Posted: 2016-10-28

Display time

This is not very important, but the time displayed on the forum is not the same when you are logged or not.
There are two hours of difference. See attached image.

Posted: 2016-10-28

Time Zone, @leoncastro, did you hear about it?

Posted: 2016-10-28

Yes, I hear about Time Zones.
But I do not change my TZ when I sign in.
TZ is a system based param that not depends on the login status.

Posted: 2016-10-28

agreed, that's a question of minor importance, but it's really strange

Posted: 2016-12-11

Vanilla sets the time zone on your account when you log in. Guests don't log in, so they get the default (UTC).

I've created https://github.com/vanilla/vanilla/issues/4927 to fix this. It sounds possible but probably hard, so I wouldn't hold my breath. If it bothers you, I suggest moving to Greenwich.

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