Interests page very slowly and randomly with human-like behavior
Memeflag hider v3 JS - hides memeflag threads and replies, updated 04/08/2024
Consistent Player Control - Youtube JS - 2024/2/23下午11:35:42
Resize Image On "Open image in new tab" v2 JS - Support: Google(blogspot YouTube)\Tumblr\Twitter\Steam(Only user content)\ArtStation\Pinimg\Weibo\Reddit (And more...
- Map Counter JS - Counts maps and displays the count on the top left of the "Level Select" menu.
SWDR alternative EAP sound JS - Changes the EAP Sound to an alternative one.
CloudFlare Turnstile Token Generator JS - bypass cloudflare turnstile token generator
zhihuPostCopy JS - zhihu Post Copy
Image Gallery Extractor JS - Extracts images over 100 px and displays them in a gallery
SWDR attached Nav Bar JS - Attaches the Nav element to the top and adds a spacer to the content
SWDR EAP Tab animation fix JS - Fixes EAP Tab animation
FR24X JS - This userscript calculates the distance and bearing between an observer and an aircraft given their respective latitudes, longitudes, and altitudes.
Edge Translator For code JS - Fixed a bug where the contents of Microsoft Translate code tags were misaligned
自动刷新页面 JS - 每30秒自动刷新页面
Extract RHYTHM-play arcaea password from video JS - Read cards in the video for you
Redirect YouTube to WaniKani 30 JS - Lockout window for WaniKani reviews, prompt for API token if not set, check hourly, and optionally check for lessons. Active only between 5 AM and 11 PM. Opens WaniKani in a new tab and pauses YouTube video. Supports snooze functionality.
Dim Watched YouTube Videos JS - Dim the thumbnails of watched videos on YouTube
Table to Excel Downloader JS - Detect tables and add a download button to export them to Excel
NoteQuota infinite script JS - yoooo infinite note quota!!!!!!
AdMaven (LootLabs) Bypass JS - Bypass AdMaven (LootLabs) Links within seconds!
Hypixel Skyblock Fandom Wiki Redirect JS - Automatically redirects Hypixel Skyblock Fandom Wiki links to the official wiki.
ToAlphaXiv JS - Add AlphaXiv link to arXiv abstract page
Coinbase Pro Auto Trader JS - Automatically trade on Coinbase Pro based on trading indicators
Energy Manager Beautifier JS - Custom Enhancements I dream of seeing in EnergyManager Game.
Zoom autoclose JS - Autoclose the zoom page when zoom in launched
Script finder JS - press ctrl+shift+q to find scripts made for ther current site
Add MBin Article Archive Link JS - Add search link next to MBin links
Mission Finder JS - An automated mission name finder and search
2nd Gen Reddit UI JS - Reverts Reddit to 2nd Generation UI (
Grundos Cafe Pet Birthday Display JS - See the birthdates of neopets and their petpets on their pet lookup.
Wasteof Plugins JS - It's like vendetta but not for Discord, for wasteof, and it doesn't have themes or over a hundred plugins or is the cutest client mod for wasteof, and is basically nothing like vendetta
Windscribe Chrome Extension Region Auto Switcher JS - Doesn't actually work as a userscript, paste into console.
Remove Premium Sign Up JS - Remove the Premium Sign Up element on websites
Civitai Post Galery JS - Fit-to-screen image viewer for Civitai posts
TC RD Racing Guide 2.0 JS - description
Iul unlock JS - Unlock full version
Image Names JS - Load Image Pokemon Name By HyperBeam and RenjiYuusei
MahjongSoul VIP JS - Unlock Characters and Costumes
Paperless: default currency JS - Workaround to set the default currency for custom monetary fields in Paperless up to version 2.11.2.
Clipboard Image Paste Firefox to Stable Diffusion JS - Allows pasting images from clipboard into file inputs on
Copy Password from Ovagames JS - Copy "password: ###" from ovagames pages
Auto Click "Mark As Found" JS - Toggle between automatically clicking the "Mark as Found" and "Mark as Not Found" button on the Genshin Unofficial Map.