TW Gold Jobs Finder (More Languages)

Shows a list of all silver and gold jobs!

Filter: Last 30 days Last 365 days All time

Daily installs

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Daily update checks

Raw data

Date Installs Update checks
2024-03-20 13 1,415
2024-03-21 7 1,380
2024-03-22 12 1,342
2024-03-23 12 1,233
2024-03-24 5 1,265
2024-03-25 5 1,414
2024-03-26 5 1,363
2024-03-27 3 1,352
2024-03-28 5 1,337
2024-03-29 10 1,178
2024-03-30 6 1,112
2024-03-31 1 1,102
2024-04-01 9 1,244
2024-04-02 6 1,378
2024-04-03 4 1,339
2024-04-04 11 1,361
2024-04-05 8 1,254
2024-04-06 4 1,124
2024-04-07 8 1,158
2024-04-08 5 1,358
2024-04-09 7 1,288
2024-04-10 5 1,353
2024-04-11 7 1,292
2024-04-12 5 1,262
2024-04-13 7 1,091
2024-04-14 7 1,136
2024-04-15 2 1,380
2024-04-16 2 1,307
2024-04-17 6 1,334
2024-04-18 4 737
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