YouTube - Always Theater Mode

Set the default viewing mode to Theater Mode.

As of 2015-06-23. See the latest version.

// ==UserScript==
// @name        YouTube - Always Theater Mode
// @author      r-a-y
// @namespace   r-a-y/youtube/theater
// @description Set the default viewing mode to Theater Mode.
// @include*
// @include*
// @version     1.1
// @grant       none
// ==/UserScript==

document.getElementById('page').className = "watch watch-stage-mode";
document.getElementById('player').className = "content-alignment watch-medium";
document.getElementById('watch7-container').className = "watch-wide";

var playlist = document.getElementById('watch-appbar-playlist');
if (playlist) {
  playlist.setAttribute('style', 'top:520px');

var video = document.getElementsByTagName("VIDEO")[0];
if (video) {
  video.setAttribute('style', 'width:100%; height:100%;');
  document.getElementsByClassName('html5-video-content')[0].setAttribute('style', 'width:100%; height:100%;');

  // Progress Bar resizing doesn't work due to YouTube's JS dynamically changing the width to 640px all the time
  //document.getElementsByClassName('html5-progress-bar')[0].setAttribute('style', 'width:100% !important');