True URL downloads

Decryption and Display the real URL of the download links.(of xunlei,kuaiche,xuanfeng;thunder,flashget,qqdl)

As of 2018-02-24. See the latest version.

Filter: Last 30 days Last 365 days All time

Daily installs

Weekly installs

Daily update checks

Raw data

Date Installs Update checks
2024-03-20 16 1,489
2024-03-21 9 1,445
2024-03-22 4 1,412
2024-03-23 15 1,260
2024-03-24 14 1,227
2024-03-25 19 1,555
2024-03-26 20 1,466
2024-03-27 10 1,494
2024-03-28 9 1,458
2024-03-29 10 1,409
2024-03-30 10 1,205
2024-03-31 8 1,187
2024-04-01 9 1,453
2024-04-02 20 1,428
2024-04-03 12 1,386
2024-04-04 11 1,088
2024-04-05 11 1,122
2024-04-06 12 1,162
2024-04-07 15 1,467
2024-04-08 16 1,456
2024-04-09 7 1,420
2024-04-10 10 1,418
2024-04-11 10 1,412
2024-04-12 8 1,414
2024-04-13 17 1,216
2024-04-14 17 1,212
2024-04-15 13 1,461
2024-04-16 10 1,413
2024-04-17 9 1,432
2024-04-18 6 1,310
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