
在淘宝天猫浏览商品时,自动为你首选 [按销量排序]。方便实用!

As of 2016-03-06. See the latest version.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         淘宝销量排序
// @namespace    http://hzy.pw
// @description  在淘宝天猫浏览商品时,自动为你首选 [按销量排序]。方便实用!
// @authuer      Moshel
// @homepageURL  http://hzy.pw/p/1364
// @license      Apache License 2.0
// @supportURL   http://weibo.com/moshel
// @icon         http://hzy.pw/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/i-300x300.jpg

// @include      *.taobao.com/*
// @include      *.tmall.com/*
// @grant        none
// @run-at       document_start

// @date         08/05/2015
// @modified     03/06/2016
// @version      1.3.1
// ==/UserScript==

! function() {
    "use strict";

    var href = location.href;

    /* 不支持这些界面 */
    var tmp = ["buy.tmall.com", "buy.taobao.com", "login.taobao.com"];
    for (var i = 0; i < tmp.length; i++)
        if (href.indexOf(tmp[i]) >= 0)

    /* 首先去除掉末尾的 # 信息 */
    var tmp = href.split("#", 2),
        fixed, hash_str;
    if (tmp.length == 2) {
        href = tmp[0];
        hash_str = tmp[1];
        fixed = true;
    } else
        fixed = false;

    /* 天猫搜索 */
    if (location.hostname === "list.tmall.com" && location.search.indexOf("sort=") < 0) 
        href += "&sort=d";
    /* 淘宝搜索 */
    else if (location.hostname === "s.taobao.com" && location.search.indexOf("sort=") < 0) 
        href += "&sort=sale-desc";
    /* 天猫淘宝店铺内搜索&分类浏览 */
    else if (location.search && location.search.indexOf("orderType=") < 0)
        href += "&orderType=hotsell_desc";

    /* 还原 # 信息 */
    if (fixed)
        href += "#" + hash_str;
    /* 进行跳转 */
    if (href !== location.href)
        location.href = href;
