

As of 2014-06-04. See the latest version.

// ==UserScript==
// @name           tieba_quote
// @description    百度贴吧引用
// @include        http://tieba.baidu.com/p/*
// @include        http://tieba.baidu.com/f?ct=*
// @include        http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=*
// @icon           http://tb.himg.baidu.com/sys/portraitn/item/4e2ed7f8bbb3d4f2c2d2bb21
// @author         congxz6688
// @grant          GM_addStyle
// @version        2014.6.4.0
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/scripts/147
// ==/UserScript==

var replyCss = "";
replyCss += ".ordiFloor>.SimQuote,.ordiFloor>.jiangyou,.ordiFloor>.quoteButton{margin:0px 3px; float:right} .ordiFloor>.splitl{color:#7B6681; float:right}";
replyCss += ".lzlFloor>.quoteButton{margin:0px 3px 0px 6px;} .lzlFloor>.splitl{color:#7B6681;}";
replyCss += "fieldset{width:580px !important; background-color:#E7E6E0 !important;color:#555555 !important; border: solid 1px #D2B48C !important;}";
replyCss += ".d_quote{width:582px !important; color:#555555 !important;}";
replyCss += "legend{background-color:#F2F1EE !important;border: solid 1px #C3A782 !important; border-radius: 5px !important;}.super_jubao{display:none !important;}";
replyCss += "fieldset .myresized,fieldset .BDE_Image{height:auto !important; width:auto !important; max-height:200px; max-width:560px !important;}";

$ = unsafeWindow.$;
var splitt = "<br>———————————————————————————<br>";

//函数 元素精确定位
function addNodeInsertedListener(elCssPath, handler, executeOnce, noStyle) {
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//函数 元素精确定位取消绑定
function removeNodeInsertedListener(bindedFunc) {
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	forEach(eventTypeList, function (eventType) {
		document.removeEventListener(eventType, bindedFunc, false);
function smallFaceEnbale() {
// 函数 回复层引用
function replyQuote(e) {
	var opyu = e.target;
	allInfo = JSON.parse($(".l_post").has(opyu).attr("data-field"));
	Louzhu = allInfo.author.name ? allInfo.author.name : allInfo.author.user_name;
	Louceng = (allInfo.content.floor ? allInfo.content.floor : allInfo.content.post_no) + "楼";
	quoteText = ($(".l_post").has(opyu).find(".d_post_content").html()) ? $(".l_post").has(opyu).find(".d_post_content").html().replace(/<a[ ].*?>@?/g, "").replace(/<\/a>/g, "").replace(/<spa[mn][ ]class="addPlus.*?<\/spa[mn]>/g, "").replace(/<spa[mn][ ]class="picFrdTab.*?<\/spa[mn]>/g, "") : $(".l_post").has(opyu).find(".d_post_content").text();
	quoteText = quoteText.replace(/<span[ ]class="apc_src_wrapper">.*?span>/g, "");
	quoteText = quoteText.replace(/<span[ ]class="edit_font.*?">(<strong>)?\s*————.*?span>/g, "");
	quoteText = quoteText.replace(/<strong>.*?————.*?strong>/g, "");
	quoteText = quoteText.replace(//g, "");
	quoteText = quoteText.replace(/<br>\s*[-—]{2,}.*|<br>>{2,}.*|<br>([-]\s){2,}.*/g, "");
	quoteText = quoteText.replace(/<img.*?height="21"[ ]width="570".*/, "");
	quoteText = quoteText.replace(/<img.*?height="19"[ ]width="570".*/, "");
	quoteText = quoteText.replace(/<img.*?height="20"[ ]width="560".*/, "");
	quoteText = quoteText.replace(/<img.*?height="19"[ ]width="320".*/, "");
	quoteText = quoteText.replace(/(<br>){2,}/g, "<br>");

	if ($('#tb_rich_poster').css('position')=='fixed' && $('#tb_rich_poster').css('display')=='none') {
	if (opyu.className == "jiangyou") {
		unsafeWindow.test_editor.execCommand("inserthtml", quoteText);
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		content.scrollTo(0, 99999);
		setTimeout(function () {
		}, 500);
	} else {
		var temp = '引用&nbsp;@' + Louzhu + '&nbsp;(' + Louceng + ')<br>' + quoteText + splitt + '<br>';
		temp = temp.replace(/<\/?span>/g,"").replace(/(<br>){2,}—————————/,"<br>—————————");
		if (opyu.className == "SimQuote") {
			var nhtemp = quoteText.replace(/<img.*?>/g, " [图] ").replace(/<(?!br).*?>/g, "");
			var temp = '引用&nbsp;@' + Louzhu + '&nbsp;(' + Louceng + ')<br>' + ((nhtemp.length < 72) ? nhtemp : nhtemp.slice(0, 61) + '......') + splitt + '<br>';
			temp = temp.replace("<br><br>—————————","<br>—————————");
		unsafeWindow.test_editor.execCommand("inserthtml", temp);
		$(".tb-editor-editarea img:not(.BDE_Smiley)").removeAttr("id").attr("class", "BDE_Image");

//函数 楼中楼引用
function replyQuote_lzl(e) {
	var opyu = e.target;
	allInfo = JSON.parse($(".l_post").has(opyu).attr("data-field"));
	Louzhu = JSON.parse($(".lzl_single_post").has(opyu).attr("data-field").replace(/'/g,'"')).user_name;
	Louceng = (allInfo.content.floor ? allInfo.content.floor : allInfo.content.post_no) + "楼,楼中楼";
	quoteText = $(".lzl_cnt").has(opyu).find(".lzl_content_main").html().replace(/回复.*?[ ][::]/,"").replace(/<a[ ].*?>@?/g, "").replace(/<\/a>/g, "").replace(/<spa[mn][ ]class="addPlus.*?<\/spa[mn]>/g, "").replace(/<spa[mn][ ]class="picFrdTab.*?<\/spa[mn]>/g, "").replace(/^(<br>)+/, "").replace(/(<br>)+$/, "");
	var temp = '引用&nbsp;@' + Louzhu + '&nbsp;(' + Louceng + ')<br>' + quoteText + splitt + '<br>';
	var nhtemp = quoteText.replace(/<img.*?>/g, " [图] ").replace(/<(?!br).*?>/g, "").replace(/^\s*/, "").replace(/\s*$/, "");
	if ($('#tb_rich_poster').css('position')=='fixed' && $('#tb_rich_poster').css('display')=='none') { //兼容原子的悬浮窗
	unsafeWindow.test_editor.execCommand("inserthtml", temp);
	$(".tb-editor-editarea img:not(.BDE_Smiley)").removeAttr("id").attr("class", "BDE_Image");
var freshDiv = $("<spadn>", {
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var backDiv = $("<spadm>", {
		title : "返回帖子列表",
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addNodeInsertedListener('.p_mtail', function () {
	var uuyuui = $("<li>", {
			class : "ordiFloor"
	$("<span>", {
		class : "splitl",
		html : "|"
	$("<a>", {
		href : "javascript:void(0);",
		title : "全文引用",
		html : "引用",
		class : "quoteButton",
		click : replyQuote
	$("<span>", {
		class : "splitl",
		html : "|"
	$("<a>", {
		href : "javascript:void(0);",
		title : "象征性引用前面一部分",
		html : "简引",
		class : "SimQuote",
		click : replyQuote
	$("<span>", {
		class : "splitl",
		html : "|"
	$("<a>", {
		href : "javascript:void(0);",
		html : "队形",
		class : "jiangyou",
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addNodeInsertedListener('.lzl_content_reply', function () {
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	$("<a>", {
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		html : "引用",
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	$("<span>", {
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	$("<a>", {
		href : "http://tieba.baidu.com/f?ct=335675392&tn=baiduPostBrowser&z=" + z + "&sc=" + lzlspid + "#" + lzlspid,
		title : "右键复制链接地址,可供访问者直达此楼",
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addNodeInsertedListener('.d_post_content', function () {
	var ol = this.innerHTML;
	var splittReg = new RegExp("<br>—{27,36}", "g");
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			var tmp2 = (partQuote[0].split("楼)<br>")[1]) ? partQuote[0].split("楼)<br>")[1] : "";
			var quote = '<blockquote class="d_quote"><fieldset><legend>' + tmp1 + '</legend><p class="quote_content">' + tmp2 + '</fieldset></blockquote>';
			this.innerHTML = partQuote[1].replace(/^(<br>){1,}/, "");
		} else {
			for (ss = 0; ss < howManyQuote.length; ss++) {
				if (partQuote[ss].indexOf("楼)") == -1) {
				} else {
					var uu = partQuote[ss].replace(/.*?(?=引用[ ])/, "");
					var tmp1 = uu.substr(0, uu.indexOf("楼)") + 2);
					if (tmp1.match(/\(\d{6,}[ ]\d+楼/)) {
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					var tmp2 = partQuote[ss].split("楼)<br>")[1];
					oll = partQuote[ss + 1].substr(0, (partQuote[ss + 1].indexOf("引用 ") == -1) ? partQuote[ss + 1].length : partQuote[ss + 1].indexOf("引用 "));
					var quote = '<blockquote class="d_quote"><fieldset><legend>' + tmp1 + '</legend><p class="quote_content">' + tmp2 + '</fieldset></blockquote>';
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addNodeInsertedListener('a[href^="http://jump.bdimg.com"]', function () {
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