- thumbnail

Adds clickable thumbnail

< Feedback on - thumbnail


Posted: 2022-11-05


Unfortunately with the version 1.9.1, the thumbnail doesn't display anymore...
Also whether this script is disabled or enabled, the thumbnail doesn't display anymore like before the new change of YouTube... because your script worked very well with this script.

Thank you for your answer.

Google Chrome Browser with Violentmonkey

Posted: 2022-11-05
Edited: 2022-11-05

Hi, as a temporary solution I can suggest you downgrade to 1.8 (use history tab) and disallow updates of the script.
Starting with version 1.9, the script only utilizes the new layout, while 1.8 tries to support both old and new ones.

Posted: 2022-11-05

After many tests, the version 1.7 and 1.8 doesn't work with this script
And the version 1.9.1 doesn't work with the new change of YouTube on my side like the screenshots show...

Posted: 2022-11-06

If that's what you call new layout on the screenshots, than it's definetly different in my case.
You can see the screenshot on the main script page for the reference.
And as for the incompatibility with the other script you mention - trying to tweak the script to fit others is impractical. Choose the script that you need more and delete the other - this is the most correct option.

Posted: 2022-11-06

Starting Tuesday I had the same layout as on your screenshot and since yesterday Saturday it's this layout that YouTube shows me now.
So I thought YouTube would do the same for you too, but I really see that YouTube makes differences between countries as others have already reported...

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