Gazelle Music Tracker Required Fields

Make fields on upload page required so that the submit button does not work until filled in

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Gazelle Music Tracker Required Fields
// @name:zh      GMTRF:Gazelle框架音乐PT上传必填项提示
// @name:zh-CN   GMTRF:Gazelle框架音乐PT上传必填项提示
// @name:zh-TW   GMTRF:Gazelle框架音樂PT上傳必填項提示
// @namespace
// @version      4
// @description  Make fields on upload page required so that the submit button does not work until filled in
// @description:zh      在上传页面上设置必填项,在填写完成必填项目之前无法点击上传按钮.
// @description:zh-CN   在上传页面上设置必填项,在填写完成必填项目之前无法点击上传按钮.
// @description:zh-TW   在上傳頁面上設置必填項,在填寫完成必填項目之前無法點擊上傳按鈕.
// @author       SIGTERM86 | ported to OPS by KAPPLEJACLS
// @include      http*://*
// @include      http*://*
// @include      http*://*
// ==/UserScript==

var requiredIds = ["file", "artist", "title", "year", "releasetype", "format", "bitrate", "media", "tags"];

(function() {
    'use strict';
    for (var i=0; i<requiredIds.length; i++) {
        document.getElementById(requiredIds[i]).required = true;