
¥+^:指した要素を非表示登録 Ctrl+^:非表示登録をundo Shift+^:非表示登録を編集 ¥+左クリック:要素を削除 ^+左クリック:親要素を削除 Shift+Alt+¥:見えない要素を削除 ¥+@:要素のtextを編集可能化  ¥+BS:要素の横幅を拡大 ¥+.:指した要素を画像として保存

// ==UserScript==
// @name ¥+クリックした要素を削除
// @description ¥+^:指した要素を非表示登録 Ctrl+^:非表示登録をundo Shift+^:非表示登録を編集 ¥+左クリック:要素を削除 ^+左クリック:親要素を削除 Shift+Alt+¥:見えない要素を削除 ¥+@:要素のtextを編集可能化  ¥+BS:要素の横幅を拡大 ¥+.:指した要素を画像として保存
// @match *://*/*
// @version     0.7.7
// @grant       GM.setClipboard
// @grant       GM_setValue
// @grant       GM_getValue
// @grant       GM_deleteValue
// @run-at    document-idle
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/181558
// @require https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/html2canvas/1.4.1/html2canvas.min.js
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {

  var excludeRE = "block;|@data|@href=|width|height|@title=|@alt=|@src="; //"@href=|text\\(\\)|@title=|@alt=|@src="; // o,pキーではこれを含むXPath式は除外する 例:/href|text\(\)/ or /\0/
  var requireRE = "";
  var requireHits = 1;

  const YENDOT_SCALE_MIN = 1.5; // ¥+.の保存時の解像度の最低倍率 1=100%
  const YENDOT_SCALE_AT_LEAST_FIT_SCREEN = 0; // 1:¥+.の保存時の解像度を画面の縦か横(長辺)フィット以上にしようとする、要するに高解像度化
  const YENDOT_SCALE_AT_LEAST_FIT_SCREEN_X = 1920; // ↑が1の時に画面解像度が取得できない時の暫定解像度
  const YENDOT_SCALE_AT_LEAST_FIT_SCREEN_Y = 1080; // ↑が1の時に画面解像度が取得できない時の暫定解像度

  const YEN_SHOW_OUTERHTML = 0; // ¥や^時にホバーしている要素のouterHTMLを表示する
  const VERBOSE = 0; // 1:饒舌なログ表示
  const DEBUG = 0; // 1:消した要素をdocument.titleに表示
  const ENABLE_REPORT_AUTO_HIDE = 1; //0なら登録要素を非表示にしたことをポップアップで表示しない
  const POPUPMS = 3000; //ポップアップの表示時間(ミリ秒)
  const TRYMS = 300; //¥+^で一回のXPathの自動生成にかける試行時間の上限、ただし最低限の生成ができない時は5000msまでかける
  const CancelStyle = /box-shadow: none;|\@style=\"\"|(\sand\s)\sand\s|\[\]|\sand\s(\])/gmi;
  const cancelrep = "$1$2";

  var blockIntervalID

  const genNoboruRitsu = 0.1; // 0.5 遡る確率 初期値は50%
  const genNoboruRitsuCSS = 0.5; // 0.5 遡る確率 初期値は50%
  const XPATH_CSS_RATIO = 1; // XPATH:CSS のCSSの割合
  const TEXT_MAX = 150; // @text等の文字列指定をする最大の長さ これ以上の長さの@text=""やcontains(text(),"")の指定はしない
  const tips = "\n\nTips:\n「ABCやDEFを含まず、GHIかJKLを含み、かつMNOとPQRも含む」\n!ABC|DEF GHI|JKL MNO PQR\n\n";
  const autoNextLinkDecision = /page.*last\(\)|nav|next|right|>|>|»|次/gmi;
  const autoNextLinkDecisionNot = /href/gmi;
  const autoPageElementDecision = /main|list|content/gmi;
  const verbose = 0; // 詳細をconsole.log()
  var blockXP = pref('blockXP') || "";

  let removeHistory = [];
  var GF = {}
  var mousex = 0;
  var mousey = 0;
  var shiftYenText = "";
  var bubparent = 0;
  var shiftYenText = pref('shiftYenText') || "";
  var shiftYenbubparent = pref('shiftYenbubparent') || 0;
  String.prototype.match0 = function(re) { let tmp = this.match(re); if (!tmp) { return null } else if (tmp.length > 1) { return tmp[1] } else return tmp[0] } // gフラグ不可
  //const hide_commonXP = Math.random() > 0.9 ? '' : ''; // ''; //全ページ共通で非表示にしたい要素 //廃止

  let addstyle = {
    added: [],
    add: function(str) {
      if (this.added.includes(str)) return
      end(document.head, `<style>${str}</style>`)

  var popupY = 0;
  var BrightStyle = "0px 0px 6px 6px rgba(0, 250, 0, 0.5), inset 0 0 12px rgba(0, 250, 0, 0.2)";
  var panel;
  var frameOldEle, frameOldStyle, frameOldTimer;
  var ap1, ap2;

  const BEKIJOU = (((window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()).indexOf('chrome') != -1) ? 222 : 160);
  const ATMARK = (((window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()).indexOf('chrome') != -1) ? 192 : 64);
  const YENMARK = (((window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()).indexOf('chrome') != -1) ? 220 : 220);
  const BS = (((window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()).indexOf('chrome') != -1) ? 8 : 8);

  function block(interval = 2000) {
    if (!blockXP > "") return;
    let latestMO = 0;
    let cbTO;
    //    if (interval) blockIntervalID = setTimeout(() => { block(blockXPath, interval) }, interval);

    function cb() { //console.log(`mo ${Date.now()}`)
      if (document.visibilityState != "visible" || Date.now() - latestMO < interval) {
        if (!cbTO) cbTO = setTimeout(cb, interval)
      cbTO = 0;
      //console.log(`mo exec`)
      latestMO = Date.now()
      var i = 0;
      elegeta(blockXP).forEach(e => {
        if (e.offsetHeight) {
          e.style.display = "none";
          if (DEBUG) document.title = blockXP + " => " + e.outerHTML;
      if (ENABLE_REPORT_AUTO_HIDE && i) { popup2(i + "個の要素を非表示化しました(Shift+^で編集)"); }
    let mo = new MutationObserver(cb)
    mo?.observe(document, { attributes: true, childList: true, subtree: true });
    GF.blockStop = () => {
      mo = null;

  /*  if (hide_commonXP != "") {
      setTimeout(() => { block(hide_commonXP, 0) }, 600);
      setTimeout(() => { block(hide_commonXP, 0) }, 2200);
      setTimeout(() => { block(hide_commonXP, 0) }, 4400);
      setTimeout(() => { block(hide_commonXP, 0) }, 6600);
  if (blockXP) {
    //setTimeout(() => block(blockXP, 0), 100)
    //    var blockIntervalID=setInterval(() => { block(blockXP) }, 3001);
  document?.body?.addEventListener('AutoPagerize_DOMNodeInserted', function(evt) {
    if (shiftYenText) deleteByTextAndBp(shiftYenText, shiftYenbubparent, true);
  }, false); // uAutoPagerizeの継ぎ足し部分だけに付ける

  function removeInherit() { // shift+alt+¥
    var i = 0;
    for (let ele of (/youtube\.com/.test(location.href) ? elegeta('ytd-grid-video-renderer,ytd-item-section-renderer,.style-scope.ytd-item-section-renderer,ytd-rich-item-renderer,ytd-playlist-video-renderer').filter(e => e.style.display == "none") : elegeta('//tr|.//table|.//li|.//a|//article|.//*[@class="style-scope ytd-grid-renderer"]|.//*[@class="style-scope ytd-playlist-video-list-renderer"]|.//div|.//ytd-playlist-renderer|.//ytd-channel-renderer|.//ytd-movie-renderer|.//ytd-horizontal-card-list-renderer|.//*[@class="style-scope ytd-section-list-renderer"]'))) {
      if (getComputedStyle(ele, null).getPropertyValue("display") == "none" || getComputedStyle(ele, null).getPropertyValue("visibility") == "inherit" || ele.style.display == "none;" || (ele?.tagName != "A" && !ele.offsetHeight && [...ele.children].every(e => !e.offsetHeight))) {
        //if (getComputedStyle(ele, null).getPropertyValue("display") == "none" || getComputedStyle(ele, null).getPropertyValue("visibility") == "inherit" || ele.style.display == "none;" || (ele?.tagName != "A" && !ele.offsetHeight)) {
    popup2(i + "個の不可視要素を削除しました");
  var input_key_buffer = new Array();

  document.addEventListener('keyup', function(e) {
    input_key_buffer[e.keyCode] = false;
    if (e.target.tagName === 'INPUT' || e.target.tagName === 'TEXTAREA' || e.target.getAttribute('contenteditable') === 'true' || ((e.target.closest('#chat-messages,ytd-comments-header-renderer') || document.activeElement.closest('#chat-messages,ytd-comments-header-renderer')))) return;
    if (e.keyCode === 220) { //¥
    if (e.keyCode === BEKIJOU) { //^
  }, true);

  document.addEventListener('blur', function(e) { input_key_buffer.length = 0; }, false);

  document.addEventListener("saveDOMAsImage", e => { // { detail: { element: ele, filename: fn, scale: scale, eleToFlash: 発光させる要素, hd:true=高画質要求 } } // \+.::
    let [capture, FNAME_SAVE, scale, eleToFlash, hd] = [e.detail.element, e.detail.filename, e.detail.scale, e.detail.eleToFlash, e.detail?.hd]
    scale *= window.devicePixelRatio
    scale = Math.max(YENDOT_SCALE_MIN, scale)
      scale = Math.max(scale, Math.min(Math.max(screen.height, YENDOT_SCALE_AT_LEAST_FIT_SCREEN_Y) / capture.offsetHeight, Math.max(screen.width, YENDOT_SCALE_AT_LEAST_FIT_SCREEN_X) / capture.offsetWidth))
      verb(`y最低:${(screen.height || 1080) / capture.offsetHeight} x最小:${(screen.width || 1920) / capture.offsetWidth} scale:${scale}`)
    let h = capture.offsetHeight
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    let hmax = 32767 / 4 // / 2 // 経験上1/4までが描画される
    let wmax = 32767 / 4 /// 2
    let maxscale = [hmax / h, wmax / w, 472907776 / (w * h)]
    verb(`ordered  scale: ${w} x ${h} x ${Math.round(scale*100)/100} = ${Math.ceil(w*scale)}(/${wmax}) x ${Math.ceil(h*scale)}(/${hmax}) = ${Math.ceil(w*h*scale)}(/472907776)`)
    scale = maxscale.reduce((a, v) => Math.min(a, v), scale)
    verb(`modified scale: ${w} x ${h} x ${Math.round(scale*100)/100} = ${Math.ceil(w*scale)}(/${wmax}) x ${Math.ceil(h*scale)}(/${hmax}) = ${Math.ceil(w*h*scale)}(/472907776)`)
    if (capture.style.overflowY == "auto") {
      addstyle.add(".cssforcapture{box-shadow:none !important; overflow-y:initial !important; max-height:none !important; }")
    } else {
      addstyle.add(".cssforcapture{box-shadow:none !important;}")
    capture.classList.add("cssforcapture") //if (capture?.style?.boxShadow) capture.style.boxShadow="none"; // boxshadowはhtml2canvasではグリッチ
    html2canvas(capture, { scale: scale, useCORS: true, logging: false }).then(canvas => {
      //      var base64 = canvas.toDataURL('image/png');
      var base64 = canvas.toDataURL('image/webp', 1);
      let e = end(document.body, `<a id="download"></a>`)
      e.href = base64
      e.download = FNAME_SAVE
      addstyle.add(`.yenClickHighlight{animation: pulse 1s 1; } @keyframes pulse { 0% { box-shadow: 0 0 0 0 #00ff88f0; } 100% { box-shadow: 0 0 10px 35px #00ff8800; } } .yenClickHighlight {outline: rgba(0, 255,128,0.7) solid 4px !important;}`)
      eleToFlash = eleToFlash || capture
      setTimeout(eleToFlash => eleToFlash?.classList?.remove("yenClickHighlight"), 1000, eleToFlash)

  document.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) {
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    input_key_buffer[e.keyCode] = true;

    if (((input_key_buffer[BEKIJOU] && input_key_buffer[190]) || (input_key_buffer[YENMARK] && input_key_buffer[190])) && !e.shiftKey && !e.altKey) { // ¥+.:: ^+.::
      let ele = document.elementFromPoint(mousex, mousey)
      if (!ele) return;
      if (input_key_buffer[BEKIJOU]) ele = getBekijouEle(ele) //ele = ele?.parentNode;
      if (!ele) return;

      let hrefName = ""
      var fn = `${signzen(document.title+" "+location.href).substr(0, D_FILENAME_MAXLENGTH-hrefName.length-1)} ${hrefName}`?.trim()
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      var res = ele?.innerText?.replace(/\s+|\n+/gm, " ") || ele?.textContent?.replace(/\s+|\n+/gm, " ") || ""
      //var res = ele?.innerText?.replace(/\s+|\n+/gm, " ") || ""

      if (res) fn = `${signzen(document.title+" "+location.href).substr(0, D_FILENAME_MAXLENGTH/2-hrefName.length-1)} ${signzen(res).substr(0, D_FILENAME_MAXLENGTH/2-1)} ${hrefName}`.trim();

      function signzen(str) { return str.replace(/^\s+/, "").replace(/\\|\/|\:|\;|\,|\+|\&|\=|\*|\?|\"|\'|\>|\<|\./g, c => { return String.fromCharCode(c.charCodeAt(0) + 0xFEE0) }) }

      let scale = 1
      document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('saveDOMAsImage', { detail: { element: ele, filename: fn, scale: scale } }))
      input_key_buffer = []
      return false;

    if (input_key_buffer[YENMARK] && !e.shiftKey && !e.altKey) {
    if (input_key_buffer[BEKIJOU] && !e.shiftKey && !e.altKey) {
      let ele = document.elementFromPoint(mousex, mousey)
      ele = getBekijouEle(ele)
      mark(ele); //mark((document.elementFromPoint(mousex, mousey))?.parentNode);
    if (input_key_buffer[YENMARK] && e.shiftKey && e.altKey) { removeInherit(); } // shift+alt+^ 不可視要素を削除

    if (input_key_buffer[YENMARK] && input_key_buffer[BEKIJOU] && !e.shiftKey && !e.altKey) { // ¥+^
      var ele = document.elementFromPoint(mousex, mousey);
      if ((key == "\\" || key != "^") && ele?.tagName != "HTML") ele = ele?.parentNode
      if (!isBody(ele, 0)) blockElement(ele);

    //    if (input_key_buffer[YENMARK] && input_key_buffer[64] && !e.shiftKey && !e.altKey) { // ¥+@
    if (input_key_buffer[YENMARK] && input_key_buffer[ATMARK] && !e.shiftKey && !e.altKey) { // ¥+@
      //        if (Date.now() - input_key_buffer[e.keyCode] >= 2000) { // 2秒以上の長押し
      var one = document.elementFromPoint(mousex, mousey);
      if (one) {
        one.contentEditable = "true";
        input_key_buffer = []
    //    }

    if (input_key_buffer[BEKIJOU] && e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey) { // ctrl+^
      if (blockXP.match0(/\||\/\//)) { alert(`Ctrl+^:\n登録内容にXPathを含むようなのでアンドゥは機能しません\nShift+^の自由編集で編集してください`); return; }
      //let undoXP = blockXP.match(/\|[^\|]*$|^[^|]*$/);
      let undoXP = blockXP.split(",") //match0(/\s*\,\s*[^\,]*$/)||"";
      /*if (undoXP) {
        for (let ele of elegeta(undoXP.replace(/^\s*\,\s*|^\|/, ""))) { ele.style.display = "block"; }
      let removed = undoXP.pop()
      if (removed > "") elegeta(removed || "").forEach(e => { e.style.display = "block"; });
      blockXP = undoXP.map(v => v?.trim()).join(" , ") //blockXP.replace(undoXP,"")//replace(/\s*\,\s*[^\,]*$|\|[^\|]*$|^[^|]*$/, "");
      pref('blockXP', blockXP);
      popup2(removed + "\nを自動非表示登録から削除しました\n\n編集後:\n" + blockXP);
      if (blockXP == "") pref('blockXP', "");

    if (!input_key_buffer[YENMARK] && input_key_buffer[BEKIJOU] && e.shiftKey && !e.ctrlKey) { // Shift+^
      let tmp = prompt("Shift+^\nこのドメインで自動で非表示にする要素をXPathかCSSセレクタで指定してください\n\n                                                                                                                                                                                           ", blockXP || "");
      if (tmp !== null && tmp != blockXP) {
        blockXP = tmp;
        for (let ele of elegeta(blockXP)) ele.remove();
        pref('blockXP', blockXP);
        if (blockXP == "") pref('blockXP', "");

    if (input_key_buffer[YENMARK] && input_key_buffer[BS]) { // ¥+BackSpace::ホバーしている要素の横幅を10px広げる
      var ele = document.elementFromPoint(mousex, mousey);
      var w = ele.getBoundingClientRect().width;
      var wp = Number(w) + 10;
      ele.style.width = `${wp}px`
      ele.style.maxWidth = `${wp}px`
  }, true);

  document.addEventListener("mousedown", function(e) {
    if (!e?.isTrusted) return;
    if (input_key_buffer[YENMARK] && e.button == 0) { //¥+左クリック
      var ele = document.elementFromPoint(e.clientX, e.clientY);
      if (isBody(ele, 0)) return;
      return false;
    if (input_key_buffer[BEKIJOU] && e.button == 0) { //^+左クリック
      var ele = e?.target
      if (!ele || isBody(ele, 1)) return;
      ele = getBekijouEle(ele)
      if (!ele || isBody(ele, 1)) return;
      return false;
    if ((input_key_buffer[BEKIJOU] || input_key_buffer[YENMARK]) && e?.button == 2) { // ^+右クリック/¥+右クリック
      return false;
  }, true);
  document.addEventListener("contextmenu", e => {
    if (input_key_buffer[BEKIJOU] || input_key_buffer[YENMARK]) {
      return false;
  }, true)

  function removeEle(ele) {
    if (ele && ele.parentNode) {
      removeHistory.push({ element: ele, parent: ele.parentNode, index: Array.prototype.indexOf.call(ele.parentNode.children, ele) });

  function removeEleUndo() {
    if (removeHistory.length) {
      const { element, parent, index } = removeHistory.pop();
      parent.insertBefore(element, parent.children[index] || null);
  document.addEventListener("mousemove", function(e) {
    mousex = e.clientX;
    mousey = e.clientY;
    if (input_key_buffer[YENMARK]) mark(); //¥
    //    if (input_key_buffer[BEKIJOU]) mark((document.elementFromPoint(mousex, mousey)).parentNode);
    if (input_key_buffer[BEKIJOU]) mark(getBekijouEle(document.elementFromPoint(mousex, mousey)));
  }, false);


  function isBody(ele, alsoParent = 0) { // eleがbodyならtrue
    if (alsoParent && (ele != document.body && ele.parentNode != document.body)) return false;
    if (!alsoParent && ele != document.body) return false;
    return true;

  function blockElement(ele) {
    if (!ele) return;
    var xp = getElementXPath0(ele);
    if (["//HTML", "//HTML/BODY", null, ""].includes(xp)) {

    if (blockXP.match0(/\||\/\//)) { alert(`¥+^:\n既存の登録内容にXPathを含むようです\n自動生成は現在CSSを作り、XPathと混在できません\nShift+^の自由編集で全削除すると新たに登録できるようになります`); return; }

    //for (let ele of elegeta(xp)) ele.style.display = "none"; //ele.remove();
    if (blockXP) blockXP += " , " + xp;
    else blockXP = xp;
    pref('blockXP', blockXP);
    popup2(xp + "\nを非表示登録しました(Ctrl+^:取り消し Shift+^:編集)\n\n編集後:\n" + blockXP);

  function getElementXPath0(ele) {
    var paths = makecontent(0, ele);
    if (!paths?.length) return "";
    var path = paths[0];
    path = paths.find(v => v.match(/\.\w|#/) && elegeta(v)?.[0] == ele) || null;
    /*                    for (let p of paths) {
          if (p.match(/\.\w|#/)) { path = p; break; }
    return path;

  function makecontent(mode, ele) {
    var retStr = [];
    var maxline = 50 //window.innerHeight / maxLines;
    var maxtrial = 0 //maxline * TryMulti * (mode != 9 ? 32 : 3) * (requireRE > "\0" ? 3 : 1) * ((mode == 0 && requireHits == 1) ? 3 : 1);
    var retStrl = 0;
    let stime = Date.now()
    //    for (var i = 0; i < maxtrial && retStrl < maxline; i++) {
    for (var i = 0; Date.now() - stime < 1000 && retStrl < maxline; i++) {
      var xp = Math.random() > XPATH_CSS_RATIO ? getElementXPath(mode, ele) : getElementXPathCSS(mode, ele)
      if (xp && !(mode !== 9 && RegExp((excludeRE || "$^").replace(/|/gm, "|").replace(/^[\!|!](\S*)/, "^(?!.*($1)).*").replace(/(\S*)[  ](\S*)/gm, "^(?=.*($1))(?=.*\($2\))").replace(/\s| /gm, ".*"), "i").test(xp))) {
        var retStr = retStr.sort().reduce(function(previous, current) { if (previous[previous.length - 1] !== current) { previous.push(current); } return previous; }, []).sort(function(a, b) { return a.length - b.length < 0 ? -1 : 1; }); // 重複を削除&ソート
        retStrl = retStr.length;
    cl("trymax:" + maxtrial + "\nmakemax:" + maxline + "\ntried:" + i + "\nmake:" + retStr.length);
    /*    // 1つは全属性を記述しただけのもの
        if (getAttrOfEle(mode, ele, true)) {
          var path = "//" + ele.tagName + "[" + getAttrOfEle(mode, ele, true) + "";
          retStr.push(path.replace(CancelStyle, cancelrep).replace(CancelStyle, cancelrep));
        // 1つはフルパスを辿っただけのもの
        retStr.push(getElementXPathFullPath(ele).replace(CancelStyle, cancelrep).replace(CancelStyle, cancelrep));
        // 1つはフルパス全属性を辿っただけのもの
        retStr.push(getElementXPathFullpathAndFullproperty(mode, ele).replace(CancelStyle, cancelrep).replace(CancelStyle, cancelrep));
    return retStr;

  function getElementXPath(mode, ele) {
    var path = "";
    var origele = ele;
    for (let i = 0; i == 0 || (ele && ele.nodeType == 1 && Math.random() > genNoboruRitsu); ele = ele.parentNode, i++) {

      var ps = getPrevSib(ele);
      var ns = getNextSib(ele);

      var idx = 0;
      var arg = "";
      if (!ns && ps && Math.random() > 0.2) {
        var arg = "[last()]";
      } else
      if (!ps && ns && Math.random() > 0.2) {
        var arg = "[1]";
      } else {
        for (var idx = 1, sib = getPrevSib(ele); sib; sib = getPrevSib(sib)) { idx++; }
      var att = getAttrOfEle(mode, ele);
      if (att) att = "[" + att;
      var rnd = Math.random();
      if ((rnd > 0.68) && arg) var opt = arg;
      else if ((rnd > 0.36) && idx > 1) var opt = "[" + idx + "]";
      else if ((rnd > 0.04) && att) var opt = att;
      else var opt = "";
      path = "/" + ele.tagName.toLowerCase() + (opt) + path;
    if (!path) return "";

    path = "/" + path;
    path = path.replace(CancelStyle, cancelrep).replace(CancelStyle, cancelrep);
    if (requireRE > "" && !(RegExp((requireRE || "$^").replace(/|/gm, "|").replace(/^[\!|!](\S*)/, "^(?!.*($1)).*").replace(/(\S*)[  ](\S*)/gm, "^(?=.*($1))(?=.*\($2\))").replace(/\s| /gm, ".*"), "i").test(path))) return "";

    let hits = elegeta(path).length; // 検算
    let hitsVisible = elegeta(path).filter(e => e?.offsetHeight).length; // 検算
    if (hits == 0 || (mode == 8 && hits < 2) || (mode == 0 && (requireHits != hits && requireHits != hitsVisible))) return false;
    return path;

  function getAttrOfEle(mode, ele, allFlag = false) {
    if (ele.tagName.match(/html|body/gmi)) return "";
    let attrs = ele.attributes;
    let xp = "";
    let att2 = [];
    for (let att of attrs) {
      if (att.value === "") continue;
      if (att.value.length < TEXT_MAX) {
        if (att.name == "class" && Math.random() > 0.2 && !allFlag) {
          att2.push({ name: "contains(@class,", value: "\"" + att.value + "\")" })
        } else {
          att2.push({ name: "@" + att.name + "=", value: "\"" + att.value + "\"" })

    if (!allFlag) {
      if (Math.random() > (0.5)) {
        if (ele.innerText && !ele.innerText.match(/[\r\n]/)) { att2.push({ name: "text()=", value: "\"" + ele.innerText + "\"" }) }
      } else {
        if (ele.innerText && !ele.innerText.match(/[\r\n]/)) { att2.push({ name: "contains(text(),", value: "\"" + ele.innerText + "\")" }) }

    for (let j = 0; j < att2.length; j++) {
      if ((Math.random() > (allFlag ? 0 : att2[j].name.match(/href/) ? 0.7 : 0.5))) {
        xp += att2[j].name + att2[j].value + " and ";
    xp = xp.replace(/ and $/, "]").replace(/^(.*)\[$/, "$1");
    return xp;

  function getElementXPathCSS(mode, ele) {
    var path = "";
    var origele = ele;
    for (let i = 0; i == 0 || (ele && ele.nodeType == 1 && Math.random() > genNoboruRitsuCSS); ele = ele.parentNode, i++) {

      var ps = getPrevSib(ele);
      var ns = getNextSib(ele);

      let cla = [...ele.classList].filter(v => v !== "")
      let classes = (cla.length) ? cla.filter(v => Math.random() > 0.5).map(v =>
        Math.random() > (v.match(/[0-9\_\-]+/) ? 0.66 : 0.9) ? `[class*="${v}"]` :
        `.${v}`).join("") : "";
      let idname = `${ele?.id>""&&Math.random()>0.66&&ele?.id?("#"+ele?.id) : ""}`;

      var att = getAttrOfEleCSS(mode, ele);
      if (att) att = "[" + att;

      var idx = 0;
      var arg = "";
      if (!ns && ps && Math.random() > 0.2) {
        var arg = Math.random() > 0.5 ? ":last-of-type" : ":last-child";
      } else
      if (!ps && ns && Math.random() > 0.2) {
        var arg = [`:nth-child(1 of ${ele.tagName.toLowerCase()}${idname}${classes})`, `:nth-of-type(1)`, `:nth-child(1)`][~~(Math.random() * 3)]
      } else {
        for (var idx = 1, sib = getPrevSib(ele); sib; sib = getPrevSib(sib)) { idx++; }

      var rnd = Math.random();
      if ((rnd > 0.68) && arg) var opt = arg;
      //      else if ((rnd > 0.5) && idx > 1) var opt = ":nth-child(" + idx + ")";
      else if ((rnd > 0.5) && idx > 1) var opt = Math.random() > 0.5 ? `:nth-child(${idx} of ${ele.tagName.toLowerCase()}${idname}${classes})` : `:nth-child(${idx})`;
      else if ((rnd > 0.04) && att) var opt = att;
      else var opt = "";

      path = ` > ${ele.tagName.toLowerCase()}${idname}${classes}${opt}${path}`;

    if (!path) return "";

    path = path.replace(CancelStyle, cancelrep).replace(CancelStyle, cancelrep);
    path = path.trim()?.replace(/^\>\s/, "");

    if (requireRE > "" && !(RegExp((requireRE || "$^").replace(/|/gm, "|").replace(/^[\!|!](\S*)/, "^(?!.*($1)).*").replace(/(\S*)[  ](\S*)/gm, "^(?=.*($1))(?=.*\($2\))").replace(/\s| /gm, ".*"), "i").test(path))) return "";

    let hits = elegeta(path).length; // 検算
    let hitsVisible = elegeta(path).filter(e => e?.offsetHeight).length; // 検算
    if (hits == 0 || (mode == 8 && hits < 2) || (mode == 0 && (requireHits != hits && requireHits != hitsVisible))) return false;
    //if (hits == 0 || (mode == 8 && hits < 2) || (mode == 0 && requireHits != hits)) return false;
    return path;

  function getAttrOfEleCSS(mode, ele, allFlag = false) {
    if (ele.tagName.match(/html|body/gmi)) return "";
    let attrs = ele.attributes;
    let xp = "";
    let att2 = [];
    for (let att of attrs) {
      if (att.value.length < TEXT_MAX && att.value !== "") {
        if (att.name != "class" && att.name != "id" && Math.random() > 0.5) {
          att2.push({ name: "" + att.name + "=", value: "\"" + att.value + "\"" })
    for (let j = 0; j < att2.length; j++) {
      if ((Math.random() > (allFlag ? 0 : att2[j].name.match(/href/) ? 0.7 : 0.5))) {
        xp += att2[j].name + att2[j].value + "][";
    xp = xp.replace(/\[$/, "").replace(/^(.*)\[$/, "$1");
    return xp;

  function getElementXPathFullPath(ele) {
    var path = "";
    for (; ele && ele.nodeType == 1; ele = ele.parentNode) {
      for (var idx = 1, sib = ele.previousSibling; sib; sib = sib.previousSibling) {
        if (sib.nodeType == 1 && sib.tagName == ele.tagName) idx++
      path = "/" + ele.tagName + (!ele.tagName.match(/html|body/gi) ? "[" + idx + "]" : "") + path;
    return path;

  function getElementXPathFullpathAndFullproperty(mode, ele) {
    var path = "";
    for (; ele && ele.nodeType == 1; ele = ele.parentNode) {
      if (getAttrOfEle(mode, ele, true)) { path = "/" + ele.tagName + "[" + getAttrOfEle(mode, ele, true) + path; } else { path = "/" + ele.tagName + path; }
    path = "/" + path;
    return path;

  function mark(ele = document.elementFromPoint(mousex, mousey)) {
    if (!ele || ele == document.body) return;
    let csssel = `${ele.tagName?.toLowerCase()}${ele.id?"#"+ele.id:""}${ele.className?"."+ele.className.trim().replace(/\s+/g,".").trim():""}`
    popup2(`${csssel} (${elegeta(csssel).length})`, 9, csssel) // ¥::を押した要素のCSSセレクタをポップアップ(簡易)

    if (YEN_SHOW_OUTERHTML && ele && ele?.outerHTML?.length < 700) popup(ele?.outerHTML + " (" + ele?.outerHTML?.length + "文字)", ele?.outerHTML);
    if (ele) setMark(ele);
    //    ele.addEventListener("mouseout", function(e) { restoreMark(); }, false);

  function xpathErr() {

  function eleget0(xpath, node = document) {
    try {
      if (!/^\.?\/\//.test(xpath)) return document.querySelector(xpath);
      var ele = document.evaluate(xpath, node, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
      return ele.snapshotLength > 0 ? ele.snapshotItem(0) : "";
    } catch (e) { xpathErr(); return null }

  function elegeta(xpath, node = document) {
    try {
      if (!xpath) return [];
      if (!/^\.?\/\//.test(xpath)) return [...document.querySelectorAll(xpath)];
    } catch (e) { xpathErr(); return [] }
    //    var ele = document.evaluate(xpath, document, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
    try {
      var array = [];
      var ele = document.evaluate("." + xpath, node, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
      for (var i = 0; i < ele.snapshotLength; i++) array[i] = ele.snapshotItem(i);
      return array;
    } catch (e) { xpathErr(); return [] }

  function str2numMinMax(str, min, max) {
    var ans = Number(str.replace(/[A-Za-z0-9.]/g, function(s) {
      return String.fromCharCode(s.charCodeAt(0) - 65248);
    }).replace(/[^-^0-9^\.]/g, ""));
    if (ans > max) ans = max;
    if (ans < min) ans = min;
    return ans;

  // バルーン表示
  function popup(txt, unRCtxt) {
    if (panel) {
      panel = null;
    txt = txt.replace(/outline: 3px dotted red;|\s?style=\"\s*\"\s?/gmi, "");
    txt = txt.replace(/&/g, "&amp;").replace(/"/g, "&quot;").replace(/'/g, "&#39;").replace(/`/g, '&#x60;').replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;").replace(/\n/gm, "<br>")
    if (unRCtxt) unRCtxt = unRCtxt.replace(/outline: 3px dotted red;|\s?style=\"\s*\"\s?/gmi, "");
    var ele = eleget0("//span[@id='ctrlc']");
    if (ele) ele.parentElement.removeChild(ele);
    var opa = 0.8;
    panel = document.createElement("span");
    panel.className = "ignoreMe"
    panel.setAttribute("style", "max-width:95%; right:0; bottom:0; z-index:2147483646; opacity:" + opa + "; text-align:left; line-height:1.1em; position:fixed; font-size:15px; margin:15px;  text-decoration:none; padding:15px 15px; border-radius:7px; background-color:#d0e8ff; color:#000000;  box-shadow:5px 5px 8px #0003; border:2px solid #fff; font-family: 'MS UI Gothic','Meiryo UI','Yu Gothic UI','Arial',sans-serif;");
    panel.innerHTML = txt;
    panel.id = "ctrlc";
    panel.onclick = function() {
      GM.setClipboard(unRCtxt || txt);
      panel.style.opacity = 0;
    frameOldTimer = setTimeout(function() {
      panel = null;
    }, POPUPMS);

  function removePanel() {
    if (frameOldTimer) clearTimeout(frameOldTimer);
    if (panel) {
      panel = null;

  function restoreMark() {
    /*if (frameOldEle) {
      frameOldEle.style.outline = frameOldStyle;
      frameOldEle = null;
    elegeta('.yenclickmark').forEach(e => e.classList.remove("yenclickmark"))

  function setMark(ele) {
    addstyle.add(".yenclickmark{outline:red dotted 3px !important;}")
    //frameOldStyle = ele.style.outline;
    //frameOldEle = ele;
    //ele.style.outline = "red dotted 3px";

  var maet;

  function popup2(text, i = 0, tocopy = "") {
    var mae = eleget0('//span[@id="mllboxYenToDelete"]');
    if (maet && mae) {
    text = text.replace(/&/g, "&amp;").replace(/"/g, "&quot;").replace(/'/g, "&#39;").replace(/`/g, '&#x60;').replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;").replace(/\n/gm, "<br>")
    var ele = document.createElement("span");
    ele.className = "ignoreMe"
    ele.outerHTML = `<span id="mllboxYenToDelete" class="ignoreMe" title="クリックでクリップボードにコピー" data-tocopy="${escape(tocopy||text)}" style="all:initial; position: fixed; right:1em; bottom: ${ (i * 2 + 1) }em; z-index:2147483647; opacity:1; font-size:15px; margin:0px 1px; text-decoration:none !important;  padding:1px 6px 1px 6px; word-break: break-all !important; border-radius:12px; background-color:#6090d0; color:white; ">${text}</span>`;
    maet = setTimeout(function() {
      var mae = eleget0('//span[@id="mllboxYenToDelete"]');
      if (mae) { mae.remove(); }
    }, 3000);
    //    document.querySelector('#mllboxYenToDelete').onclick = (e) => { GM.setClipboard(e.target.textContent.trim()) }
    document.querySelector('#mllboxYenToDelete').onclick = (e) => { GM.setClipboard(unescape(e.target.dataset.tocopy)) }

  function str2numMinMax(str, min, max) {
    var ans = Number(str.replace(/[A-Za-z0-9.]/g, function(s) {
      return String.fromCharCode(s.charCodeAt(0) - 65248);
    }).replace(/[^-^0-9^\.]/g, ""));
    if (ans > max) ans = max;
    if (ans < min) ans = min;
    return ans;

  function eleget1(xpath) {
    if (!xpath) return "Err";
    try { var ele = document.evaluate(xpath, document, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null) } catch (err) { return "Err"; }
    return ele.snapshotLength > 0 ? ele.snapshotItem(0) : ele;

  function getNextSib(ele) { // 同じタグの弟ノードを走査
    if (!ele.nextElementSibling) return null;
    let orgtag = ele.tagName;
    do {
      ele = ele.nextElementSibling;
      if (!ele) return null;
      if (ele.tagName == orgtag) return ele;
    } while (1)
    return null;

  function getPrevSib(ele) { // 同じタグの兄ノードを走査
    if (!ele.previousElementSibling) return null;
    let orgtag = ele.tagName;
    do {
      ele = ele.previousElementSibling;
      if (!ele) return null;
      if (ele.tagName == orgtag) return ele;
    } while (1)
    return null;

  function proInput(prom, defaultval, min, max = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
    return Math.min(Math.max(
      Number(window.prompt(prom, defaultval).replace(/[A-Za-z0-9]/g, function(s) {
        return String.fromCharCode(s.charCodeAt(0) - 65248);
      }).replace(/[^-^0-9^\.]/g, "")), min), max);

  var start_ms;

  function hajime() { start_ms = new Date().getTime(); }

  function owari() {
    var elapsed_ms = new Date().getTime() - start_ms;
    //console.log('処理時間:' + elapsed_ms + "ms");

  function hajime2() { return new Date().getTime(); }

  function owari2(hajimeTime) {
    return new Date().getTime() - hajimeTime;

  function pref(name, store = undefined) { // prefs(name,data)で書き込み(数値でも文字列でも配列でもオブジェクトでも可)、prefs(name)で読み出し
    var domain = new URL(location.href).hostname;
    if (store === undefined) { // 読み出し
      let data = GM_getValue(domain + " ::: " + name)
      if (data == undefined) return; // 値がないなら終わり
      if (data.substr(0, 1) === "[") { // 配列なのでJSONで返す
        try { return JSON.parse(data || '[]'); } catch (e) {
          console.log("データベースがバグっているのでクリアします\n" + e);
          pref(name, []);
      } else return data;
    if (store === "" || store === [] || store === null) { // 書き込み、削除
      GM_deleteValue(domain + " ::: " + name);
    } else if (typeof store === "string") { // 書き込み、文字列
      GM_setValue(domain + " ::: " + name, store);
      return store;
    } else { // 書き込み、配列
      try { GM_setValue(domain + " ::: " + name, JSON.stringify(store)); } catch (e) {
        console.log("データベースがバグっているのでクリアします\n" + e);
        pref(name, "");
      return store;

  function before(e, html) { e?.insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin', html); return e?.previousElementSibling; }

  function begin(e, html) { e?.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', html); return e?.firstChild; }

  function end(e, html) { e?.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', html); return e?.lastChild; }

  function after(e, html) { e?.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', html); return e?.nextElementSibling; }

  function verb() { if (VERBOSE) console.log(...arguments) }

  function cl(...args) {
    if (verbose) console.log(...args)

  function lh(re) { let tmp = location.protocol == "file:" ? null : location.href.match(re); if (!tmp) { return null } else if (tmp.length > 1) { return tmp[1] } else return tmp[0] } // gフラグ不可
  function ld(re) { let tmp = location.protocol == "file:" ? null : location.hostname.match(re); if (!tmp) { return null } else if (tmp.length > 1) { return tmp[1] } else return tmp[0] } // gフラグ不可

  function getBekijouEle(ele) {
    if (lh(/\/\/www\.youtube\.com/)) {
      return ele?.closest(`:is(ytd-video-renderer , ytd-rich-item-renderer , ytd-grid-video-renderer , ytd-playlist-video-renderer , ytd-reel-item-renderer.style-scope.yt-horizontal-list-renderer , ytd-compact-video-renderer , ytm-shorts-lockup-view-model-v2.shortsLockupViewModelHost , ytd-playlist-panel-video-renderer#playlist-items.style-scope.ytd-playlist-panel-renderer)`) || ele?.parentNode || ele;
    } else if (lh(/\/\/www\.yodobashi\.com/)) {
      return ele?.closest(`div.srcResultItem_block.pListBlock.js_productBox.productListTile`) || ele?.parentNode || ele;
    } else if (lh(/\/\/www\.amazon\.co/)) {
      return ele?.closest(`[data-asin]`) || ele?.parentNode || ele;
    } else if (lh(/https:\/\/www\.google\.(?:[a-z\.]+)\/search\?/i)) {
      return ele?.closest(`[data-viewer-group] [data-hveid][data-ved] , li.I8iMf`) || ele?.parentNode || ele;
    } else if (lh(/\/\/duckduckgo\.com\/\?q\=/)) {
      return ele?.closest(`.tile.tile--img.has-detail`) || ele?.parentNode || ele;
    } else {
      return ele?.parentNode || ele;