CosmosisT's TinyChat Script (CTS V1.5.65)

Modified TinyChat - Best Scripts; prepare to be amazed.

As of 2020-03-26. See the latest version.

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Copyright (C) 2019-2020 CosmosisT
Applies to

CosmosisT's TinyChat Script

Discord channel can be found HERE!

REMEMBER to set your update interval to daily or to click your tampermonkey and update manually. Check back often and share, the goal is to provide a better experience for users no smoke show. Put it to the test.


  • Major GUI changes to improve view, performance and use of TinyChat;
  • TinyChat's chat has been redeveloped ground up to solve many of the issues users were having. CTS sorts and handles all messages and at the same time manages the room the way you want. Users have been able to see the chat come alive and handle many bugs/issues;
  • Commands in chat, more than you think; unleash the power;
  • Camera support up to 4K resolution at 60FPS, your performance is the limits here at no additional usage. Not to mention the best view with adjustable sizing  and magnify working for all users.
  • Cross-platform/browser ready;
  • Games and powerful APIs to drive the madness!
  • Push message pop-ups through of the opposing chat, so if in PM you will see other PMs or main chat, vice versa. Communications have gotten better;
  • Alert/Command system to help you utilize CTS to the fullest; when you join you will have CTS remind you of your settings and how to use commands;
  • Notification box for user updates (join, leave, name change, broadcast state, mentions, and system messages);
  • AntiSpam System to prevent mass bot attacks, the system learns on its own establishing a list of users who are safe from kick/ban; getting on this list is slow but a few days of activity will define a list greater than 100 - 400+ users. The list will contain all the users you'll save if your autokick/autoban is on; use at your own risk and it's advised to just use the kick unless you're absolutely SURE!
  • Push-To-Talk button is locked when you ScrollWheelClick or Ctrl+LeftClick the talk button. It'll resume default at anytime you use normal click on the button;
  • Kick/ban users based on name, keywords used or safelist, all the power you need to keep a chat successful/fun;
  • Proper !bot handoff system, on join if automated users with moderator will ask whoisbot if no response take bot, and start listening for requests; a bot (host) can do a lot  from play YouTube Videos, 8ball, coin, chuck norris jokes and more.
  • There's a ⚙ top right that lists the following:
    • + = Change Background Image(+)
    • BG = Change Background Color(+)
    • - = Change Background Image(-)
    • 🗚 = Font Size(+/-)
    • 🖉 = Chat Style Change(+/-)
    • ⛶ = Featured/YouTube Resize
    • ↹ = Chat Width (max: hidden)
    • ≡ = Chat Height (max:userlist hidden)
    • 🎮 = Performance Mode
  • Embed your favorite videos and images off imgur! Use a direct link to the image (.gif/png/jpg/avi) and paste it in the chat;
  • Favorited Rooms - Select up to five rooms to feature both in your room (where your avatar is--click it) and on main page at the bottom (where it says FAVORITE ROOMS mouse over). Simple control and fast navigation. For ease removal is done on home-page, adding is done in room.
  • Script according to jshint is perfect, and fast--this does not mean however it comes without issues.  If you encounter issues let me know through discord or the stonercircle room. Many users are confident with the use of the script and should fair well with helping but in the times it supercedes come through;
  • Reminders are scheduled and repeat on a daily basis till removed, they can be turned off at any time and turned back on; set what you'd like;
  • Radio feature for users, lots of stations 24/7;
  • CTS is the script you need to get the job done, it's updated weekly sometimes daily and follows an ECMAScript 6 standard at zero errors reported in JSHint. Glitches are minimal, and found/fixed immediately. Follow along and share your ideas, see that CTS is all you need.


Feel free to message me in discord, we can talk, and share ideas there.


  • Admin Commands:
    • !version (toggled) :: Gets the version of CTS off users (above 1.5.0)
    • !raid (tc link) :: Send all users 1.5.0 to any room of your choice, have fun!
  • Moderator Commands:
    • !whoisbot (toggled) :: Asks other moderators if they are running YouTube Bot
    • !bot (toggled) :: Tells other moderators you are running YouTube Bot
    • !bottoggle (toggled) :: Bot automation OFF|ON (!bot will take host still)
    • !camsweep (toggled) :: Clear camera spot every ten minutes at random if bot(host) is activated and slots stay full
    • !optoggle (toggled) :: Operator Mode OFF|ON (moderators can send links still)
    • !autokick (toggled) :: Auto kick based on AntiSpam Definition List (non SafeList//verified)
    • !autoban (toggled) :: Auto ban based on AntiSpam Definition List (non SafeList//verified)
    • !yt (link | keyword) :: Request YouTube track
    • !ytskip (toggled) :: Request skip
    • !ytclear (toggled) :: Clear YouTube tracks (moderators only)
    • !banlist (toggled) :: Reveal ban list
    • !banlistclear (toggled) :: Clear ban list
    • !banadd (user | nick) :: Add user to ban list, and ban if possible
    • !banremove (# from banlist) :: Remove name from ban list
    • !bankeywordlist (toggled) :: Reveal ban keyword list
    • !bankeywordlistclear (toggled) :: Clear ban keyword list
    • !bankeywordadd (keyword) :: Add keyword to ban keyword list
    • !bankeywordremove (# from bankeywordlist) :: Remove keyword from ban keyword list
    • !kicklist (toggled) :: Reveal kick list
    • !kicklistclear (toggled) :: Clear kick list
    • !kickadd (user | nick) ::Add use to kick list, and kick if possible
    • !kickremove (# from kicklist) :: Remove name fro kick list
    • !kickkeywordlist (toggled) :: Reveal kick keyword list
    • !kickkeywordlistclear (toggled) :: Clear kick keyword list
    • !kickkeywordadd (keyword) :: Add keyword to kick keyword list
    • !kickkeywordremove (# from kickkeywordlist) :: Remove keyword from kick keyword list
    • !oplist (toggled) :: Reveal operator list
    • !oplistclear (toggled) :: Clear operator list
    • !opadd (user | nick | -all) :: Add user to operator list or -all to allow all
    • !opremove (# from oplist) :: Remove user from operator list
  • User Commands:
    • !remindertoggle (toggled) :: Reminders OFF|ON
    • !yt (link | keyword) :: Request YouTube track
    • !ytskip (toggled) :: Request skip
    • !mentionlist (toggled) :: Reveal mention list
    • !mentionlistclear (toggled) :: Clear mention list
    • !mentionadd (keyword) :: Add keyword to mention list
    • !mentionremove (# from mentionlist) :: Remove keyword from mention list
    • !ignorelist (toggled) :: Reveal ignore list
    • !ignorelistclear (toggled) :: Clear ignore list
    • !ignoreadd (user | nick) :: Add User to ignore list
    • !ignoreremove (# from ignore list) :: Remove user from ignore list
    • !greetlist (toggled) :: Reveal greet list
    • !greetlistclear (toggled) :: Clear greet list
    • !greetadd (user | nick | -all) :: Add user to greet list or -all to allow all
    • !greetremove (# from greet list) :: Remove user from greet list
    • !highlightlist (toggled) :: Reveal highlight list
    • !highlightlistclear (toggled) :: Clear highlight list
    • !highlightadd (user | nick) :: Add user to highlight list
    • !highlightremove (# from highlight list) :: Remove user from highlight list
    • !ttslist :: Reveal TTS list
    • !ttslistclear :: Clear TTS list
    • !ttsadd (user | nick | -event | -all) :: Add user to TTS list or -all to read all or -event for user/system activity
    • !ttsremove (# from TTS list) :: Remove user or option from TTS list
    • !reminderlist (toggled) :: Reveal reminder list
    • !reminderlistclear (toggled) :: Clear reminder list
    • !reminderadd (12:59PM All the text you want!) :: Add scheduled event to reminder list. AM/PM is not case sensitive and may have a space before it, 12H format however
    • !reminderremove (# from reminder list) :: Remove scheduled event from reminder list
    • !safelist (toggled) :: Reveal safe list
    • !safelistclear (toggled) :: Clear safe list
    • !safelistremove (# from safe list) :: Remove user from safe list
    • !lists (toggled) :: Reveal all lists
    • !listsclear (toggled) :: Clear all lists
    • !greetmode (toggled) :: Toggle greet mode, simple or server like greet
    • !avatartoggle (toggled) :: Avatars in chat OFF|ON
    • !notificationtoggle (toggled) :: Notifications above chat OFF|ON
    • !popuptoggle (toggled) :: Toggle message/status popup reveal OFF|ON
    • !imgurtoggle (toggled) :: Imgur image reveal OFF|ON
    • !roll (1-12) :: Pick the amount of six sided dice to roll
    • !8ball (question) :: Does this work?
    • !coin (toggle) :: I got heads!
    • !chuck (toggle) :: tells a joke
    • !dad (toggle) :: tells a joke
    • !clr (toggled) :: Clear ALL chat
    • !settings (toggled) :: Reveal settings
    • !share (toggled) :: Share CTS with users fast
  • Game Commands:
    • !fish (joins if verified by bot) :: joins game if verified by the bot and their gamehost is enabled
    • !gameview (toggled) :: Toggle in chat game notifications OFF|ON
    • !gamehost (toggled) :: Toggle in chat games (if off no games can be played while you're bot) OFF|ON



  • [65]YouTube API has been made dynamic for easy slip, if users possess a key, this will later be updated with TinyChats key hoping they sort spam and set limits. For how to setup your API key ask in discord it's quick and easy!
  • FishGame has modified feature "fishslap" for 10K you may take a camera slot. This is limit to host's authority; if moderator they may not close other moderators. If feature is buggy/or not for you you may turn your gamehost ON|OFF
  • Optionally and by default (OFF) if moderator or admin set camsweep, they will if they're host close a camera at random IF cameras have been at max for 10 minutes and the randomized user is of lower authority that's being closed. This timer will reset otherwise and when a user cams down and back up. So if cameras are changing often it won't bother closing at random. This isn't for all rooms but perhaps a solution for when cams get full, try it out owners, and moderators if you deal with a lot of guests.Feed back is welcomed always
  • CSS fixes and small codes change, if I see it I clean it type deal at this point this is getting huge (under one file). So progressing slow and majorly some updates. Nothing in the works but stabilizing at this point and fun features.



  • [56]Fixed small code issue with the chat-resize to make for new changes recent updates; watching it closer at the moment for further problems. Abused and performs well now.
  • [55]Volume control has been added back, it may still glitch; fixes may come if such is the case.
  • [55]Redesigned the chat GUI a little bit, might need more work but should now fix everything nicely.
  • [55]A few more general fixes
  • [55]You may now urban dictionary your terms now, !urb term
  • [55]8Ball/Chuck/Dad/Urb are set to work for hosts only, this should give better results overall in its delivery.
  • [52]YouTube Controls Restored! Can't say if this will be the normal soon, or if it will get deprecated. It doesn't function perfectly, none of the controls are linked. ex. play/pause; however you'll see where it's better quickly.[53+ won't include this feature, too messy but for trialing/record it's in 1.5.52
  • Performance mode added, you can render far less and just chat! Some bugs last round, with the silent release but it should be good now.
  • Few fixes
  • As always report any issues in discord, I try my best to get through all issues, debug is left open this patch to report problems.



  • Fish game had a few issues, some pricing faults/etc. All in the name of cleaning code up; almost sorted. This release should be good.
  • USER REQUEST: On chat-hide you may now PTT or use the broadcast button; some changes may be made to make it an all chat setup.
  • Fixed a chat style, and added some fixes to compliment the above request, user can expect messages through the pop-ups if enabled in this mode and some tweaks to the popup styles.
  • Hi!



  • !bot in free-rooms can be called no fatals now but YT will not work. This is a limit set by TC now for YouTube (for paid rooms only)
  • Added !dad to the script, either bot or yourself will call the joke. If errors occur I'll catch mistake
  • Fish game has pricing all in one place, will further correct this, ranking was showing reversed; should now be fixed. I'll fix anything I haven't caught, lots of small changes to lessen code/etc.
  • Added !chuck to the script, either bot or yourself will call the joke. If errors occur I'll catch mistake
  • Those looking to modify CTS should consider the addon template, this will make keeping your changes and sharing them easier than ever while maintaining base updates!
  • Greet room owner on join once if you haven't said hey yet; resets each refresh. This greet is also active for my developer account so you users can get to know who's really behind this script; ask questions and all sorts.
  • Fixed up Fishing Boat further, lots of small changes; you can expect top five players to work now and prices to be fixed further. Rod/Factory deprecated; no need for them; updated casting rules should now remove insurance after every-round. There is still no objective still and if it keeps up, I may remove the game; fun little idea but needs to provide that sauce...
  • Officially have set up the youtube_enable header, previous updates you may have no seen bot call in free-rooms; you now will however if youtube is disabled (can be seen in the first message on load) you will not get the commands to use and if you try to bypass you will be fatal errored. Paid rooms only! PRO/EXTREME/GOLD only  by the looks of it.
  • !gameview was introduced earlier to hide the game messages, to further this I've added !gamehost for moderators to turn off their games if this feature progresses. So if you want to bot but not host games, use that command. !start/stopboat has been removed because of the automated process.
  • Patiently waiting for YouTube and other features to be fixed by TinyChat; in the time being focusing the small things and adjusting us by micro-updates. TinyChat is in a position they must update and it's a lot of code to go through, hoping within a few-days to weeks we'll get delivery  of this code and fixes.
  • Reverted borders on theme, looked rough; also making way for new volume support if it gets fixed.



  • Temporary user ignore list has been restored 100%, now instead of using !ignoreadd as a permanent solution, you may just toggle the ignore/unignore. Setting is user/nick based if user is non existent. Clears on refresh. Expect little to no issues.
  • Fish game value adjustments, and optimization on code; new features should be easily added now. Incomplete features will start being fixed up now. In future updates a !gametoggle will be added, kind of like bot-toggle, this will make it so the bot must start the game or leave it to the users. More ideas generating around this slowly.
  • Code revamp just went down, complexity has been restored to its rightful 26; any lower we're godlike but that doesn't mean I won't push for that opportunity. There are 261 functions in this file. Function with the largest signature take 5 arguments, while the median is 0. Largest function has 129 statements in it, while the median is 4. The most complex function has a cyclomatic complexity value of 26 while the median is 2.
  • This update is to prepare CTS for its next movement, major for me, to you guys; possibly not.
  • This is the new recommended version, however 1.5.22+ ensures the safelist fix so you'd be fine using that version.



  • !gameview will hide and unhide the [FISHING BOAT] messages sent by moderator, to reduce spam further, enjoy!
  • Had poorly set the multi-timers, reverted back to single and 30s; users must be verified before joining which takes 10 minutes or less or is instant with paid users/gifted.
  • Issue found with game reset, small patch to see if we've got it perfected. Values will be changes soon and prizes/objective will be established when more feedback is provided.
  • Radio station added, will add more however I am using 365radio to get my stations if there's any you like let me know.
  • Getting ready to add more styles, you may see some duplicates at the moment, these will be changed.
  • Code complexity is rather high, some attempts to lessen it but will focus this when I can get a better idea on the objective and better layout of code to suit this.
  • Safelist is now working 100%, its functionality is working as intended and the list is updating correctly with the new update. Unfortunately list has been cleared so users will need to resync, I don't believe this will be an issue but as always do not use this to kick random trolls, or users this is a bad idea, instead when being spammed use this list and it's used by triggering !autokick/!autoban (ban is discouraged with small lists).
  • Testing on game is going well, determining lots still and planning to make it more efficient with time. I do apologize for the spam, I'm on the fence this round with a lot and am carefully adding what I believe works with the help of the community. To verify however, this patch things have been slowed down, goal is not to spam but have some kind of motor to this game in case you want to run things faster/slower; future adds will get this setup perfectly. Sorry for the wait!
  • Fish game has added timers now to ensure user doesn't insert commands to quickly, it is expected they wait 60 seconds to use most commands. This should cut back spam drastically.
  • The cost for items and some fish have been changed, this is in the workings and a base formula is being designed. Pricing/etc may change as updates continue. Expect it and if any issues or suggestions feel free to discord!
  • Fixed a few bugs, getting to fine stuff now; I will be making the code run more efficient soon.
  • Commented out debug calls and opened up debugger for those experiencing fatals at all, if any; tracking issues will be easier for all. For those unsure, Open developer menu in tools, and when opened launch the console and capture the error (opened up showing its steps)
  • Major changes are being made to allow users the ability to create themepacks soon, these will run second to CTS and push your adds as if you're making a script for CTS; it's be easy and I expect many to post them here. More word on this soon and how it'll work
  • 1.5.2 is the new recommended patch, all users should be using it. Please upgrade today if on an older version of CTS, !share as well. CTSLite development is toast, it may return but it's suggested everyone gets used to the advanced version there's no performance difference and with updates being fast I can't keep up with it yet. Soon however!



  • New Commands:!raid, !version, !fish, !fishupgrade, !fishrob, !fishsplit, !startboat, !stopboat.
  • It's recommended that all users use CTS 1.5.1 and above from here on out!
  • To prevent these botters from running !fish in their message and getting the bot all fucked up, safelist check is made, because the list was reset, give yourself 10 minutes per user, unless they meet requirements asap. They can !fish at any time when verified.
  • !CTS has owner commands updated
  • Enjoy the GUI clean-up, more to come in time.
  • !safelist was adding duplicates this new patch, one check was not made and it threw it all off. Safelist has been reset till this is 100% functional which is believed to be now.
  • Autokick and autoban is much more accurate now, use it when you need to. Safelist has been reset to better adapt with the changes.
  • Owner commands, !version will tell all CTS users to secretly PM them their versions, nothing invasive but a quick check to see if people are up-to-date.
  • Camera fixes for users who cam up with just audio, missing code has been added to repair this, if your camera device is in use and you try to load, the loading modal will stay stuck. (Sort your camera issue and re-broadcast). - titles have been added to buttons to help newer users determine which button does what!
  • New FISHING BOAT game, in early development but while we wait for YT, let's test some things, see where this can go.
  • TinyChat API for YT is currently down, expected date it'll be up again is not determined. What is known however is that every room now outputs a new YouTube_Enabled header that has been added in this patch, Free rooms so far are confirmed 100%; YT is disabled for them. Expect Fatal Error.
  • CSS Correction majorly, enjoy the small/major changes, this should make things look/feel/work better.
  • Sanitization would break certain instances and now should work properly.
  • Added for owners as well is the ability to raid rooms, !raid to send all your CTS users over to stonercircle or wherever you choose; this feature is for fun, start sending your rooms places to make a mess, have fun, or share company. Your welcome
  • All commands are case insenitive now, conversion took place last patch and now is complete.
  • Imgur referrals in PM now get sent through Popup as well, cleaned up base to handle this properly.
  • if bot mode is allowed (youtube_enabled) for the room, bots will handle certain commands like 8ball, coin, and more to give it more authenticity, if no bot however you'd output.
  • Cleaned up some functions, brought complexity down to an appropriate amount, next update even further.
  • SpamPrevention won't toggle to moderators, and has been lifted a smidge.
  • This is the new recommended version but just in case, have 1.4.8 on standby!

Known Issues:

  • Active ad-blocks and script removal extensions may or may not affect the workings of TinyChat; If YouTube has stopped working or things are acting weird, turn these settings off for Tinychat.
  • Windows Scaling set to anything other than its 100% recommended may possibly break script, this option is different that your browser zoom and is found in display options. If script loads off page, look into this option.
  • Cameras loading on load? Load another room solve captcha and continue back or refresh till fix but first option is best. TC anti-spam wanted a solve and never got it, weird glitch. Not the scripts however!
  • If you clear browser session, cache, cookie; or some kind of clear TC may throw the above issue till you re-authenticate. I cannot fix this but I'll address it.
  • TC socket state upon close does not restart until you recall it on a proper refresh, you'll notice a fatal when retrying to connect or back-tabbing; TC just being TC; do a refresh to fix(F5); any issues check what I got listed, will post more as I find them.
  • Some browsers have been catching random runtime errors others won't? Especially on load, if for whatever reason this is happening to you; reach me in discord for fix.
  • Nothing known so far with the script user feedback has been positive.
  • It's possible to kick yourself for spamming if bot is in serious use.