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[$20 bounty] I need someone to create a script for a website's modal popup prevention

Deleted user 1384253
Veröffentlicht: 21.10.2024
Bearbeitet: 21.10.2024

Yeah, I've tried blocking the modal with uBlock Origin's css cosmetic blocking.

That only does the job 50%, because the when the popup is triggered, the input area that I'm writing code into, loses focus.
So each time the popup is triggered, I have to click the input area again to restore the keyboard cursor into it.

Other than that, the rest of the website's functionality works fine, it's just the popup alone that should be eliminated.

I'm willing to send $20 on PayPal to whoever is able to create the script for me.

I will send the website in question in a private message.

Thanks in advance.

Deleted user 1384253
Veröffentlicht: 21.10.2024

I've found someone, so it's all sorted out! Thanks for the offers.

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