Hide SDMB Forum Threads

Hides threads in SDMB vBulletin board (or other compatible boards).

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A Greasemonkey and Tampermonkey compatible user script that hides selected threads on the Straight Dope Message Board (SDMB) or other compatible vBulletin boards.

This script adds a "Hide" link to every thread in the forum display and search results pages. Clicking the link hides the thread immediately and in any subsequent load of the page. The thread can still be reached through links from other threads, subscription lists, or any means other than the forum display and search results page. The list of hidden threads is saved in local storage.

The script also includes a configuration page, reachable by the "Hidden Threads" link added at the end of the SDMB toolbar. On this page, you can check a box to hide all threads with [GAME] at the start of the title. The page also shows a list of all hidden threads and allows the user to edit the list if desired.

Potential issues: I have not tested the script with large numbers of hidden threads to determine if and when there will be performance issues. I observed no issues with up to at least 300 threads hidden. The script is intended for hiding long-running threads that clutter up the display; it is not intended for hiding every thread in which you have no interest. The Hidden Threads menu option does not show in the SultanTheme.

This script is provided as-is, with only limited support available. It is an independent, third-party effort and is not sponsored, supported, or endorsed by the SDMB.