Greasy Fork is available in English.

Twitter expanded image

Das Skript ändert die Adresse des Bild zu originale Adresse und lässt die Höhe eines Tweet sich an das Bild anpassen.

Version vom 07.12.2018. Aktuellste Version

// ==UserScript==
// @name              Twitter expanded image
// @name:en           Twitter expanded image
// @name:zh-CN        Twitter expanded image
// @name:de           Twitter expanded image
// @namespace
// @license	          MIT
// @version           0.2.1
// @description       Replace image address to original and adjust single image's height. Work in with
// @description:zh-cn 替换推特图片为原图,并让每条推的高度适应图片高度。作为该CSS的辅助脚本:
// @description:de    Das Skript ändert die Adresse des Bild zu originale Adresse und lässt die Höhe eines Tweet sich an das Bild anpassen. 
// @author            Hitomi Jamella Hoshino
// @include *
// @grant             none
// ==/UserScript==

//Replace image's address

function replace() {
	var img, match;
	for (img of document.images) {
		if (match = img.src.match(/(.*?pbs\.twimg\.com\/media\/.+)\.(jpg|gif|png|jpeg|bmp|webp)/)) {
            img.src = match[1] + "?format=" + match[2] + "&name=orig";

new MutationObserver(replace).observe(document.getElementsByClassName("stream-items")[0], {
	childList: true,
	subtree: true

//Adjust image's height

var stream_Width = document.getElementsByClassName("AdaptiveMedia-container")[0].clientWidth;
var single_photo, Bild, nWidth, nHeight, i;
//i = amount of single image that after site first load + keeping scroll down.
//var i = 0;

function adjust() {
    single_photo = document.getElementsByClassName("AdaptiveMedia-singlePhoto");
    //i = 0, when new tweet loaded, do the adjust ALL OVER.
    i = 0;
    while (i < single_photo.length) {
        Bild = single_photo[i].firstChild.nextSibling.firstChild.nextSibling;
        nWidth = Bild.naturalWidth;
        nHeight = Bild.naturalHeight;

        if (nHeight > 0) {
            if (nWidth < stream_Width) {
                single_photo[i].style.paddingTop = nHeight + 'px';
        else {
            //When scroll to the bottom, stop loop, because image isn't loaded yet.
            single_photo = i;

//new MutationObserver(adjust).observe(document.getElementsByClassName("stream-items")[0], {
new MutationObserver(adjust).observe(document.body, {
	childList: true,
	subtree: true

//click "new tweets"

//total amount of single image after "new tweets" click
var k = 0;
function bbb() {
    document.getElementsByClassName("new-tweets-bar")[0].onclick = function(){
        //j = amount of single image in each "new tweet" click
        var j = 0;
        single_photo = document.getElementsByClassName("AdaptiveMedia-singlePhoto");
        while (j < single_photo.length - i - k) {
            Bild = single_photo[j].firstChild.nextSibling.firstChild.nextSibling;
            nWidth = Bild.naturalWidth;
            nHeight = Bild.naturalHeight;

            if (nHeight > 0) {
                if (nWidth < stream_Width) {
                    single_photo[j].style.paddingTop = nHeight + 'px';
                    alert(Bild.src + single_photo.length);

new MutationObserver(bbb).observe(document.getElementsByClassName("stream-item")[0], {
	childList: true,
	subtree: true