EngageMe.TV Flash Memory Protector

Since Flash seems to eat up all the memory, this will proactively close the tab and open a new one - giving it a clean slate.

< Feedback on EngageMe.TV Flash Memory Protector


Posted: 2017-01-25

Are you still watching?


Would add the auto clicker for YES i am still watching.

Posted: 2017-01-27


Cant you just yous sum of the script out of nadamobile cliker to auto click the are u still watching cus im not lol

Posted: 2017-01-27

Next time i will copy the cod from the web page the part of that pop up should be a to do something with it.

Posted: 2017-01-28
Edited: 2017-01-28

div id="watching" style="display: block;"Are you still watching? br br br button onclick="yesiam();"Yes button div

I took out the >< so u could see this

Posted: 2017-01-28
setInterval(function(){ if($('#watching').is(":visible") == true) { yesiam(); }  }, 5000);

i havent tested it, but that should do it. it'll check for it every 5 seconds and trigger it to go away.

Posted: 2017-01-29
Edited: 2017-01-29

could we build a script for http://perk.tv/video it dos not actuly give a captcha just chek the box click yes no captha pups up any more on my end dont know about any one els.


Are you still watching.. Well of course not but my pc is.

Posted: 2017-03-14

This should have that functioning in here.

// ==UserScript==
// @name EngageMe.TV Flash Memory Protector
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/57063
// @version 0.1.6
// @description Since Flash seems to eat up all the memory, this will proactively close the tab and open a new one - giving it a clean slate.
// @author free21
// @match http://engageme.tv/*
// @grant window.close
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_getValue
// @require http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.1.0/jquery.min.js
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
var countMe = GM_getValue('countMe', 25);
var enCount = 0;
setInterval(function(){ if($('#watching').is(":visible") === true) { yesiam(); } }, 5000);
jwplayer().on('adComplete', function(event){
if (enCount == countMe) {
setTimeout(function() { window.close(); }, 1000);
$("#countMe").change(function() {
GM_setValue('countMe', $("#countMe").val());
if (enCount > countMe) { setTimeout(function() { location.reload(); }, 2000); $('#countMe').html('Resetting'); }
countMe = $("#countMe").val();

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