Greasy Fork is available in English.


Class representing an article from the page /

Version vom 04.11.2019. Aktuellste Version

Dieses Skript sollte nicht direkt installiert werden. Es handelt sich hier um eine Bibliothek für andere Skripte, welche über folgenden Befehl in den Metadaten eines Skriptes eingebunden wird // @require

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Beitrag
// @namespace
// @version      0.3.2
// @description  Class representing an article from the page /
// @author       Gerrit Höhle
// @require
// @require
// @require
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

/* jshint esnext: true */
/* globals PrivateProperty, Enum */
const Beitrag = (() => {

    const URL_PATH = document.location.pathname.split("/").filter(str => str.length);


	const REGEX = {
		DOKU: /\.DO[KC]U/i,
		SERIE: /\.S\d\d?(E\d\d?)?(-S\d\d?(E\d\d?)?)?\./i
	const HTML_CLASSES = {
	    DATE: URL_PATH && URL_PATH[0] === "category" ? "date_x" : "date"
    const DATA_SIZE_UNITS = (() => {
        const DataSize = function(factor, shortText, longText) {
            this.factor = factor;
            this.shortText = shortText;
            this.longText= longText;
        return [
            new DataSize(1<<0, "B", "Byte"),
            new DataSize(1<<10, "KB", "Kilobyte"),
            new DataSize(1<<20, "MB", "Megabyte"),
            new DataSize(1<<30, "GB", "Gigabyte"),
            new DataSize(1<<40, "TB", "Terabyte"),
        ].reduce((map, dataSize) => map.set(dataSize.shortText, dataSize), new Map());

    const computeImdbLink = (containerElement, fallbackValue = null) => {
        for (let a of Array.from(containerElement.getElementsByTagName("A"))) {
            const linkTextUpper = a.textContent.toUpperCase();
            if (linkTextUpper.includes("IMDB")) {
                return a;

        for (let elStrong of containerElement.querySelectorAll("STRONG, B")) {
            if (elStrong.textContent.toUpperCase().includes("IMDB")) {
                const nextEl = elStrong.nextSibling;
                if (nextEl && nextEl.tagName === "A") {
                    return nextEl;

        return fallbackValue;

    const computeImdbRating = (containerElement, fallbackValue = null) => {
        const a = computeImdbLink(containerElement);
        if (a !== null) {
            let rating = ParseUtil.parseFloat(a.textContent.toUpperCase(), 2, 1);
            if (rating === null) {
                const nextEl = a.nextSibling;
                if (nextEl && nextEl.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
                    rating = ParseUtil.parseFloat(nextEl.textContent.toUpperCase(), 2, 1);

            if (rating !== null) {
                return rating;

        return fallbackValue;

    const computeDauer = (containerElement, fallbackValue = null) => {
        for (let elStrong of containerElement.querySelectorAll("STRONG, B")) {
            if (elStrong.textContent.toUpperCase().includes("DAUER")) {
                const nextEl = elStrong.nextSibling;
                if (nextEl) {
                    const textContentUpper = nextEl.textContent.toUpperCase();
                    const hours = ParseUtil.parseFloatWithRegex(textContentUpper, /(\d{1,2}\s?[,\.]?\s?\d{0,2})\s?(H|STUNDEN|HOURS)/);
                    const minutes = ParseUtil.parseIntWithRegex(textContentUpper, /(\d{1,4})\s?(M|MIN|MINUTEN|MINUTES)/);
                    if (hours !== null || minutes !== null) {
                        return (hours === null ? 0 : hours * 60) + (minutes === null ? 0 : minutes);
        return fallbackValue;

    const computeMirrors = (containerElement) => {
        return Array.from(containerElement.querySelectorAll("STRONG + A, B + A")).filter(a => {
            const strong = a.previousElementSibling;
            const strongTextContentUpper = strong.textContent.toUpperCase();
            return ["DOWNLOAD", "MIRROR"].some(str => strongTextContentUpper.includes(str));
        }).filter(a => {
            const isWerbeLink = !a.hostname || a.hostname.toUpperCase().includes("MOVIE-BLOG");
            return !isWerbeLink;

    const computeDatum = (containerElement, fallbackValue = null) => {
        const reDay = "\\d{1,2}";
        const reMonth = MONTH_NAMES.join("|");
        const reYear = "\\d{4}";
        const reHour = "\\d{1,2}";
        const reMin = "\\d{2}";

        for (let elDatum of containerElement.getElementsByClassName(HTML_CLASSES.DATE)) {
            const match = new RegExp("(" + reDay + ")\\.\\s(" + reMonth + ")\\s(" + reYear + ")\\s(" + reHour + "):(" + reMin + ")", "i").exec(elDatum.textContent);
            if (match && match.length === 6) {
                const day = Number.parseInt(match[1]);
                const month = MONTH_NAMES.indexOf(String(match[2]).toUpperCase());
                const year = Number.parseInt(match[3]);
                const hour = Number.parseInt(match[4]);
                const minute = Number.parseInt(match[5]);

                return (new Date(year, month, day, hour, minute));
        return fallbackValue;

    const computeLink = (containerElement, fallbackValue = null) => {
        const datum = computeDatum(containerElement);
        if (datum !== null) {
            const yearFourDigits = datum.getFullYear();
            const monthTwoDigits = ('00' + (datum.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2);
            const dayTwoDigits = ('00' + datum.getDate()).slice(-2);

            const urlPath = "/" + [yearFourDigits, monthTwoDigits, dayTwoDigits].reduce((a, b) => a + "/" + b) + "/";

            for (let h1 of containerElement.getElementsByTagName("H1")) {
                for (let a of h1.getElementsByTagName("A")) {
                    if (a.href.includes(urlPath)) {
                        return a.cloneNode(true);
        return fallbackValue;

    const computeGroesse = (containerElement, fallbackValue = null) => {
        for (let elStrong of containerElement.querySelectorAll("STRONG, B")) {
            if (/GR(OE|Ö)(SS|ß)E/i.test(elStrong.textContent)) {

                const nextEl = elStrong.nextSibling;
                if (nextEl) {
                    const textContentUpper = nextEl.textContent.toUpperCase();
                    const gb = ParseUtil.parseFloatWithRegex(textContentUpper, /(\d{1,4}\s?[,\.]?\s?\d{0,3})\s?(GB|GIGABYTE)/);
                    const mb = ParseUtil.parseIntWithRegex(textContentUpper, /(\d{1,7}?)\s?(MB|MEGABYTE)/);
                    if (gb !== null || mb !== null) {
                        return (gb === null ? 0 : gb * 1024) + (mb === null ? 0 : mb);

        return fallbackValue;

    const computeImgElement = (containerElement, fallbackValue = null) => {
        const img = containerElement.querySelectorAll("P > IMG");
        return img.length > 0 ? img[0] : fallbackValue;

    const TYPEN = class TYP extends Enum{}.init([
        { NONE: "" },
        { FILM: "Film" },
        { SERIE: "Serie" },
        { DOKU: "Doku" },
        { WERBUNG: "Werbung" }
    // private fields
    const _divElement = new PrivateProperty();
    const _imdbLink = new PrivateProperty();
    const _imdbRating = new PrivateProperty();
    const _imdbId = new PrivateProperty();
    const _dauer = new PrivateProperty();
    const _groesse = new PrivateProperty();
    const _link = new PrivateProperty();
    const _mirrors = new PrivateProperty();
    const _imgElement = new PrivateProperty();
    const _typ = new PrivateProperty();
    const _datum = new PrivateProperty();
    const _releasedYear = new PrivateProperty();

    class Beitrag {
        constructor(divElement) {
            _divElement.set(this, divElement);

        get divElement() {
            return _divElement.get(this);

        get imdbLink() {
            return _imdbLink.getOrCompute(this, () => computeImdbLink(this.divElement, null));

        get imdbRating() {
            return _imdbRating.getOrCompute(this, () => computeImdbRating(this.divElement, -1));

        get imdbRatingAsText() {
            return this.imdbRating === -1 ? "" : this.imdbRating.toFixed(1);

        get imdbId() {
            return _imdbId.getOrCompute(this, () => this.imdbLink === null ? "" : ParseUtil.parseStrWithRegex(this.imdbLink, /tt\d{7,8}/, ""));

        get dauer() {
            return _dauer.getOrCompute(this, () => computeDauer(this.divElement, 0));

        get dauerAsText() {
            if (this.dauer === 0) {
                return "";
            const hours = String(Math.floor(this.dauer / 60));
            const minutes = String(this.dauer % 60);
            return `${hours}:${minutes.length === 1 ? "0" + minutes : minutes}`;


        get groesse() {
            return _groesse.getOrCompute(this, () => computeGroesse(this.divElement, 0));

         * Returns value "groesse" of this object converted to a specified unit.
         * @param {string} [unit]          - Unit ("B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB"), see DATA_SIZE_UNITS
         * @returns {number}               - value converted for specified unit
        getGroesseInUnit(unit) {
            const defaultDataSize = DATA_SIZE_UNITS.get("MB");
            const targetDataSize = DATA_SIZE_UNITS.get(unit) || defaultDataSize;
            return this.groesse * (defaultDataSize.factor / targetDataSize.factor);

         * Returns a formatted string of attribute "groesse" of this object
         * @param {string} [unit]          - Unit ("B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB"), see DATA_SIZE_UNITS
         * @param {number} [decimalPlaces] - Number of fixed digits after the decimal point
         * @returns {string}               - formatted string: "value unit", e.g. "2.61 GB"
        getGroesseAsText(unit, decimalPlaces) {
            if (this.groesse === 0) {
                return "";

            let value = this.groesse;

            const defaultDataSize = DATA_SIZE_UNITS.get("MB");
            let dataSize = DATA_SIZE_UNITS.get(unit);

            if (!dataSize) {
                for (dataSize of Array.from(DATA_SIZE_UNITS.values()).filter(ds => ds.factor >= defaultDataSize.factor)) {
                    if (dataSize.factor > defaultDataSize.factor) {
                        value = value / 1024;
                        if (typeof decimalPlaces === "undefined") {
                            decimalPlaces = 1;

                    if (value < 1024) {
            } else {
                value *= (defaultDataSize.factor / dataSize.factor);

            return Number(Math.round(value + 'e1') + 'e-1').toFixed(decimalPlaces || 0) + " " + dataSize.shortText;

        get link() {
            return _link.getOrCompute(this, () => computeLink(this.divElement, null));

        get linkText() {
            return ? : "";

        get mirrors() {
            return _mirrors.getOrCompute(this, () => computeMirrors(this.divElement));

        get imgElement() {
            return _imgElement.getOrCompute(this, () => computeImgElement(this.divElement));

        get typ() {
            return _typ.getOrCompute(this, () => {
                if (this.mirrors.length === 0 || this.linkText.toUpperCase().includes('-HELD')) {
                    return Beitrag.TYPEN.WERBUNG;

                if (REGEX.DOKU.test(this.linkText)) {
                    return Beitrag.TYPEN.DOKU;

                if (REGEX.SERIE.test(this.linkText)) {
                    return Beitrag.TYPEN.SERIE;
                return Beitrag.TYPEN.NONE;

        get datum() {
            return _datum.getOrCompute(this, () => computeDatum(this.divElement, null));

        get datumTag() {
            return new Date((this.datum || new Date(0)).setHours(0, 0, 0, 0));

        get releasedYear() {
            return _releasedYear.getOrCompute(this, () => {
                const match = /\.(\d{4})\./.exec(this.linkText);
                if (!match || match.length <= 1) {
                    return null;
                return parseInt(match[1]) || null;

        static get TYPEN() {
            return TYPEN;

        static get defaultCompare() {
            return defaultCompare;

    return Beitrag;