(NOT WORKS - FOR OLD MOOMOO UPDATE) MooMoo - Be day forever | MooMoo Update

Forever day - Deletes Night - 'Use Strict'

// ==UserScript==
// @name            (NOT WORKS - FOR OLD MOOMOO UPDATE) MooMoo - Be day forever | MooMoo Update
// @description     Forever day - Deletes Night - 'Use Strict'
// @author          Cubic Flex [CF]
// @links-yt        https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjl4Gn4zWf-O--_6qRKbZPQ?sub_confirmation=1
// @links-dc        Cubic[CF]#0472
// @links-asking    In a future
// @namespace       -
// @version         MooMoo 1.7.0
// @license         MIT
// @match           *://*.moomoo.io/*
// @run-at          document-end
// ==/UserScript==

//Works on: Dev - Sandbox - * | MooMoo;
var url = "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjl4Gn4zWf-O--_6qRKbZPQ?sub_confirmation=1";
window.dc = (e)=> {return document.getElementById(e)};//dcgebi(q);
dc("darkness").remove();//Removes night div then:
var darkness = document.createElement("div");//recreates it for NO LAG
dc("gameUI").appendChild(darkness);//Append :>

//First time
var isF = localStorage.getItem("ft") || "yes";
if(isF != "no"){
    localStorage.setItem("ft", "no");
    window.open(url, null, "height=497, width=1009, status=yes, toolbar=no, menubar=no, location=no");

/*global SmartAPI*/
//Uses global 4 global var