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Command How to bypass !

Posted: 2017-06-23
Edited: 2017-06-23

Command How to bypass !

Hi how is this possible command bypassed using js?

meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="8; url=

Deleted user 20822
Posted: 2017-06-23
Edited: 2017-06-23

What did you mean? window.stop() can stop refreshing but it cannot prevent the browser from fetching the web page (BTW document.referrer will be leaked).

Posted: 2017-06-24

What did you mean? window.stop() can stop refreshing but it cannot prevent the browser from fetching the web page (BTW document.referrer will be leaked).

I will give more detailed information. I have a debrid site and with this html code I have to wait for 8 seconds on each page and it will direct address. Is there a way to bypass this with a js script?

Thank you for helping !

Deleted user 20822
Posted: 2017-06-25

Try this for the intermediate page:

var element = document.querySelector('meta[http-equiv="REFRESH"]');
var url = element.content.match(/url=["']?([^"']+)/i)[1];

The userscript should have @run-at document-start in the header.

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