WhatsApp Web Spammer

Spam people with this beautiful WhatsApp Web spammer.

These are versions of this script where the code was updated. Show all versions.

  • v1.55 2018-08-24 Fixes.
  • v1.4 2018-02-28 fixed for new version of whatsapp web
  • v1.2 2017-12-15 Spam Button Changes
  • v1.1 2017-12-09 Changed cursor look when spam button can't be used
  • v1.0 2017-12-09 Fixed creation of SPAM Button
  • v0.9 2017-12-09 Enhanced Spam Button for bette User Feedback and looks
  • v0.8 2017-12-08 recommends spam interval
  • v0.7 2017-12-08 fixed checking for empty text
  • v0.6 2017-12-08 Alert when no message entered
  • v0.5 2017-12-08 Fixed creation of SPAM Button
  • v0.4 2017-12-08 Fixed creation of SPAM Button
  • v0.3 2017-12-06 Fixed creation of SPAM Button
  • v0.2 2017-12-06 Greasyfork Link
  • v0.1 2017-12-06