General URL Cleaner

Cleans URL's from various popular sites.

Dette er versioner af dette script, hvor koden er blevet opdateret. Vis alle versioner.

  • v3.3 24.03.2020 Exclude hangouts
  • v3.3 24.03.2020 Clean more ebay parameters
  • v3.2 12.01.2020
  • v3.2 12.01.2020 Fixed more ebay issues
  • v3.2 12.01.2020 Fixed more ebay issues
  • v3.1.1 12.01.2020 Fixed ebay issue
  • v3.1 12.01.2020 Fixed a bunch of things
  • v3.0 29.12.2019 Simplified and cleaned
  • v2.12.3 13.04.2018
  • v2.12.2 24.02.2018 Added IMDB https support
  • v2.12.1 14.09.2017 Google search: delete dcr parameter
  • v2.12 13.09.2017 fixed imdb cleaning
  • v2.12 13.09.2017 added disqus support
  • v2.11 01.08.2017 Google image search improvements
  • v2.10.3 01.08.2017
  • v2.10.2 01.08.2017 google image search outgoing links fixed
  • v2.10.1 01.08.2017
  • v2.10 28.07.2017
  • v2.9 19.01.2017 Added support for facebook, twitter, staticice
  • v2.8.3 16.01.2017 Fixed Amazon Look Inside for Firefox
  • v2.8.2 22.09.2016 Fixed script name
  • v2.8.1 21.09.2016 fixed google regex
  • v2.8 21.09.2016 Fixed newegg, added hash deleter
  • v2.7.4 09.09.2016 fixed ebay "view original listing"
  • v2.7.3 08.09.2016 fixed tld matching
  • v2.7.2 06.09.2016 Fixed parameter cleaning to not accidentally delete hashes
  • v2.7.1 30.08.2016 Bug fixes
  • v2.7 30.08.2016 Improved google instant handling
  • v2.6.2 29.08.2016 fixed issue where it wouldn't run on some google instant searches
  • v2.6.1 29.08.2016 Performance improvements
  • v2.6 29.08.2016 Performance improvements
  • v2.5 23.08.2016 Added IMDB support, general optimisations
  • v2.4.1 22.08.2016 Catch errors where href attribute doesn't exist
  • v2.4 02.08.2016 Now only cleans links when the number of links has increased
  • v2.3 19.07.2016
  • v2.2.9 18.07.2016
  • v2.2.9 18.07.2016 Went overkill adding safeguards against infinite loops, because I can't see why they should even be happening at all.
  • v2.2.8 29.06.2016 Fixed ebay, and now using the most standard for loop available.
  • v2.2.7 08.06.2016
  • v2.2.6 08.06.2016
  • v2.2.5 06.06.2016 Ebay, amazon and newegg are now http/https agnostic
  • v2.2.4 04.06.2016 Properly fixed amazon
  • v2.2.3.1 01.06.2016 added https support for Amazon
  • v2.2.3 01.06.2016 Improved performance
  • v2.2.2.2 25.05.2016 fixed google search parameters regex
  • v2.2.2.0 25.05.2016
  • v2.2.1.0 25.05.2016 removed a debugging statement
  • v2.2.1.0 25.05.2016 Fixed Google Instant cleaning not working in Chrome
  • v2.2.0.0 24.05.2016 Google now uses history.pushState, so onhashchange no-longer works. But there is no onpushstate trigger available, so we monitor the search input box (id:'lst-ib') for changes instead.
  • v2.1.0.0 19.05.2016
  • v2.1.0 19.05.2016 Deleted "test" from title
  • v2.1 19.05.2016 Improved mutationobserver behavior to not clean links multiple times, and reduced size of script.
  • v2.0.4.14 18.05.2016 fixed google hangouts links
  • v2.0.4.13 09.04.2016 Allows some ebay hash links for things like shipping, etc
  • v2.0.4.12 23.09.2015 fixed case where ebay link cleaning didn't run
  • v2.0.4.11 09.09.2015 Discovered that Google search results redirection can different based on user agent string. Modified regex to work with a number of different user agent strings.
  • v2.0.4.10 08.09.2015 Updated regex's
  • v2.0.4.9 08.09.2015 Google changed results redirection, fixed script so it keeps working
  • v2.0.4.8 30.08.2015 Improved youtube video url cleaning
  • v2.0.4.7 29.08.2015 Fixed: bing url cleaning only worked on https. Going from http to https requires a page reload, which history.replacestate doesn't do.
  • v2.0.4.6 27.08.2015 Added more link cleaning to youtube description links
  • v2.0.4.5 26.08.2015
  • v2.0.4.4 26.08.2015 Found easier way to check which links to disable redirection and SPF
  • v2.0.4.3 26.08.2015 Forgot to actually put in the youtubeClasses regex
  • v2.0.4.2 25.08.2015
  • v2.0.4.1 25.08.2015 Uses history.replaceState() instead of history.pushState, given that the old URL is not wanted.
  • v2.0.4.0 25.08.2015 Now uses history.pushState() instead of location.replace() so the page doesn't need to reload
  • v2.0.3.8 24.08.2015 Fixed issue with disabling SPF state
  • v2.0.3.7 24.08.2015 Now disables SPF on Youtube
  • v2.0.3.6 24.08.2015 Fixed amazon link cleaning on Google and Bing searches
  • v2.0.3.5 24.08.2015 Finally fixed youtube redirection links without breaking HTML5 player buttons
  • v2.0.3.4 23.08.2015 Fixed youtube link redirection cleaner not working in Chrome/Opera
  • v2.0.3.3 23.08.2015
  • v2.0.3.2 23.08.2015 Fixed issue causing youtube player controls to disappear
  • v2.0.3.1 22.08.2015
  • v2.0.3.1 22.08.2015
  • v2.0.3.0 22.08.2015 Really fixed youtube redirect links
  • v2.0.2.0 22.08.2015 Added newegg general link cleaning
  • v2.0.1.0 22.08.2015 Now uses mutationObserver instead of EventListener; Fixed amazon item cleaner; some other fixes.
  • v2.0.0.3 22.08.2015 Fixed incorrect youtube redirect variable name
  • v2.0.0.2 21.08.2015
  • v2.0.0.1 21.08.2015
  • v2.0.0.0 21.08.2015
  • v2.0.0.0 21.08.2015
  • v2.0 21.08.2015 Major rewrite, also removes "class" attribute from youtube redirect links.
  • v1.9.2.2 12.08.2015 Shortened ebay include rule just made greasyfork page messier
  • v1.9.2.3 12.08.2015 Shortened ebay include rule
  • v1.9.2.2 12.08.2015 Reduced number of lines required to match google tld's
  • v1.9.2.1 12.08.2015
  • v1.9.2.0 12.08.2015 Added support for youtube redirect URL
  • v1.9.1.3 04.08.2015 Cleaned up code a bit
  • v1.9.1.2 16.07.2015
  • v1.9.1.1 14.07.2015 Fixed image search redirect
  • v1.9.1.0 03.07.2015 Fixed amazon url cleaning
  • v1.9.0.10 02.07.2015
  • v1.9.0.10 02.07.2015
  • v1.9.0.10 02.07.2015
  • v1.9.0.10 02.07.2015
  • v1.9.0.10 02.07.2015
  • v1.9.0.10 02.07.2015
  • v1.9.0.9 02.07.2015
  • v1.9.0.8 02.07.2015
  • v1.9.0.7 01.07.2015
  • v1.9.0.6 01.07.2015 Fixed google tld regex
  • v1.9.0.5 30.06.2015
  • v1.9.0.4 26.06.2015
  • v1.9.0.3 26.06.2015 Restricted domains in case it breaks some sites
  • v1.9.0.2 26.06.2015 Implemented workaround for image redirection
  • v1.9.0.1 01.06.2015
  • v1.9.0 01.06.2015
  • v1.8.6 30.05.2015 Fixed accidentally removed cleaning of google search results redirection
  • v1.8.5 30.05.2015 Fixed captcha, cleaned code, added ebay search URL cleaning
  • v1.7.7 29.05.2015 Consolidation of stuff
  • v1.7.6 29.05.2015 Fixed google image search onhashchange
  • v1.7.5 27.05.2015