Discussions » Greasy Fork Feedback


Posted: 2021-02-07
Edited: 2021-02-07




虽然脚本信息中包含 @antifeature 字段, 但是并未直观的展示给用户, 比如 这个 添加了 @antifeature 声明的脚本:

  • 搜索结果页: 并未展示其中包含广告
  • 脚本页: 在顶部的脚本信息中有 Antifeatures 字段, 但用户可能不会注意到这里


Antifeatures 定义的行为中:

  • ads: ✅ 对于用户来说是相对安全的, 它仅仅作为广告图片或链接显示
  • tracking: ❓ 可能会记录用户的行为, 并且可以使用 GM_xmlhttpRequest 将用户的数据发送到任何服务器
  • miner: ⚠️ 会降低客户端性能
  • referral-link: ❓ 与 tracking 相同, 向页面注入链接是有很大风险的, 特别是购物网站

对于开发者来说这些行为可能会带来收益, 但对于用户来说是有风险的, 或许应该让用户更加明确的知道这个脚本可能包含这些行为


Posted: 2021-02-07

I want to avoid putting too many icons and such on script entries. The main warning users will get is on install, a modal will appear with information on the antifeatures.

I would be open to ideas on how to make devs more aware of this. But again, there's lots of things I want to tell devs (don't minimize, don't obfuscate, don't copy without permission) and at a certain point if you're saying too much, you're not saying anything.

Posted: 2021-02-08

I want to avoid putting too many icons and such on script entries. The main warning users will get is on install, a modal will appear with information on the antifeatures.

感谢你的回复, 那个图片只是示例效果图, 增加 AD 图标确实不太合适, 我只是站在用户的角度思考如何才能更加方便的获取脚本信息

抱歉我之前没有见过安装时显示的那个弹窗, 这是一个很好的提示方式; 我还想问一下, 如果我已经安装了一个不包含广告的脚本, 在这个脚本发布包含广告的新版本后, 用户在脚本更新页面(TamperMonkey 自动打开的安装页面)里也会显示这个弹窗吗?

I would be open to ideas on how to make devs more aware of this. But again, there's lots of things I want to tell devs (don't minimize, don't obfuscate, don't copy without permission) and at a certain point if you're saying too much, you're not saying anything.

在创建脚本时需要提醒开发者的事情确实比较多, 创建脚本页面也有很多选项和提示, 并且顶部也有规则的链接, 看上去没有问题

Posted: 2021-02-08

抱歉我之前没有见过安装时显示的那个弹窗, 这是一个很好的提示方式; 我还想问一下, 如果我已经安装了一个不包含广告的脚本, 在这个脚本发布包含广告的新版本后, 用户在脚本更新页面(TamperMonkey 自动打开的安装页面)里也会显示这个弹窗吗?

This is up to the user script manager to do. https://github.com/Tampermonkey/tampermonkey/issues/1100 says "fixed at beta", so maybe it will be supported soon?

在创建脚本时需要提醒开发者的事情确实比较多, 创建脚本页面也有很多选项和提示, 并且顶部也有规则的链接, 看上去没有问题

Except there are already many violations of the rules that are specifically mentioned on the page. Some of these are from people who don't care, but some are likely people who didn't read the warning.

I'll give it some thought.

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