Advanced Context Sentence

Enhance the context sentence section, highlighting kanji and adding audio

These are versions of this script where the code was updated. Show all versions.

  • v1.40 2019-03-02 enhance the tooltip with more features
  • v1.37 2019-02-25 Get red of console loggings
  • v1.36 2019-02-24 Now the tooltip for kanji completly disapear until it is needed agin
  • v1.34 2019-02-18 fix: Compatiblity with JLPT, Joyo and Frequency Filters v0.1.4 and change the level of recognition
  • v1.32 2019-02-15 Fix: don't show underlines on kanji. Fix: work better with WaniKani Breeze Dark. Fix: Now you can stop the audio on a second click. Improvment: Now Wanikani Jlpt Joyo Frequency Filters are not imported by the script to prevent unintended behaviurs, install it yourself to get the additional informations
  • v1.31 2019-02-14 fix: safari won't play audio for a second time
  • v1.30 2019-02-13 Add tooltip to kanji, showing more information!
  • v1.20 2019-02-11 You can now change the highlighting colors as you please!
  • v1.11 2019-02-11 Fix: If Wanikani Open Framework is not installed, highlight all kanji is if they were all already learned. this is neccessary because in this case the highlighting means: "hey look this is a kanji" instead of "hey look this is a kanji you should know"
  • v1.10 2019-02-11 Use Google's Voice instead of the browser's text-to-speech, and changed the color of ungurued kanji
  • v1.02 2019-02-10
  • v1.01 2019-02-09 fix audio for Safari
  • v1.0 2019-02-09