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Tampermonkey Config

Simple Tampermonkey script config library

Dieses Skript sollte nicht direkt installiert werden. Es handelt sich hier um eine Bibliothek für andere Skripte, welche über folgenden Befehl in den Metadaten eines Skriptes eingebunden wird // @require

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Tampermonkey Config
// @name:zh-CN   Tampermonkey 配置
// @license      gpl-3.0
// @namespace
// @version      0.7.0
// @description  Simple Tampermonkey script config library
// @description:zh-CN  简易的 Tampermonkey 脚本配置库
// @author       PRO
// @match        *
// @grant        GM_setValue
// @grant        GM_getValue
// @grant        GM_deleteValue
// @grant        GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant        GM_unregisterMenuCommand
// ==/UserScript==

// const debug = console.debug.bind(console, "[Tampermonkey Config]"); // Debug function
const debug = () => { };
const GM_config_event = "GM_config_event"; // Compatibility with old versions

function _GM_config_get(config_desc, prop) {
    return GM_getValue(prop, config_desc[prop].value);
const _GM_config_builtin_processors = {
    same: (v) => v,
    not: (v) => !v,
    int: (s) => {
        const value = parseInt(s);
        if (isNaN(value)) throw `Invalid value: ${s}, expected integer!`;
        return value;
    int_range: (s, min_s, max_s) => {
        const value = parseInt(s);
        if (isNaN(value)) throw `Invalid value: ${s}, expected integer!`;
        const min = (min_s === "") ? -Infinity : parseInt(min_s);
        const max = (max_s === "") ? +Infinity : parseInt(max_s);
        if (min !== NaN && value < min) throw `Invalid value: ${s}, expected integer >= ${min}!`;
        if (max !== NaN && value > max) throw `Invalid value: ${s}, expected integer <= ${max}!`;
        return value;
    float: (s) => {
        const value = parseFloat(s);
        if (isNaN(value)) throw `Invalid value: ${s}, expected float!`;
        return value;
    float_range: (s, min_s, max_s) => {
        const value = parseFloat(s);
        if (isNaN(value)) throw `Invalid value: ${s}, expected float!`;
        const min = (min_s === "") ? -Infinity : parseFloat(min_s);
        const max = (max_s === "") ? +Infinity : parseFloat(max_s);
        if (min !== NaN && value < min) throw `Invalid value: ${s}, expected float >= ${min}!`;
        if (max !== NaN && value > max) throw `Invalid value: ${s}, expected float <= ${max}!`;
        return value;
const _GM_config_builtin_formatters = {
    normal: (name, value) => `${name}: ${value}`,
    boolean: (name, value) => `${name}: ${value ? "✔" : "✘"}`,
const _GM_config_wrapper = {
    get: function (desc, prop) {
        // Return stored value, else default value
        const value = _GM_config_get(desc, prop);
        // Dispatch get event
        const event = new CustomEvent(GM_config_event, {
            detail: {
                type: "get",
                prop: prop,
                before: value,
                after: value
        return value;
    }, set: function (desc, prop, value) {
        // Dispatch set event
        const before = _GM_config_get(desc, prop);
        const event = new CustomEvent(GM_config_event, {
            detail: {
                type: "set",
                prop: prop,
                before: before,
                after: value
        // Store value
        const default_value = desc[prop].value;
        if (value === default_value && typeof GM_deleteValue === "function") {
            GM_deleteValue(prop); // Delete stored value if it's the same as default value
            debug(`🗑️ "${prop}" deleted`);
        } else {
            GM_setValue(prop, value);
        return true;
const _GM_config_registered = {}; // prop => id
// (Re-)register a single menu item, return its id
function _GM_config_register_item(desc, config, inputs, prop) {
    const name = desc[prop].name;
    const orig = _GM_config_get(desc, prop);
    const input = desc[prop].input;
    const input_func = typeof input === "function" ? input : inputs[input];
    const formatter = desc[prop].formatter;
    const formatter_func = typeof formatter === "function" ? formatter : _GM_config_builtin_formatters[formatter];
    const option = {
        accessKey: desc[prop].accessKey,
        autoClose: desc[prop].autoClose,
        title: desc[prop].title,
        id: _GM_config_registered[prop],
    const id = GM_registerMenuCommand(formatter_func(name, orig), function () {
        let value;
        try {
            value = input_func(prop, orig);
            const processor = desc[prop].processor;
            if (typeof processor === "function") { // Process user input
                value = processor(value);
            } else if (typeof processor === "string") {
                const parts = processor.split("-");
                const processor_func = _GM_config_builtin_processors[parts[0]];
                if (processor_func !== undefined) // Process user input
                    value = processor_func(value,;
                else // Unknown processor
                    throw `Unknown processor: ${processor}`;
            } else {
                throw `Unknown processor format: ${typeof processor}`;
        } catch (error) {
            alert("⚠️ " + error);
        if (value !== orig) {
            config[prop] = value;
    }, option);
    debug(`+ Registered menu command: prop="${prop}", id=${id}, option=`, option);
    return id;
// (Re-)register menu items
function _GM_config_register(desc, config, inputs) {
    // Unregister old menu items
    for (const prop in _GM_config_registered) {
        const id = _GM_config_registered[prop];
        delete _GM_config_registered[prop];
        debug(`- Unregistered menu command: prop="${prop}", id=${id}`);
    for (const prop in desc) {
        _GM_config_registered[prop] = _GM_config_register_item(desc, config, inputs, prop);

function GM_config(desc, menu = true) { // Register menu items based on given config description
    // Calc true default value
    const $default = Object.assign({
        input: "prompt",
        processor: "same",
        formatter: "normal"
    }, desc["$default"] || {});
    delete desc.$default;
    // Complete desc
    for (const key in desc) {
        desc[key] = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, $default), desc[key]);
    // Get proxied config
    const config = new Proxy(desc, _GM_config_wrapper);
    // Built-in inputs
    const _GM_config_builtin_inputs = {
        current: (prop, orig) => orig,
        prompt: (prop, orig) => {
            const s = prompt(`🤔 New value for ${desc[prop].name}:`, orig);
            return s === null ? orig : s;
    // Register menu items
    if (window === {
        if (menu) {
            _GM_config_register(desc, config, _GM_config_builtin_inputs);
        } else {
            // Register menu items after user clicks "Show configuration"
            const id = GM_registerMenuCommand("Show configuration", function () {
                _GM_config_register(desc, config, _GM_config_builtin_inputs);
            }, {
                autoClose: false,
                title: "Show configuration options for this script"
            debug(`+ Registered menu command: prop="Show configuration", id=${id}`);
            _GM_config_registered[null] = id;
        }, (e) => { // Auto update menu items
            if (e.detail.type === "set" && e.detail.before !== e.detail.after) {
                debug(`🔧 "${e.detail.prop}" changed from ${e.detail.before} to ${e.detail.after}`);
                _GM_config_register_item(desc, config, _GM_config_builtin_inputs, e.detail.prop);
            } else if (e.detail.type === "get") {
                debug(`🔍 "${e.detail.prop}" requested, value is ${e.detail.after}`);
    // Return proxied config
    return config;