HTML5 Video Playing Tools

Enable hotkeys for HTML5 playback: video screenshot; enable/disable picture-in-picture; copy cached video; send any video to full screen or browser window size; fast forward, rewind, pause/play, volume, skip to next video, skip to previous or next frame, set playback speed. Video sites supported: YouTube, TED, Youku,, bilibili, ixigua, iQiyi, support mainstream video sites in mainland China; Live broadcasts: Twitch,,, Custom sites can be added

Filter: Last 30 days Last 365 days All time

Daily installs

Weekly installs

Daily update checks

Raw data

Date Installs Update checks
2024-03-26 268 31,597
2024-03-27 260 31,716
2024-03-28 225 30,654
2024-03-29 272 29,946
2024-03-30 258 23,753
2024-03-31 246 23,236
2024-04-01 231 32,741
2024-04-02 290 30,839
2024-04-03 247 29,991
2024-04-04 265 20,365
2024-04-05 271 21,109
2024-04-06 261 22,841
2024-04-07 285 32,148
2024-04-08 273 31,100
2024-04-09 319 31,046
2024-04-10 277 30,587
2024-04-11 240 29,782
2024-04-12 251 29,842
2024-04-13 262 23,713
2024-04-14 325 23,029
2024-04-15 254 32,262
2024-04-16 318 31,913
2024-04-17 336 31,807
2024-04-18 332 31,977
2024-04-19 346 31,105
2024-04-20 380 24,144
2024-04-21 344 23,266
2024-04-22 316 32,487
2024-04-23 298 31,005
2024-04-24 306 30,307
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