Youtube Video Ratings Bar with Power Meter

Puts a ratings bar below YouTube thumbnails displaying likes / dislikes, and also shows a "Power Meter" (in blue) to tell you how enthusiastic people are about each video. This helps you find the best of the best videos and avoid the bad ones.

As of 2014-06-11. See the latest version.

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Applies to

This script not only shows you a Green/Red Ratings Bar underneath video thumbnails for Likes/Dislikes, it also tries to show you how Enthusiastic people are about certain videos with an additional Blue bar, or "Power Meter".

This is a complete overhaul of a year-old script of mine called "YouTube Ratings Bar with Like Strength".

In addition to the bars, you can rest the cursor over thumbnail images to get a tooltip with ratings and power details.

The Power Meter needs an accurate view count to work. If YouTube has paused the view count (301 views, more votes than views, etc) then the bar will have yellow/green stripes and the tooltip will say "View Count Incorrect".

The Power Meter algorithm adjusts itself based on how many Views a video has had. It won't let a video with three Views and three Likes receive a 100% Power Meter, for instance.

At some point I'll make the colors and size editable, probably via UserStyles.

I'm still learning JavaScript and it's likely that there's some stupidly wrong things going on. I wrote it in Chrome just using TamperMonkey's built-in editor, but it does seem to be working in Firefox at the moment, thankfully.