Greasy Fork is available in English.


Estimates inventory crafting xp

Seznam verzí skriptu, při kterých došlo ke změnám v kódu. Zobrazit všechny verze.

  • v0.10 09. 04. 2021

    - Same as previous update, but adding a \ to escape the .

  • v0.9 09. 04. 2021

    getHeat and getGold replace both "," and "." to be localization agnostic

  • v0.8 06. 04. 2021

    - Fixed ash amount for some log types

  • v0.7 02. 04. 2021

    Fix to if statement around maple to oil ratio

  • v0.6 30. 03. 2021

    Including bronze and iron just in case it's important

  • v0.5 30. 03. 2021

    - Bug on number of yews to make oils not including crafting enchant
    - Totals now include current xp and gp
    - Option to select between maple or yews for pyres (though selection is made in the code, yews by default)

  • v0.4 29. 03. 2021

    Recommendation from Ishikk, added function to optimize tools to pick between making daggers and hoes to maximally use available bars. This could be improved, as it's not an exhaustive method since other pieces are available (some combination of shield, chainmail, greatsword, and breastplate might be more optimal).

  • v0.3 29. 03. 2021

    Corrected jewelry crafted based on Kugan's feedback.

  • v0.2 29. 03. 2021

    Set logs to zero if none are available to avoid NaN in summed xp

  • v0.1 29. 03. 2021