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Role Play Helper for ChatGPT&Slack JS - This script provides an intuitive template editor with three key areas: setting, review, and interaction. Users can construct templates in the setting area, then populate them with content from the review and interaction areas. A built-in "add" button fetches the latest AI message for instant insertion into the review area, making template editing straightforward and convenient.
Wider AI Chat↔️ JS - Make the AI chat dialog window wider for ChatGPT/Claude/Kimi/Tongyi/ChatGLM/Tiangong/Deepseek
ChatGPT Shortcut Anywhere JS - Toggle AiShort sidebar on the page
- Ultimate Chat Exporter JS - Adds "Export All Chats" and "Export Chat" buttons to
AI Chat Message Row Max-Width JS - Adjust Content Max-Width
Export Claude.Ai JS - Download the conversation with Claude
Claude Prompt Enhancer JS - Use predefined prompts by custom command
Widen and Add Padding Claude JS - Widen and add padding to specified elements
- ChatGPT NBME-uWorld Question Analysis Prompt & Paste JS - and script to prepend a prompt to the text on the clipboard.
Claude - Clear chat history JS - Adds a clear history button
- Full Screen Chat JS - Modifies the styles of to display the chat in full screen.
Export Claude.Ai v1.1-miniaturized JS - Download the conversation with Claude; works now on small screens.
Update Chat Page Title JS - Updates the page title on chat pages every 10 seconds
Export Claude.Ai JS - Download the conversation with Claude
Claude Token Login |解决Claude登录后封号问题 JS - 使用token登录Claude,解决Claude登录后封号问题🐎完美支持Claude官网和Claude镜像服务
增强的AI聊天界面 JS - 增强各种AI聊天平台的UI,提供更好的用户体验
- ShareGPT Exporter JS - Adds "Export Chat" buttons to
Mass Delete - Claude JS - Permanently delete conversations on
Claude Chat Downloader JS - Add download button to save Claude AI conversations in TXT, MD, or JSON format
Claude Usage Tracker JS - Helps you track your usage caps.
claudeSessionKeySwitch JS - 使用sessionKey自动登录claude(带蓝色切换按钮,使用下拉框持久显示当前Token,菜单在SessionKey按钮下方展开)
Claude TeX Renderer JS - Render LaTeX math formulas on the page using MathJax
Change Fonts and Styles JS - Change all fonts on to Arial and set background color to blue
Claude Temperature Control JS - Allows adjusting the temperature setting for Claude AI.
Upload To Gitlab Button for Chat JS - Adds an "Upload To Gitlab" button before the chat controls on chat pages
Claude responsive + customizations CSS - Claude website is more suitable for wide screens.
Pasted Content Copier JS - Add copy functionality to
Claude 3.6 renamer JS - Fix the name for Claude "3.5 Sonnet (New)". Make it "3.6 Sonnet" as it should have been released
Claude Chat Exporter JS - Allows exporting chat conversations from