Greasy Fork is available in English.
Pulls Readme above files list and reorganizes repository root page moving sidebar content foremost.
Seznam verzí skriptu, při kterých došlo ke změnám v kódu. Zobrazit všechny verze.
adapt to a new structure, yet again
total commit count and last commit time pulled to the left edge
also rushed pulling of "last commit" info, for now above readme - license - (...) - edit - menu line
rushed hotfix for new main content structure, readme is back up. Ton of dead code remains.
(Sync with USW)
Fix for new structure (sorry for borked layout you all).
condense 📖 Readme ⚖️ License in about box
collapse TOC / "" heading row in order to move actual readme text up; TOC button without text
Wider "last commit" box, at the expense of text labels of "branches", "tags" and "commit" and hash identifier.
Adjust column sizing and wrapping; fix last commit badge in forks.
Prevent wrapping of sum counters in headings. (Those counters are quite redundant, b/c there is always the "+ rest" below, but making this nowrap nicely aligns contributors.
Reversed order of latest commit bar items so that commit count is on the left so it is besides tag and branch counts.
Experimentally restored description cell instead mobile header and prevented cells wrapping. Cells are sometimes denser now and their contents wraps more than before, but it made the readme closer to top yet again.
Fix for "fancy" readmes with navigations (seen at
"Latest commit" block pulled above Readme between branch selector and clone buttons.