Amazon Price Checker (FR, DE, ES, IT, BE, NL, UK, COM) + AliExpress

Maximize your savings by effortlessly comparing prices across, .de, .es, .it, .be, .nl,, and .com. Automatically detect coupons, enjoy fast dynamic result displays, access comprehensive price histories with CamelCamelCamel, convert prices to EUR based on current exchange rates, and find the best product alternatives on AliExpress with intelligent searches. Save more with every purchase!

These are versions of this script where the code was updated. Show all versions.

  • v3.11 2025-01-20


    [3.11] - 2025-01-20


    • CamelCamelCamel Graph Display: Resolved the bug that prevented the CamelCamelCamel price history graph from displaying correctly.
    • Clickable Amazon Rows: Fixed the issue where clicking on the Amazon rows in the comparison table did not redirect users as expected.
    • "Image Unavailable" Placeholder: Corrected the display of the "Image Unavailable" placeholder to ensure it renders properly across all supported Amazon sites.


    • License Update: Changed the license from MIT to All Rights Reserved to designate the code as proprietary. This ensures that all rights are reserved and unauthorized copying, modification, or distribution is prohibited.

  • v3.10 2025-01-14

    Version 3.10 Changelog

    New Features

    • Addition of Expanded coverage to include, enabling price comparisons with the United Kingdom market.
    • AI-Summarized Customer Testimonials Integration: Incorporated concise summaries of customer reviews generated by artificial intelligence, providing better insights into user feedback.

    UI/UX Improvements

    • United Kingdom Icon Correction: Replaced the previous icon with Great Britain for a more accurate representation of the United Kingdom.
    • User Interface Enhancement: Optimized the layout and styling of the price comparison table for improved readability and a better user experience.

    Bug Fixes

    • United Kingdom Icon: Resolved an issue where the incorrect icon was displayed for
    • Customer Testimonials Loading: Fixed a bug preventing the correct loading of AI-summarized customer testimonials.

    Performance Improvements

    • Loading Optimization: Enhanced the speed of data retrieval and testimonial loading for a smoother and more responsive experience.
    • Efficient Request Handling: Optimized API requests to reduce response times and minimize the risk of loading failures.

    Developer Notes

    • Dependency Updates: Updated icon links and external resources to ensure compatibility and maintain visual quality.
    • Code Refactoring: Reorganized core components of the script to facilitate the addition of new features and simplify future maintenance.
    • Security Enhancements: Strengthened error handling and data validation mechanisms to ensure the script's stability and reliability.


    • Updated Documentation: Enhanced internal documentation to support easier understanding of the codebase and onboarding for future developers.


    • Extended Amazon Site Support: Added new geographic zones with full support for, thereby broadening the scope of the price comparator.


    • Icons: Utilized icons provided by [Icons8](
    • APIs: Improved interactions with the Frankfurter API for exchange rates and the API for customer testimonial summaries.

  • v3.04 2025-01-07
  • v3.03 2025-01-07
  • v3.02 2025-01-07
  • v3.01 2025-01-05
  • v3.0 2025-01-05

    ## Version 3.0 Changelog

    ### New Features

    • Coupon Detection: Implemented functionality to detect and display active coupons or promotional discounts directly on the product page.
    • Dynamic Results Rendering: Enhanced the script to render comparison results in real-time, providing a faster and more responsive user experience.
    • Extended Amazon Coverage: Added support for additional Amazon domains, including (US) and (Netherlands), broadening the scope of international price comparisons.

    ### UI/UX Improvements

    • Enhanced Table Display: Improved the layout of the price comparison table with better spacing, alignment, and readability for a more user-friendly interface.
    • Loading Optimization: Streamlined the loading process to display partial results (such as prices and coupons) immediately without waiting for all data to load, enhancing perceived performance.

    ### Bug Fixes

    • Chart Loading Restored: Fixed an issue that prevented the CamelCamelCamel chart from loading correctly, ensuring reliable display of price history.
    • Reduced Flicker: Addressed a problem where price rows would flash or reorder unexpectedly during updates, resulting in a smoother visual experience.
    • Stability Enhancements: Improved error handling for cases where certain Amazon domains failed to load pricing data, preventing script crashes.

    ### Performance Improvements

    • Incremental Rendering: Optimized the data retrieval and rendering process to update only the necessary parts of the UI, reducing unnecessary reflows and speeding up overall performance.
    • Optimized Event Listeners: Refactored event handling mechanisms to efficiently manage user interactions when changing time periods or toggling coupon displays.

    ### Developer Notes

    • Codebase Refactoring: Reorganized core components of the script to facilitate the addition of new Amazon domains and future feature integrations with minimal restructuring.
    • Updated Documentation: Enhanced internal documentation to support easier maintenance and onboarding for future developers.
    • API Enhancements: Improved the interaction with external APIs for coupon detection and dynamic rendering, ensuring better compatibility and reliability.


  • v2.6 2025-01-02

    Version 2.6 Changelog

    New Features

    - Amazon Belgium Integration: Added support for ``, enabling price comparisons for Belgium.
    - Enhanced CamelCamelCamel Loader: Replaced the old GIF with a new spinner loader, providing a smoother, more modern loading animation for the price history chart.

    UI/UX Improvements

    - Spinner Styling: Implemented a custom CSS spinner animation for improved visual feedback while charts are loading.
    - Extended Country Detection: Improved the logic to seamlessly identify `` links and apply the appropriate partner ID.

    Bug Fixes

    - Chart Loading Restored: Fixed an issue where the CamelCamelCamel chart would fail to load or display, ensuring consistent price history retrieval.

    Performance Improvements

    - Refined Chart Update Logic: Optimized the chart reloading process when switching time periods or toggling pricing options, reducing overhead and improving responsiveness.

    Developer Notes

    - Adjusted the script structure to more easily incorporate additional Amazon domains or new features.
    - Minor refactoring of event listeners for better code readability and maintainability.

  • v2.53 2024-11-22
  • v2.52 2024-11-21
  • v2.51 2024-11-21
  • v2.5 2024-11-06

    Version 2.5 Changelog

    New Features:

    • AliExpress Integration: Added the "Check on AliExpress" button, allowing users to search for similar products on AliExpress directly from the Amazon product page. Interrogates an AI to summarize the product title for better chances of finding relevant results on AliExpress.
    • Loading Animation: Introduced a gradient animation for the "Loading..." text when checking AliExpress, providing a more visually engaging experience.
    • Price Comparison Table Enhancements: Improved the price comparison table by adding delivery price details, and made the display more user-friendly with a clear breakdown of total costs and differences.

    UI/UX Improvements:

    • Icon Alignment: Aligned the "Check on AliExpress" text with the AliExpress icon to ensure a consistent and professional look.
    • Styling Updates: Enhanced the container styles for both the price comparison and AliExpress integration sections, using flexbox for better alignment and responsiveness.

    Bug Fixes:

    • Response Handling: Fixed an issue where AliExpress button would not reset correctly after an API error.
    • Delivery Price Parsing: Corrected parsing of delivery prices for improved accuracy when comparing Amazon sites.

    Performance Improvements:

    • Optimized the script to reduce the loading time of the Amazon page after injecting the comparison elements.

    Developer Notes:

    • Refactored parts of the code for better maintainability and easier future feature integration.
  • v2.4 2024-11-01

    Changelog for Version 2.4

    • New Feature: Added a direct link to AliExpress for price comparison, allowing users to check prices of Amazon products on AliExpress with a single click.
    • Optimizations:
      • Merged similar functions to reduce redundancy. Functions getPriceFromPage and getPriceFromResponse are now combined into getPriceFromDocument(doc).
      • Simplified handleResponse by using DOMParser to parse the response text into a document, improving efficiency when retrieving price and delivery fees.
      • Enhanced regular expression in getDeliveryPriceFromDocument for accurate capture of delivery fees, using a non-greedy quantifier *?.
      • Reduced redundancy by removing unused variables and functions, making the code more concise.
      • Standardized function usage across the codebase, improving readability and maintainability.
      • Cleaned up code to follow best practices, including proper spacing and commenting.
    • Note: These changes keep the script's functionality intact but enhance code clarity, maintainability, and performance by avoiding unnecessary calls and processing.
  • v2.3 2024-10-31

    Optimizations made in version 2.3:

    • Merging of similar functions: The functions getPriceFromPage and getPriceFromResponse have been combined into a single function getPriceFromDocument(doc) to avoid redundancy.
    • Simplification of handleResponse: Instead of calling two separate functions to obtain the price and delivery fees, we now use DOMParser to convert the response text into a document and pass this document to our functions getPriceFromDocument and getDeliveryPriceFromDocument.
    • Improvement of the regular expression for delivery fees: In getDeliveryPriceFromDocument, the regular expression has been adjusted to correctly capture the delivery fees by using a non-greedy quantifier *?.
    • Reduction of redundancy: Unnecessary or redundant variables and functions have been removed to make the code more concise.
    • Consistent use of functions: All functions that extract information from the document now use a consistent approach, improving code readability and maintainability.
    • Code cleanup: Minor improvements have been made to adhere to best practices, such as proper spacing and commenting.


    • The script's functionality remains unchanged.
    • The code is now clearer, shorter, and easier to maintain.
    • The optimizations improve performance by avoiding unnecessary calls and processing.
  • v2.2 2024-10-30
  • v2.1 2024-10-29
  • v2.0 2024-10-28
  • v1.8 2024-10-27
  • v1.6 2024-10-27
  • v1.5 2024-10-27
  • v1.4 2024-10-27