Dies sind durch Greasy Fork Benutzer erstellte Bibliotheken, welche Sie in Ihren Skripten mit @require
einbinden können. Für andere arten von Bibliotheken, welche Sie per @require
einbinden können, lesen Sie bitte Greasy Forks Richtlinien für @require
baueSchiffe_sendRessis Java Script (Bibliothek) - try to take over the world!
jscolor Java Script (Bibliothek) - jscolor Color Picker
Tablesort Java Script (Bibliothek) - Tablesort Library
Userscript with no name - Skin dictionary Java Script (Bibliothek) - Dictionary of extra item information to allow skins to display somewhat correctly in raffles
Hooks Java Script (Bibliothek) - A JavaScript hook/reply ultility
Ads DOM Remover Runner Java Script (Bibliothek) - Library - Removes Ad Containers from DOM (doesn't replace adblocker extension, but blocks dynamic content which the adblocker fails to block by removing whole sections from the HTML DOM.)
custom_edited Java Script (Bibliothek) - custom_edited library to use
Window floating container Java Script (Bibliothek) - Adds a fixed header element for use by other scripts
AFK-command Library Java Script (Bibliothek) - Library for Ventero's AFK-command script
Chat Timestamp And Whisper Link Library Java Script (Bibliothek) - Library for Ventero's Chat Timestamp And Whisper Link script
Reply-command (hotkey) Library Java Script (Bibliothek) - Library for Ventero's Reply-command (hotkey) script
WME Калужская область 1.0: Данные 2 Java Script (Bibliothek) - Данные для Калужская область
WME Калужская область 1.0: Данные 1 Java Script (Bibliothek) - Данные для Калужская область
Reply-command Library Java Script (Bibliothek) - Library for Ventero's Reply-command
WME_Assist_Analyzer Java Script (Bibliothek) - Waze Map Editor Assist Analyzer
WME_Assist_Scanner Java Script (Bibliothek) - Waze Map Editor Assist Scanner
Niqueish Java Script (Bibliothek) - niqueish
prototype.js抑制 Java Script (Bibliothek) - 【「@run-at document-start」必須】Prototype JavaScript framework (prototype.js) による組み込みメソッド破壊について、Tampermonkey、およびViolent monkeyが干渉するバグを回避します。
スクリプトの起動 Java Script (Bibliothek) - 「@run-at document-start」で動作するGreasemonkeyスクリプト向けの待機処理を行います。
polyfill (削除予定) Java Script (Bibliothek) - 廃止された URL.createFor() を使用するスクリプト向けの一時的なライブラリ。もともとMicrosoft Edge、Firefox、Opera、Google Chrome向けのpolyfillでした。
google库:conversion.js Java Script (Bibliothek) -
google库:jsap Java Script (Bibliothek) -
rsel-exprparser-basic Java Script (Bibliothek) - Parses RSel-specific expression text and rebuilds it in the UI.
Prevent pollution Java Script (Bibliothek) - Prevent window pollution by create a new variable named window.
Marcos Java Script (Bibliothek) - Domingo de sol
Underscore.js 1.8.3 Java Script (Bibliothek) - Underscore provides over 100 functions that support both your favorite workaday functional helpers
JavaScript Cookie v2.1.0 Released under the MIT license Java Script (Bibliothek) - A simple, lightweight JavaScript API for handling browser cookies
just-a-test Java Script (Bibliothek) - just just a test
$.alert Java Script (Bibliothek) - Create Simple Alert Messages with jQuery and Bootstrap - alert.js
ichord-At.js-mod Java Script (Bibliothek) - Add Github like mentions autocomplete to your application.
ichord-Caret.js Java Script (Bibliothek) - Get caret position or offset from inputor
require for ReSpeed Java Script (Bibliothek) - require for ReSpeed !
Vulcun Loot Autoclicker + Streams scan Java Script (Bibliothek) - Autoscans streams for drops and enters the loot in background.
User Hash Java Script (Bibliothek) - KIckass Torrent User Hash
WME Keyboard Shortcuts Java Script (Bibliothek) - Adds Keyboard Shortcuts to WME
OCRAD Java Script (Bibliothek) - temp use in require
MH Auto KR Solver REVAMP Java Script (Bibliothek) - This is an auto MH KR Solver.
jsPDF Java Script (Bibliothek) - PDF Document creation from JavaScript
Sneg Java Script (Bibliothek) - снежинки на странице
WME Util Singleton Java Script (Bibliothek) - Utility singleton for Waze map editor scripts
jscolor Java Script (Bibliothek) - jscolor is a web color picker component that aims to be super easy both for developers to install and end users to use.
installXHook Java Script (Bibliothek) - install XHook
Micro templating Java Script (Bibliothek) - JavaScript micro-templating, similar to John Resig's implementation.
LocalStorageDB Java Script (Bibliothek) - LocalStorageDB Script
Patreon.lib Java Script (Bibliothek) - Adds Patreon Context Menu
popurls classic link colors stylesheet Java Script (Bibliothek) - popurls classic black - link colors stylesheet
Player Helper Java Script (Bibliothek) - This userscript is required to play the video.
ScriptSettings Java Script (Bibliothek) - Allows you to manage script settings through GM menu
WME LevelReset Java Script (Bibliothek) - Script version of the WME LevelReset tool, to make relocking segments to their appropriate lock level easy & quick.
wz-skai Java Script (Bibliothek) - 视频区域js
Datejs Java Script (Bibliothek) - A JavaScript Date and Time Library
bililiteRange.js Java Script (Bibliothek) - Cross-broswer implementation of text ranges and selections
jQuery Simulate Java Script (Bibliothek) - simulate browser mouse and keyboard events
jQuery Simulate Extended Plugin 1.3.0 Java Script (Bibliothek) - jQuery Simulate Extended Plugin
jQuery Simulate Key-Sequence Plugin 1.3.0 Java Script (Bibliothek) - jQuery Simulate Key-Sequence Plugin
html2canvas - custom build of 0.5.0-beta2 Java Script (Bibliothek) - I modified some stuff to fit in to my script, use official version instead.
SGW Fixer - Users Java Script (Bibliothek) - Contains user definitions for other scripts
aes.js Java Script (Bibliothek) - slowAES algorithm implementation
Youtube Link Fix for addons/scripts Java Script (Bibliothek) - YouTube spf remove fix
hide_users Java Script (Bibliothek) - hide-gfyusers
hide_users Java Script (Bibliothek) - h-gfy
Zebra is love Zebra is life Java Script (Bibliothek) - Agar Enchanced v2
Zebra is love Zebra is life Java Script (Bibliothek) - Agar Enchanced v2
Proj4js Java Script (Bibliothek) - reprojection library
Rusha Java Script (Bibliothek) - A JavaScript implementation of the Secure Hash Algorithm, SHA-1
Bencode encoder/decoder Java Script (Bibliothek) - Module for encoding/decoding Bencoded data
Oscar.QBao Java Script (Bibliothek) - Oscar's QBao
Oscar.Booking Java Script (Bibliothek) - Oscar's Booking
Oscar.Container Java Script (Bibliothek) - Oscar's Container
Oscar.Library Java Script (Bibliothek) - Oscar's Library
MooTools for Greasemonkey Java Script (Bibliothek) - MooTools ( with fixes for Greasemonkey. Pulled from
search engine icon base64 json Java Script (Bibliothek) - 搜索引擎图标 base64 json
jquery-1112js.js Java Script (Bibliothek) - jquery-1112js
ShadowGovermentLibBeta Java Script (Bibliothek) - Shadow Goverment Lib Beta
TimeCircles Java Script (Bibliothek) -
ShadowGovermentLib Java Script (Bibliothek) - Shadow Goverment Lib
checkForBadJavascripts.js Java Script (Bibliothek) - This is a utility function, meant to be used inside a Greasemonkey script that has the "@run-at document-start" directive set. It Checks for and deletes or replaces specific <script> tags.
jQuery Mousewheel 3.1.13 Java Script (Bibliothek) - by dmethvin -
URI.js Java Script (Bibliothek) - Contains URI.js plus plugins
setMutationHandler Java Script (Bibliothek) - MutationObserver wrapper to wait for the specified CSS selector
Tipped Java Script (Bibliothek) - library
AjaxListener Java Script (Bibliothek) - AjaxListener, events: onOpen, onSend, onCallback
Wheeler & Needham’s Tiny Encryption Algorithm in js form Java Script (Bibliothek) - simple but powerful encryption algorithm which provides strong encryption in just a few lines of concise, clear code
jQuery JavaScript Library v1.4.2 Java Script (Bibliothek) - the Jquery library version 1.4.2
jquery-extras Java Script (Bibliothek) - Contains jQuery with a bunch of useful extras
CryptoJS v3.1.2 Java Script (Bibliothek) -
Mutation Summary Java Script (Bibliothek) - Mutation Summary is a JavaScript library that makes observing changes to the DOM fast, easy and safe. It's built on top of (and requires) a new browser API called DOM Mutation Observers.
latestVersion Java Script (Bibliothek) - TipidPColor Notification for Latest Version
kanjirender Java Script (Bibliothek) - Kanji render functions
Fshare Auto Login Java Script (Bibliothek) - Lấy link Vip Fshare
Downloadify + Clip Java Script (Bibliothek) - A tiny javascript + Flash library that enables the creation and download of text files without server interaction as well as copying text to clipboard
SwfStore Java Script (Bibliothek) - A JavaScript library for cross-domain flash cookies - made by Nfriedly
dmak Java Script (Bibliothek) - Draw Me a Kanji
jScroll Java Script (Bibliothek) - A jQuery Plugin for Infinite Scrolling / Auto-Paging
GM_config 8+ Java Script (Bibliothek) - A library to help you set up configure in greasemonkey script.
mousetrapv1.5.3 Java Script (Bibliothek) -
Emiliano Java Script (Bibliothek) - FMU Add Routine Transfer List
My HELPER functions Java Script (Bibliothek) - Useful functions that can be used with @require in scripts
Library for intercepting AJAX communications Java Script (Bibliothek) - Browserify'd version of ajax-interceptor
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