Turking Scripts by clickhappier
Semi-automatic collection of userscripts for turkers (MTurk workers). Includes 500+ scripts (not all updated for the 2017+ worker.mturk.com), uploaded by 50+ authors, and some from inactive authors shared by several turking community members. The official Turkopticon script author is 'fiveplusone'. Use the 'Sorting by' links on the right to view this set by script 'Name' A-Z, or by 'Total installs' to see the most popular. Note that the 'Search' box searches all of Greasyfork, not just this set.
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mmmturkeybacon Checkpoint Creator JS - Adds checkboxes next to HIT links so that you can set a checkpoint.
Endor Mic JS - A key triggers Mic S key triggers play D key triggers submit
Safe Cats JS - Safe Hotkeys for Categorization Masters HITs (Single Layer)
Show wage on HIT submit (Gershom Fix) Supreme Accuracy JS - Wage is based on the hit counter on the page which is more accurate to because it includes how long it took to load the page as well.
[MTurk Worker] HIT Exporter for Slack JS - Allows you to export HITs as formatted text with short, plain, bbcode or markdown styling.
Highlight Word JS - Insructions
FGD JS - Direct google links with click or hover to copy urls displayed below results
Mturk Contact Templates JS - Store multiple email templates on the Contact Requester page
AMT Titles JS - Splice and Modify of CH MTurk Page Titles and mTurk Title Bar Timer
A9 - Category Validation JS - Does stuff.
HIT Scraper Ghost JS - Now hits hang around foreeeever.
mmmturkeybacon Preview Overlay JS - Covers a HIT's workspace with a gray overlay if the HIT has not been accepted. Clicking once on the overlay will remove the gray foreground and allow you to interact with the HIT's contents while still showing a message warning you the hit has not been accepted.
MTurk mosaic - Extract simple information (4 items) JS - Enlarge parts of the mosaic HIT UI
Virals Youtube Autoplay JS - Autoplay youtube video in virals
Mturk Contribute to "Seen" API JS - When browsing mTurk, notify that seen HITs have been seen.
Slate Theme for JR Panda Crazy JS - Slate Theme (similar to that in MTS) for JR Panda Crazy.
Fetch Total Number of Viewable Hits JS - Fetches the current number of viewable hits on mturk.
HighlightMasters JS - Highlights Masters HITs in the color red on search pages. Specifically, the HIT title.
Categorization Map JS - enter something useful
Daily Craver JS - enter something useful
CS User Manuals Yes JS - Fills All Yes mturk
Sticky mTurk Search Bar JS - sticks mturk searchbar on scroll
HowLongDidITake JS - Record how long each HIT took to complete. Lists results on status_details page.
CH Re-Box MTurk Favicon JS - Bring back the orange box/cube favicon for mturk.com.
Image moderation speeder-upper JS - Lots of optimizations to speed up image moderation HITs
ESC to skip HIT/Return HIT JS - Skip or return a HIT by pressing ESC
Prospect Smarter JS - Adds Hot keys to Prospect Smarter Hits
Jose Ramos embed JS - Embeds a google map in the hit
prnt.sc/lighshot - copy screen shot link JS - add a button to copy the image link quickly
mmmturkeybacon PandA HEAD request JS - Accepts a HIT with a PandA link by a HEAD request instead of a normal GET request. Add &MTB_HEAD_REQUEST to the end of a PandA URL to run. This is a very bare bones script and gives almost no feedback to the user, so keep an eye on your queue and edit REQUEST_DELAY to suit your needs.
Confirm Report Hit JS - Ask for confirmation before reporting a hit to Mturk AHK friendly
CH Status Detail Numbering JS - Displays numbering next to the up-to-25 HITs on each page of MTurk's daily status detail reports. Also shows HIT assignment ID in mouseover text, and copies it on click.
Status Searchable Requester JS - Replace status page contact links with a HIT search for that requester, and adds a separate contact link.
Images and Sentences HIT Helper JS - "Relate a phrase to an image (10 questions)" and "Identify if two phrases are related (10 questions)". Press 1, 2, or 3 to select options and hit next.
ZSMTurker's MTG Forum Image Video Spoilerizer (with labels mod) JS - Spoilerize all images and videos in posts (except TO) on mturk-related forums: MTurkGrind, MTurkForum, and TurkerNation.
ZSMTurker's Auto Reload Updated 3/18/2016 JS - Automatically starts reloading page when you've missed a HIT.
MturkTitleMaker JS - Puts a title in the titlebar or tab title.
ikarma's Sequential set masters JS - PandA Set Master
Mturk Dashboard Privacy JS - Hide sensitive areas of your mturk dashboard with a Ctrl-click.
Turk - Transfer Earnings Hide and Alert JS - Hides the Earnings column and changes the Total Earnings tab to green when a threshold has been met. (Modify the values manually within the script.)
Hit to TM JS - Send hit to TM
Mturk Group IDs JS - Adds group ID to mturk hit frames
Rephrase Sarcastic Utterances (Mechanical Turk HIT) JS - Copies text to rewrite into box to prevent unncessary retyping also auto selects moderate difficulty
MTurk YChart HIT Helper JS - Opens the link on a Ychart hit
Worker-MTurk Qual Sorter (with fix) JS - Keep Track Of Qualifications And Create A More Sortable List.
Snagajob Highlighter JS - Mturk Highlights key words and adds hotkey, click ? for key list
Steve Sears JS - Added buttons that auto fill yes, no and n/a. Also makes instructions hidable.
MakeTitlesFit JS - Makes it so the title isn't truncated in the Title column.
CS User Manuals Hot Key JS - Mturk Hit the ? key for key list
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