Greasy Fork is available in English.



Dieses Skript sollte nicht direkt installiert werden. Es handelt sich hier um eine Bibliothek für andere Skripte, welche über folgenden Befehl in den Metadaten eines Skriptes eingebunden wird // @require

 * @fileOverview Contains the code for jQuery.localizationTool
 * @author Savio Dimatteo <[email protected]>

(function($) {
    var _keyboardPressed = false;

    var methods = {
         * Returns the ordinal number corresponding to the given language code,
         * or throws in case the given language code is not defined.
         * NOTE: this method operates on the active languages, therefore
         * $'activeLanguageCodeArray') must be available when the
         * method is called.
         * @name _languageCodeToOrdinal
         * @function
         * @access private
         * @param {string} lanuageCode - the language code to convert to ordinal
         * @returns {number} ordinal - the converted ordinal
        '_languageCodeToOrdinal' : function (languageCode) {
            var $this = this,
                activeLanguageCodes = $'activeLanguageCodeArray');

            var ordinal = $.inArray(languageCode, activeLanguageCodes);

            if (ordinal === -1) {
                $.error('Cannot convert ' + languageCode + ' into an ordinal number');

            return ordinal;
         * Returns the language code corresponding to the given ordinal number.
         * It throws in case the given ordinal number does not correspond to any
         * language code.
         * NOTE: this method operates on the active languages, therefore
         * $'activeLanguageCodeArray') must be available when the
         * method is called.
         * @name _ordinalToLanguageCode
         * @function
         * @access private
         * @param {number} ordinal - the ordinal number to convert into a language code
         * @returns {string} languageCode - the converted language code
        '_ordinalToLanguageCode' : function (ordinal) {
            var $this = this,
                activeLanguageCodes = $'activeLanguageCodeArray');

            if (activeLanguageCodes.length <= ordinal || ordinal < 0) {
                $.error('Cannot convert ' + ordinal + ' into a language code.');

            return activeLanguageCodes[ordinal];
         * Returns the html representation for the given language code.
         * @name _languageCodeToHtml
         * @function
         * @param {string} languageCode - the language code as defined in the settings object
        '_languageCodeToHtml': function (languageCode) {
            var $this = this,
                settings = $'settings'),
                languagesObj = settings.languages,
                languageDefinitionObj = languagesObj[languageCode];

            var htmlClass = '';
            if (languageDefinitionObj.flag.hasOwnProperty('class')) {
                htmlClass = ' ' + languageDefinitionObj.flag['class'];

            var htmlImage = '';
            if (languageDefinitionObj.flag.hasOwnProperty('url')) {
                htmlImage = '<img src="' + languageDefinitionObj.flag.url + '" />';

            var languageName = languageDefinitionObj.language;
            var haveCountry = languageDefinitionObj.hasOwnProperty('country');

             * Build up the html
            var html = [];

            html.push('<li class="ltool-language ', languageCode, '">');

            if (settings.showFlag) {
                    '<div class="ltool-language-flag', htmlClass, '"></div>'

            var interpolatedTemplate =$this,
                haveCountry ? : undefined,

            return html.join('');
         * Interpolates the given country name and language name to the
         * labelTemplate specified in the settings.
         * @param {string} countryName
         *   the country name
         * @param {string} languageName
         *   the language name
         * @returns {string}
         *   the interpolated template
        _interpolateTemplate: function (countryName, languageName) {
            var $this = this,
                settings = $'settings'),
                template = settings.labelTemplate,
                countryReplacement = '',
                languageReplacement = '',
                haveCountry = typeof countryName === 'string';

            if (settings.showCountry && haveCountry) {
                countryReplacement = [
                    '<span class="ltool-language-country">',
                    '$1' + countryName.replace(/[$]/g, '&#36;') + '$2',
            if (settings.showLanguage) {
                var hasCountryClass = haveCountry ? 'ltool-has-country ' : "";
                languageReplacement = [
                    '<span class="', hasCountryClass, 'ltool-language-name">',
                    '$1' + languageName.replace(/[$]/g, '&#36;') + '$2' ,

            return '<span class="ltool-language-countryname">' + 
                        .replace(/{{([^{]*)language([^}]*)}}/g, languageReplacement)
                        .replace(/{{([^{]*)country([^}]*)}}/g, countryReplacement) +
         * Displays the given language in the dropdown menu. 在下拉菜单中显示给定的语言。
         * @name _selectLanguage
         * @function
         * @access private
         * @param {string} languageCode - the language code
        '_selectLanguage': function (languageCode) {
            var $this = this;

                $('.ltool-language.' + languageCode).html()

            $'selectedLanguageCode', languageCode);
         * Initializes the localization tool widget. 初始化本地化工具小部件。
         * @name _initializeWidget
         * @function
         * @access private
         * @param {array} languageCodeArray - the language code array of the languages to be displayed
        '_initializeWidget': function (languageCodeArray) {

            var $this = this,
                settings = $'settings'),
                languagesObj = settings.languages;
            var markupArray = [];

            markupArray.push('<span tabindex="0" class="ltool-dropdown-label">Change Language</span><div class="ltool-dropdown-label-arrow"></div>');
            markupArray.push('<ul class="ltool-dropdown-items">');
            var languageCode, i;
            for (i=0;languageCode=languageCodeArray[i++];) {

                if ( languagesObj.hasOwnProperty(languageCode)) {
              $this, languageCode)
                else {
                    $.error('The language \'' + languageCode + '\' must be defined');


            return $this;
         * Handles dropdown click event. 处理下拉单击事件。
         * @name _onDropdownClicked
         * @function
         * @access private
        '_onDropdownClicked' : function (/*e*/) {
            var $this = this;

            var selectedLanguageCode = $'selectedLanguageCode');

            $this.find('.' + selectedLanguageCode).addClass('ltool-is-selected');


            return $this;
        '_closeDropdown' : function () {
            var $this = this;

         * Handles mouseout on dropdown items.
         * @name _onMouseout
         * @function
         * @access private
        '_onMouseout': function (e) {
            var $this = this;

            if ($this.find(e.relatedTarget).length > 0) {
                // get rid of the current selected item!

                // we will be over an element of ours
                return $this;

            /* We will be over another element that doesn't belong to us */
         * Handles user clicks on a certain dropdown item. 处理用户单击某个下拉项。
         * @name _onLanguageSelected
         * @function
         * @param {$element} $item - the jquery item clicked
         * @access private
        '_onLanguageSelected': function ($item) {
            var $this = this;
            // extract language code from the $item
            var languageCode = $item.attr('class')
                .replace('ltool-language', '')
                .replace('ltool-is-selected', '')
                .replace(/ /g, '');
			console.log("存储! languageCode: ",languageCode);
  $this, languageCode);
  $this, languageCode);
         * Select the language before the current language in the list. 在列表中选择当前语言之前的语言。
         * @name _selectPreviousLanguage
         * @function
         * @access private
        '_selectPreviousLanguage' : function () {
            var $this = this;

            var currentLanguageCode = $'selectedLanguageCode');
            var currentLanguageCodeOrdinal =$this, currentLanguageCode);

            if (currentLanguageCodeOrdinal === 0) {
                return;  // cannot go before the first language

            var nextLanguageCode =$this, currentLanguageCodeOrdinal-1);

            // peform the selection
  $this, nextLanguageCode);
  $this, nextLanguageCode);
            $this.find('.' + nextLanguageCode).addClass('ltool-is-selected');

            return $this;
         * Select the language after the current language in the list. 选择列表中当前语言之后的语言。
         * @name _selectPreviousLanguage
         * @function
         * @access private
        '_selectNextLanguage' : function () {
            var $this = this,
                activeLanguageCodes = $'activeLanguageCodeArray');

            var currentLanguageCode = $'selectedLanguageCode');
            var currentLanguageCodeOrdinal =$this, currentLanguageCode);

            if (currentLanguageCodeOrdinal + 1 >= activeLanguageCodes.length) {

            var nextLanguageCode =$this, currentLanguageCodeOrdinal+1);

            // peform the selection
  $this, nextLanguageCode);
  $this, nextLanguageCode);
            $this.find('.' + nextLanguageCode).addClass('ltool-is-selected');

            return $this;
         * Handles keydown event
         * @name _onKeydown
         * @function
         * @param {event} e - the keydown event
         * @access private
        '_onKeydown': function (e) {
            var $this = this;

            switch (e.keyCode) {
                case 13: /* enter (open-close menu) */
                case 40: /* down (select next) */
                case 38: /* up (select previous) */
                case 27:

            return $this;
         * Binds events to the localization tool widget.
         * @name _bindEvents
         * @function
         * @access private
        '_bindEvents': function () {
            var $this = this;

                .bind('mousedown.localizationTool', function (e) {
                    _keyboardPressed = false;
          $this, e);
                .bind('click.localizationTool', function (e) { 
          $this, e);
                .bind('keydown.localizationTool', function (e){ 
                    _keyboardPressed = true;
          $this, e);
                .bind('mouseout.localizationTool', function (e) { 
          $this, e);
                .bind('focusout.localizationTool', function () {
                    if (_keyboardPressed) {

                .bind('click.localizationTool', function (/*e*/) {
          $this, $(this));

            return $this;
         * Analizes the input strings object and decomposes its keys in
         * sections: text strings, id strings, class strings, element strings,
         * attribute strings.
         * @name _decomposeStringsForReferenceMapping
         * @function
         * @access private
         * @returns {object} the decomposition object.
        '_decomposeStringsForReferenceMapping' : function () {
            var decompositionObj = {
                'idStrings' : [],
                'classStrings' : [],
                'elementStrings' : [],
                'textStrings' : [],
                'attributeStrings' : []

            var $this = this,
                stringsObj = $'settings').strings;

            // regexp for attributes matching
            var attrRegexp = new RegExp('^[a-zA-Z-]+?::');

            var stringKey;
            for (stringKey in stringsObj) {
                if (stringsObj.hasOwnProperty(stringKey)) {
                    if (stringKey.match(attrRegexp)) {   // NOTE: check first!
                    else if (stringKey.indexOf('id:') === 0) {
                    else if (stringKey.indexOf('class:') === 0) {
                    else if (stringKey.indexOf('element:') === 0) {
                    else {

            return decompositionObj;
         * Goes through each text node and builds a string reference mapping.
         * It is a mapping (an object) 
         * used later for the translation. See init method for a
         * reference. The resulting object is stored internally in
         * $'refMappingObj') as refMapping.
         * @name _buildStringReferenceMapping
         * @function
         * @access private
        '_buildStringReferenceMapping': function () {

           var $this = this,
               refMapping = {},
               settings = $'settings'),
               stringsObj = settings.strings;

           // decompose the initial strings in various bits
           var decompositionObj =$this);

            * First go through each id

           var idString, i;
           for (i=0; idString = decompositionObj.idStrings[i++];) {

               var idStringName = idString.substring('id:'.length);
               var $idNode = $('#' + idStringName);
               var contents = $idNode.contents();

               if (settings.ignoreUnmatchedSelectors === true && contents.length === 0) {

               if (contents.length !== 1) {
                   $.error(idString + ' must contain exactly one text node, found ' + contents.length + ' instead');
               else if (contents[0].nodeType !== 3) {
                   $.error(idString + ' does not contain a #text node (i.e., type 3)');
               else {
                   // add this to the refMapping
                   refMapping[idString] = {
                       isAttribute : false, // it's an id: selector
                       originalText : $idNode.text(),
                       domNodes : [ $idNode ]

            * Helper function to not write the same code over again...
           var processMultipleElements = function (prefix, jqueryPrefix, checkForIds, checkForClasses) {

               var string;
               var decompositionKeyPrefix = prefix.replace(':','');
               for (i=0; string = decompositionObj[decompositionKeyPrefix + 'Strings'][i++];) {
                   var stringName = string.substring(prefix.length);

                   // keeps the text of the first dom node in the loop below
                   var domNodeText;
                   var domNodesArray = [];
                   var allNodeTextsAreEqual = true;
                   domNodeText = undefined;  // note: assigns undefined

                   var k=0, node; 
                   for (; node = $(jqueryPrefix + stringName)[k++];) {

                       var $node = $(node);

                       if (checkForIds) {
                           var nodeId = $node.attr('id');
                           // skip any node that was previously translated via an id
                           if (typeof nodeId === 'string' && stringsObj.hasOwnProperty('id:' + nodeId)) {
                               continue NODE;

                       if (checkForClasses) {
                           // skip any node that was previously translated via a class
                           var nodeClasses = $node.attr('class');

                           if (typeof nodeClasses === 'string') {

                               var nodeClassArray = nodeClasses.split(' '),
                                   j = 0;

                               for(;nodeClass = nodeClassArray[j++];) {
                                   if (typeof nodeClass === 'string' && stringsObj.hasOwnProperty('class:' + nodeClass)) {
                                       continue NODE;

                       // make sure this node contains only one text content
                       var nodeContents = $node.contents();
                       if (nodeContents.length === 0 || nodeContents.length > 1) {
                           $.error('A \'' +  string + '\' node was found to contain ' + nodeContents.length + ' child nodes. This node must contain exactly one text node!');


                       if (nodeContents[0].nodeType !== 3) {
                           $.error('A \'' + string + '\' node does not contain a #text node (i.e., type 3)');


                       // this node is pushable at this point...

                       // also check the text is the same across the nodes considered
                       if (typeof domNodeText === 'undefined') {
                           // ... the first time we store the text of the node
                           domNodeText = $node.text();
                       else if (domNodeText !== $node.text()) {
                           // ... then we keep checking if the text node is the same
                           allNodeTextsAreEqual = false;

                   } // end for k loop

                   // make sure that the remaining classes contain the same text
                   if (!allNodeTextsAreEqual) {
                      $.error('Not all text content of elements with ' + string + ' were found to be \'' + domNodeText + '\'. So these elements will be ignored.');
                   else {
                       // all good
                       refMapping[string] = {
                           isAttribute : false, // it's a class: or an element: selector
                           originalText : domNodeText,
                           domNodes : domNodesArray

           }; // end of processMultipleElements

            * Then go through classes
           processMultipleElements('class:', '.', true, false);

            * Then go through elements
           processMultipleElements('element:', '', true, true);

            * Time to process the attributes
           var firstSelectorStringRegex = new RegExp('(class|id|element):[^:]');
           var attrString;
           for (i=0; attrString = decompositionObj.attributeStrings[i++];) {

                // let's extract the attribute name from the element selector
                var splitStringArray = attrString.split("::");
                var attributeString = splitStringArray.shift();

                // sanity check on the format
                if (splitStringArray.length === 0) {
                    $.error('sorry, you need to specify class:, element: or id: selectors in ' + attrString);

                var selectorString = splitStringArray.join('::');

                if (!splitStringArray[0].match(firstSelectorStringRegex)) {
                    $.error(attrString + "Doesn't look right. Perhaps you've added extra semicolons?");

                // turn selector into jQuery selector
                selectorString = selectorString.replace('id:', '#');
                selectorString = selectorString.replace('class:', '.');
                selectorString = selectorString.replace('element:', '');

                // find DOM nodes
                var $domNodes = $(selectorString + '[' + attributeString + ']');
                if ($domNodes.length === 0) {
                    $.error('The selector "' + attrString + '" does not point to an existing DOM element');

                // avoid using Array.prototype.reduce as it's supported in IE9+
                var j = 0,
                    allSameAttributeValue = true;

                var attributeText = $($domNodes[0]).attr(attributeString);

                var domNodesToAdd = [];

                for (j=0; j<$domNodes.length; j++) {
                    // check the placeholder text is all the same
                    var $dom = $($domNodes[j]);
                    if (attributeText !== $dom.attr(attributeString)) {
                        allSameAttributeValue = false;

                    // also add for later...
                if (!allSameAttributeValue) {
                    $.error('Not all the attribute values selected via ' + attrString + ' are the same');

                // now we have everything in place, we just add it to the rest!
                refMapping[attrString] = {
                    isAttribute : true,  // yes, we are dealing with an attribute here
                    originalText : attributeText,
                    domNodes : domNodesToAdd

            * Finally find the dom nodes associated to any text searched
           var textString;

           for (i=0; textString = decompositionObj.textStrings[i++];) {
              // nodes that will contain the text to translate
              var textNodesToAdd = [];

              var allParentNodes = $(':contains(' + textString + ')');
              var k, parentNode;
              for (k=0; parentNode = allParentNodes[k++];) {
                  var nodeContents = $(parentNode).contents();
                  if (nodeContents.length === 1 &&
                      nodeContents[0].nodeType === 3) {

              if (textNodesToAdd.length > 0) {
                  // all good
                  refMapping[textString] = {
                      isAttribute: false, // no it's just another dom element
                      originalText : textString,
                      domNodes : textNodesToAdd

           $'refMappingObj', refMapping);

           return $this;
         * Calls the user specified callback (if any), then translates the page.
         * If the user returned 'false' in his/her callback, the translation is
         * not performed.
         * @name _mayTranslate
         * @function
         * @access private
         * @param {string} [languageCode] - the language code to translate to
        '_mayTranslate': function (languageCode) {
            var $this = this,
                settings = $'settings');

            if (false !== settings.onLanguageSelected(languageCode)) {
      $this, languageCode);
         * Returns the code of the language currently selected
         * @name getSelectedLanguageCode
         * @function
         * @access public
         * @returns {string} [languageCode] - the language code currently selected
        'getSelectedLanguageCode' : function () {
            var $this = this;
            return $'selectedLanguageCode');
         * Translates the current page.
         * @name translate
         * @function
         * @access public
         * @param {string} [languageCode] - the language to translate to.
        '_translate': function (languageCode) {
            var $this = this,
                settings = $'settings'),
                stringsObj = settings.strings,
                refMappingObj = $'refMappingObj');

            var cssDirection = 'ltr';
            if (typeof languageCode !== 'undefined') {
                // check if the language code exists actually
                if (!settings.languages.hasOwnProperty(languageCode)) {
                    $.error('The language code ' + languageCode + ' is not defined');
                    return $this;

                // check if we are dealing with a right to left language
                if (settings.languages[languageCode].hasOwnProperty('cssDirection')) {

                    cssDirection = settings.languages[languageCode].cssDirection;

            // translate everything according to the reference mapping
            var string;
            for (string in refMappingObj) {
                if (refMappingObj.hasOwnProperty(string)) {

                    // get the translation for this string...
                    var translation;
                    if (typeof languageCode === 'undefined' || languageCode === settings.defaultLanguage) {
                        translation = refMappingObj[string].originalText;
                    else {
                        translation = stringsObj[string][languageCode];
                    var domNodes = refMappingObj[string].domNodes;

                    var $domNode, i;

                    // attribute case
                    if (refMappingObj[string].isAttribute === true) {
                        var attributeName = string.split("::", 1)[0];

                        for (i=0; $domNode = domNodes[i++];) {
                            $domNode.attr(attributeName, translation);
                            $domNode.css('direction', cssDirection);
                    else {
                        // all other cases
                        for (i=0; $domNode = domNodes[i++];) {
                            $domNode.css('direction', cssDirection);

            return $this;
         * Translates according to the widget configuration programmatically.
         * This is meant to be called by the user. The difference with the
         * private counterpart _translate method is that the language is
         * selected in the widget.
        'translate' : function (languageCode) {
            var $this = this;

  $this, languageCode);

            // must also select the language when translating via the public method
  $this, languageCode);

            return $this;
         * Destroys the dropdown widget.
         * @name destroy
         * @function
         * @access public
        'destroy' : function () {
            var $this = this;

            // remove all data set with .data()

            // unbind events
            $this.unbind('click.localizationTool', function (e) { 
      $this, e);
                .unbind('click.localizationTool', function (/*e*/) {
          $this, $(this));

                .unbind('mouseout.localizationTool', function (e) { 
          $this, e);

            // remove markup

            return $this;
         * Sorts the given array of countryLanguageCodes by country name.
         * If a language has no name goes to the bottom of the list.
         * @name _sortCountryLanguagesByCountryName
         * @function
         * @access private
         * @param {object} languagesDefinition - the array countryLanguageCodes defined during initialization.
         * @param {array} arrayOfCountryLanguageCodes - the input array countryLanguageCodes.
         * @returns {array} sortedArrayOfCountryLanguageCodes - the sorted array countryLanguageCodes.
        '_sortCountryLanguagesByCountryName': function (languagesDefinition, arrayOfCountryLanguageCodes) {
            return arrayOfCountryLanguageCodes.sort(function (a, b) {
                if (languagesDefinition[a].hasOwnProperty('country') && languagesDefinition[b].hasOwnProperty('country')) {
                    return languagesDefinition[a].country.localeCompare(
                else if (languagesDefinition[a].hasOwnProperty('country')) {
                    return languagesDefinition[a].country.localeCompare(
                // else if (languagesDefinition[b].hasOwnProperty('country')) {
                return languagesDefinition[a].language.localeCompare(
                // }
         * Goes through each string defined and extracts the common subset of
         * languages that actually used. The default language is added to this
         * subset a priori. The resulting list is sorted by country name.
         * @name _findSubsetOfUsedLanguages
         * @function
         * @access private
         * @param {object} stringsObj - the strings to translate
         * @returns {array} usedLanguageCodes - an array of country codes sorted based on country names.
        '_findSubsetOfUsedLanguages' : function (stringsObj) {
            var $this = this;
            var string;
            var settings = $'settings');

            // build an histogram of all the used languages in strings
            var usedLanguagesHistogram = {};
            var howManyDifferentStrings = 0;

            for (string in stringsObj) { 
                if (stringsObj.hasOwnProperty(string)) {

                    var languages = stringsObj[string],

                    for (language in languages) {
                        if (languages.hasOwnProperty(language)) {
                            if (!usedLanguagesHistogram.hasOwnProperty(language)) {
                                usedLanguagesHistogram[language] = 0;


            // find languages that are guaranteed to appear in all strings
            var guaranteedLanguages = [],

            for (languageCode in usedLanguagesHistogram) {
                if (usedLanguagesHistogram.hasOwnProperty(languageCode) &&
                    usedLanguagesHistogram[languageCode] === howManyDifferentStrings
                ) {


            // delete the default language if it's in the guaranteed languages
            var defaultIdx = $.inArray(settings.defaultLanguage, guaranteedLanguages);
            if (defaultIdx > -1) {
                // delete the default language from the array
                guaranteedLanguages.splice(defaultIdx, 1);

            // add the default language in front

         * Initialises the localization tool plugin.
         * @name init
         * @function
         * @param {object} [options] - the user options
         * @access public
         * @returns jqueryObject
        'init' : function(options) {
            // NOTE: "country" is optional
            var knownLanguages = {
                'en_GB' : {
                    'country' : 'United Kingdom',
                    'language': 'English',
                    'countryTranslated' : 'United Kingdom',
                    'languageTranslated': 'English',
                    'flag': {
                        'class' : 'flag flag-gb'
                'de_DE' : {
                    'country' : 'Germany',
                    'language' : 'German',
                    'countryTranslated' : 'Deutschland',
                    'languageTranslated' : 'Deutsch',
                    'flag' : {
                        'class' : 'flag flag-de'
                'es_ES' : {
                    'country' : 'Spain',
                    'language' : 'Spanish',
                    'countryTranslated': 'España',
                    'languageTranslated' : 'Español',
                    'flag' : {
                        'class' : 'flag flag-es'
                'fr_FR' : {
                    'country' : 'France',
                    'language' : 'French',
                    'countryTranslated' : 'France',
                    'languageTranslated' : 'Français',
                    'flag' : {
                        'class' : 'flag flag-fr'
                'ko_KR' : {
                    'country' : 'Korea, Republic of.',
                    'language' : 'Korean',
                    'countryTranslated' : '대한민국',
                    'languageTranslated' : '한국어',
                    'flag' : {
                        'class' : 'flag flag-kr'
                'pt_BR' : {
                    'country' : 'Brazil',
                    'language' : 'Portuguese',
                    'countryTranslated': 'Brasil',
                    'languageTranslated' : 'Português',
                    'flag' : {
                        'class' : 'flag flag-br'
                'en_AU' : {
                    'country' : 'Australia',
                    'language' : 'English',
                    'countryTranslated' : 'Australia',
                    'languageTranslated' : 'English',
                    'flag' : {
                        'class' : 'flag flag-au'
                'en_IN' : {
                    'country' : 'India',
                    'language' : 'English',
                    'countryTranslated': 'India',
                    'languageTranslated': 'English',
                    'flag': {
                        'class' : 'flag flag-in'
                'it_IT' : {
                    'country' : 'Italy',
                    'language': 'Italian',
                    'countryTranslated': 'Italia',
                    'languageTranslated': 'Italiano',
                    'flag' : {
                        'class' : 'flag flag-it'
                'jp_JP' : {
                    'country' : 'Japan',
                    'language': 'Japanese',
                    'countryTranslated': '日本',
                    'languageTranslated': '日本語',
                    'flag' : {
                        'class' : 'flag flag-jp'
                'ar_TN' : {
                    'country' : 'Tunisia',
                    'language' : 'Arabic',
                    'countryTranslated': 'تونس',
                    'languageTranslated': 'عربي',
                    'cssDirection': 'rtl',
                    'flag' : {
                        'class' : 'flag flag-tn'
                'en_IE' : {
                    'country': 'Ireland',
                    'language': 'English',
                    'countryTranslated': 'Ireland',
                    'languageTranslated' : 'English',
                    'flag' : {
                        'class' : 'flag flag-ie'
                'nl_NL': {
                    'country' : 'Netherlands',
                    'language': 'Dutch',
                    'countryTranslated' : 'Nederland',
                    'languageTranslated' : 'Nederlands',
                    'flag' : {
                        'class' : 'flag flag-nl'
                'zh_CN': {
                    'country' : 'China',
                    'language' : 'Simplified Chinese',
                    'countryTranslated': '中国',
                    'languageTranslated': '简体中文',
                    'flag' : {
                        'class' : 'flag flag-cn'
                'zh_TW': {
                    'country' : 'Taiwan',
                    'language' : 'Traditional Chinese',
                    'countryTranslated': '臺灣',
                    'languageTranslated': '繁體中文',
                    'flag' : {
                        'class' : 'flag flag-tw'
                'fi_FI': {
                    'country' : 'Finland',
                    'language' : 'Finnish',
                    'countryTranslated' : 'Suomi',
                    'languageTranslated' : 'Suomi',
                    'flag' : {
                        'class' : 'flag flag-fi'
                'pt_PT' : {
                    'country' : 'Portugal',
                    'language' : 'Portuguese',
                    'countryTranslated': 'Portugal',
                    'languageTranslated' : 'Português',
                    'flag' : {
                        'class' : 'flag flag-pt'
                'pl_PL': {
                    'country' : 'Poland',
                    'language': 'Polish',
                    'countryTranslated' : 'Polska',
                    'languageTranslated': 'Polski',
                    'flag' : {
                        'class' : 'flag flag-pl'
                'ru_RU': {
                    'country' : 'Russia',
                    'language' : 'Russian',
                    'languageTranslated': 'Русский',
                    'countryTranslated' : 'Россия',
                    'flag': {
                        'class': 'flag flag-ru'
                'hi_IN': {
                    'country' : 'India',
                    'language': 'Hindi',
                    'countryTranslated': 'भारत',
                    'languageTranslated': 'हिन्द',
                    'flag': {
                        'class': 'flag flag-in'
                'ta_IN': {
                    'country' : 'India',
                    'language': 'Tamil',
                    'countryTranslated': 'இந்தியா',
                    'languageTranslated': 'தமிழ்',
                    'flag': {
                        'class': 'flag flag-in'
                'tr_TR': {
                    'country' : 'Turkey',
                    'language' : 'Turkish',
                    'countryTranslated': 'Türkiye',
                    'languageTranslated': 'Türkçe',
                    'flag': {
                        'class': 'flag flag-tr'
                'he_IL': {
                    'country' : 'Israel',
                    'language' : 'Hebrew',
                    'countryTranslated' : 'מדינת ישראל',
                    'languageTranslated': 'עברית',
                    'cssDirection': 'rtl',
                    'flag': {
                        'class': 'flag flag-il'
                'da_DK' : {
                    'country' : 'Denmark',
                    'language' : 'Danish',
                    'countryTranslated': 'Danmark',
                    'languageTranslated': 'Dansk',
                    'flag' : {
                        'class': 'flag flag-dk'
                'ro_RO': {
                    'country' : 'Romania',
                    'language' : 'Romanian',
                    'countryTranslated': 'România',
                    'languageTranslated': 'Român',
                    'flag' : {
                        'class': 'flag flag-ro'
                'eo' : {
                    // NOTE: no country
                    'language' : 'Esperanto',
                    'languageTranslated' : 'Esperanto',
                    'flag' : {
                        'class': 'flag flag-esperanto'

            var settings = $.extend({
                'defaultLanguage' : 'en_GB',
                /* do not throw error if a selector doesn't match */
                'ignoreUnmatchedSelectors': false,
                /* show the flag on the widget */
                'showFlag' : true,
                /* show the language on the widget */
                'showLanguage': true,
                /* show the country on the widget */
                'showCountry': true,
                /* format of the language/country label */
                'labelTemplate': '{{country}} {{(language)}}',
                'languages' : {
                     * The format here is <country code>_<language code>.
                     * - list of country codes:
                     * - list of language codes:
                 * Strings are provided by the user of the plugin. Each entry
                 * in the dictionary has the form:
                 * [STRING_IDENTIFIER] : {
                 *      [LANGUAGE] : [TRANSLATION]
                 * }
                 * STRING_IDENTIFIER:
                 *     id:<html-id-name>           OR
                 *     class:<html-class-name>     OR
                 *     element:<html-element-name> OR
                 *     <string>
                 * LANGUAGE: one of the languages defined above (e.g., it_IT)
                 * TRANSLATION: <string>
                'strings' : {},
                 * A callback called whenever the user selects the language
                 * from the dropdown menu. If false is returned, the
                 * translation will not be performed (but just the language
                 * will be selected from the widget).
                 * The countryLanguageCode is a string representing the
                 * selected language identifier like 'en_GB'
                'onLanguageSelected' : function (/*countryLanguageCode*/) { return true; }
            }, options);

            // add more languages
            settings.languages = $.extend(knownLanguages, settings.languages);

            // check that the default language is defined
            if (!settings.languages.hasOwnProperty(settings.defaultLanguage)) {
                $.error('FATAL: the default language ' + settings.defaultLanguage + ' is not defined in the \'languages\' parameter!');

            return this.each(function() {
                // save settings
                var $this = $(this);

                $'settings', settings);

                // language codes common to all translations
                var activeLanguageCodeArray =
                    $this, settings.strings
                $'activeLanguageCodeArray', activeLanguageCodeArray);

      $this, activeLanguageCodeArray);

      $this, settings.defaultLanguage);



    var __name__ = 'localizationTool';

     * jQuery Localization Tool - a jQuery widget to translate web pages
     * @memberOf jQuery.fn
    $.fn[__name__] = function(method) {
         * Just a router for method calls
        if (methods[method]) {
            if ('initialized') === true) {
                // call a method
                return methods[method].apply(this,
          , 1)
            else {
                throw new Error('method ' + method + ' called on an uninitialized instance of ' + __name__);
        else if (typeof method === 'object' || !method) {
            // call init, user passed the settings as parameters
  'initialized', true);
            return methods.init.apply(this, arguments);
        else {
            $.error('Cannot call method ' + method);