Google site: Tool (Site results / Exclude sites)

Easily add site: or -site: to modify your current Google query. v1.4.0 2018-10-07

As of 2018-10-07. See the latest version.

Jefferson Scher
0 0 0
BSD with restriction
Applies to

Read This First: System Requirements

Firefox 45-56 users: Install the Greasemonkey extension from Mozilla Add-ons BEFORE installing this userscript.

Google Chrome users: Install the Tampermonkey extension from the Chrome store BEFORE installing this userscript.

Firefox Nightly or 57+ users: Install the Tampermonkey extension from Mozilla Add-ons BEFORE installing this userscript. The Violentmonkey extension may also work.

Other Browsers: I honestly have no idea.

Google site: Tool — What It Does

Want to limit your query to a particular site in the results? Or to re-run the query excluding that site from the results? Click the green citation URL below the result header to display a form. It should be self-explanatory from there, but see the screen shots below for an example.

For a more detailed description, check out Ann Smarty's article 3 FireFox Addons to Use Google's SITE: More Effectively at Apologies for obsoleting the screen shot so quickly!

Screen Shots

The script makes the green citation clickable:

Screen capture showing to click the green cite line

You may have choices of directories on the site in addition to the main domain.

Click the + button to limit your query to this site, or the - button to exclude the domain. This dialog also has a checkbox to change script options (click Edit Script Options).

The script's dialog

Result of + button:

Results modified by using the + button

Result of - button:

Results modified by using the - button

The script detects the "title and date" format in results, indents it, and adds a link for More Results:

Results with More results from

Setting Script Options

By default, the script adds "more results from" links but these open in the same window or tab. You can check a box in options to open them in a new wndow or tab. Also, by default, the script shows the domain without www as the first option. If you always want to drop the first subdomain, there now is a checkbox for that (e.g., and could be omitted by omitting This feature may offer nonsense choices in multi-level TLDs (e.g.,

Dialog to set script options

Change Log

v1.4.0 Emergency fix for Google putting the cite inside the result link (may be slightly buggy) v1.3.0 Added GM.getValue and GM.setValue code to support Greasemonkey 4(alpha) v1.2.0 See: .