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Useful functions for yinr

Dieses Skript sollte nicht direkt installiert werden. Es handelt sich hier um eine Bibliothek für andere Skripte, welche über folgenden Befehl in den Metadaten eines Skriptes eingebunden wird // @require

// ==UserScript==
// @name               Yinr-libs
// @namespace
// @version            0.0.9
// @description        Useful functions for yinr (currently in beta, api may be changed)
// @author             Yinr
// @license            GPL-v3
// ==/UserScript==

 * Useful functions for yinr
 * ### 脚本常用功能库
 * 1. `YinrLibs.launchObserver`: 创建 DOM 监听
 * 2. `YinrLibs.sleep`: 等待延时
 * 3. `YinrLibs.generateTextFile`: 生成文本文件下载链接
 * 4. `YinrLibs.Config`: 对设置保存读取的封装类
 * ### 使用
 * ```
 * // @require
 * ```
 * @module YinrLibs
const YinrLibs = (function() {
    'use strict'

    return {
        /** 创建 DOM 监听
         * @param {Object} option
         * @param {(Element | string)} option.parentNode MutationObserver 绑定的 DOM 对象
         * @param {string} option.selector 需要监听变化的 selector
         * @param {voidCallback} [option.failCallback=callback] selector 不存在时执行的回调函数
         * @param {MutationCallback} [option.successCallback=null] selector 对象发生 Mutation 事件时执行的回调函数
         * @param {boolean} [option.stopWhenSuccess=true] 执行一次 `successCallback` 后立即解除监听
         * @param {MutationObserverInit} [option.config={childList: true, subtree: true}] MutationObserver 配置参数
            failCallback = null,
            successCallback = null,
            stopWhenSuccess = true,
            config = { childList: true, subtree: true }
        }) {
            if (!parentNode) return
            /** @type {MutationCallback} */
            const observeFunc = mutationList => {
                if (!document.querySelector(selector)) {
                    if (failCallback) failCallback()
                if (stopWhenSuccess) observer.disconnect()

                mutationList.itemFilter = (fn, type = 'addedNodes') => => Array.from(i[type]).filter(fn)).reduce((arr, val) => arr.concat(val), [])

                if (successCallback) successCallback(mutationList)
            const observer = new MutationObserver(observeFunc)
            observer.observe(parentNode, config)

        /** 等待延时函数,默认固定延时 1s
         * @param {number} [timeoutMin=1000] 最少随机等待时间(ms)
         * @param {number} [timeoutMax=timeMin] 最多随机等待时间(ms)
         * @returns {Promise<true>}
         * @example
         * await sleep() // 默认等待 1s
         * await sleep(1000, 3000) // 随机等待 1-3s
         * sleep().then(() => { callbackFn() }) // 等待 1s 后执行 callbackFn()
        sleep(timeoutMin = 1000, timeoutMax = timeoutMin) {
            return new Promise((resolve) => {
                const timeout = timeoutMin === timeoutMax ? timeoutMin : Math.floor(Math.random() * (timeoutMax - timeoutMin) + timeoutMin)
                setTimeout(() => { resolve(true) }, timeout);

        /** 创建文本文件,返回可下载文件链接
         * @param {string} text 文本文件内容文本
         * @param {string} [type='text/plain'] 文件 MIME 类型
         * @returns {string}
         * @example
         * // 生成 json 文件下载链接,并使用 GM_download 函数下载
         * let url = generateTextFile('{ "data": 1 }', 'application/json')
         * GM_download(url, 'data.json')
        generateTextFile(text, type = 'text/plain') {
            const data = new Blob([text], { type })
            return URL.createObjectURL(data)

        /** Wrapper for GM_getValue & GM_setValue
         * Should add grant `GM_getValue` and `GM_setValue` in script.
         * Otherwise the storage backend will fall back to localStorage.
         * ```
         * // @grant GM_setValue
         * // @grant GM_getValue
         * // @grant GM_deleteValue
         * // @grant GM_listValues
         * ```
         * Note: `GM_deleteValue` and `GM_listValues` is optional.
         * @example
         * const cfg = new Config({ data: 'init value' })
        Config: class {
             * @typedef {Object.<string, ConfigInitItem>} ConfigInit
             * @typedef ConfigInitItem
             * @type {object}
             * @property {string} key 设置保存的键名
             * @property {*} default 设置的默认值
             * @param {ConfigInit} [init={}] 设置初始化选项
             * @param {string} [backendType='auto'] 设置存储后端,可选项:`GM`|`localStorage`|`auto`(默认)
            constructor(init = {}, backendType = 'auto') {
                 * @typedef BackendType
                 * @type {object}
                 * @property {function} getValue (key: string, defalutValue: string | null = null) => string
                 * @property {function} setValue (key: string, value: string) => void
                 * @property {function} deleteValue (key: string) => void
                 * @property {function} listValues () => string[]
                /** localStorage backend
                 * @param {Storage} [storage=localStorage] 使用的后端存储,例如:localStorage
                const generateStorage = (storage=localStorage) => ({
                    getValue(key, defaultValue) {
                        if (key in storage) {
                            return JSON.parse(storage.getItem(key))
                        } else {
                            return defaultValue
                    setValue(key, value) {
                        return storage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value))
                    deleteValue(key) {
                        return storage.removeItem(key)
                    listValues() {
                        return Object.keys(storage)
                 * @type {BackendType} config storage backend
                this.backend = generateStorage()
                if (
                    backendType.toLowerCase() === 'localstorage' ||
                    !('GM_setValue') &&
                ) {
                    // console.log('Use localStorage')
                } else {
                    /** GM backend */
                    const backendGM = {
                        getValue: GM_getValue,
                        setValue: GM_setValue,
                            ? GM_deleteValue
                            : () => { console.debug('deleteValue is not available. You may need `// @grant GM_deleteValue` in script.') },
                            ? GM_listValues
                            : () => { console.debug('listValues is not available. You may need `// @grant GM_listValues` in script.') },
                    this.backend = backendGM
                // initialize default config
                for (const [configItemKey, configItem] of Object.entries(init)) {
                    if (!Object.keys(configItem).includes('key')) {
                        console.warn(`Skip invaild config init item of '${configItemKey}'\n`, configItem)
                    const key = configItem.key
                    const value = Object.keys(configItem).includes('default') ? configItem.default : null
                    if (this.getValue(key) === null && value !== null) {
                        this.setValue(key, value)
             * @param {string} key 要获取的键名
             * @param {any} [defaultValue=null] 默认值
            getValue(key, defaultValue = null) {
                return this.backend.getValue(key, defaultValue)
             * @param {string} key 要保存的键名
             * @param {any} value 要保存的数据
            setValue(key, value) {
                if (value === undefined) {
                    console.warn(`set undefined in '${key}' is not supported.`)
                return this.backend.setValue(key, value)
             * @param {string} key
            deleteValue(key) {
                return this.backend.deleteValue(key)
             * @param {function} fn
            listValues() {
                return this.backend.listValues()