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OSRS Wiki - Leagues Task Filters

Additional filtering for leagues tasks on the osrs wiki

Dette er versioner af dette script, hvor koden er blevet opdateret. Vis alle versioner.

  • v2024-11-27.3 27.11.2024

    Version bug

  • v2024-11-27.1 27.11.2024

    - Added filter trigger to wikisync web requests
    - Moved todo to the end of the table to fix comp% sort bug

  • v2024-11-26.2.1 27.11.2024

    Small filter fix (forgot to remove test code)

  • v2024-11-26.2 27.11.2024

    Added todo task selection (saves to browser localstorage and should persist between page loads), fixed some bugs in Chrome

  • v2024-11-26.1 26.11.2024

    Added checkboxes to check/uncheck all filters in each filter group, fixed a bug with visible task counter

  • v2024-11-25.2 26.11.2024
  • v2024-11-25.1 26.11.2024