Tento skript by neměl být instalován přímo. Jedná se o knihovnu, kterou by měly jiné skripty využívat pomocí meta příkazu // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/406574/823750/MyKirito%20Helper%20%20private.js
// ==UserScript==
// @name MyKirito Helper private
// @version
// @description 可以看到 MyKirito 額外資訊
// @author EWAVE#7445 & ganmaRRRRR
// @namespace
// @match https://mykirito.com/*
// @require https://unpkg.com/@popperjs/core@2
// @require https://unpkg.com/tippy.js@6
// @resource online_data https://pastebin.com/raw/ENjQzrAs
// @grant GM_getResourceText
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant unsafeWindow
// @run-at document-start
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/591565
// ==/UserScript==
let pkWinBase = [40, 55, 100, 120];
let pkWinMul = [3.334, 4.5, 8.5, 10];
let pkLoseBase = [25, 35, 70, 70];
let actTable = ["15~19", "15", "13~19", "18", "18", "15", "15", "500", "1000", "2000", "4000"];
let expTable = [0, 30, 60, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 370, 450, 500, 650, 800, 950, 1200, 1450, 1700, 1950, 2200, 2500, 2800, 3100, 3400, 3700, 4000, 4400, 4800, 5200, 5600, 6000, 6500, 7000, 7500, 8000, 8500, 9100, 9700, 10300, 11000, 11800, 12600, 13500, 14400, 15300, 16200, 17100, 18000, 19000, 20000, 21000, 23000, 25000, 27000, 29000, 31000, 33000, 35000, 37000, 39000, 41000, 44000, 47000, 50000, 53000, 56000, 59000, 62000, 65000, 68000, 71000, 0];
const rattrCSS = ".fYZyZu {color: #00b5b5;}";
const buttonAniCSS = ".tippy-box[data-animation=shift-away-subtle][data-state=hidden]{opacity:0}.tippy-box[data-animation=shift-away-subtle][data-state=hidden][data-placement^=top]{transform:translateY(5px)}.tippy-box[data-animation=shift-away-subtle][data-state=hidden][data-placement^=bottom]{transform:translateY(-5px)}.tippy-box[data-animation=shift-away-subtle][data-state=hidden][data-placement^=left]{transform:translateX(5px)}.tippy-box[data-animation=shift-away-subtle][data-state=hidden][data-placement^=right]{transform:translateX(-5px)}";
var helperConfig = GM_getValue('MyKiritoHelper', { 'yuukiMod': false, 'lisbethMod': false, 'deadMod': false, 'backgroundMOD': false, 'scrolllistMOD':true, 'delay': 300, });
var inited = false;
var myK;
var otherK;
var floorBtn = [];
var actBtns = [];
var actToLvUp = [];
var pkBtns = [];
var nextTimetip = [];
var 友記縮圖 = "https://i.imgur.com/VJyzROs.png"
var 發送名稱 = "通緝發送"
var 通緝頭貼 = "https://i.imgur.com/8QowXWD.jpg"
//這個是給你們用在其他頻道的 預設17頻道 (不是我們公會的陌生人自己改下面這行阿==)
var 通緝webhook = "https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/729582208297467956/XSEiYkCgeIloDm4yD_0ro7WdKwUhqzGYIA2LhKivZ10nsxWswM1AuwMZnlkiY2vMG8fS"
var 友記全身圖 = "https://i.imgur.com/VWNyCjk.png"
var 死亡圖片 = "https://i.imgur.com/9GBle3E.png"
var 背景圖片網址 = "https://i.imgur.com/SgHg5SJ.jpg";
var 背景圖片上面的漸層顏色 = "linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8) 0%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) 100%)";
var 擴充CSS = ``;
function waitForKeyElements(selectorOrFunction, callback, waitOnce, interval, maxIntervals) {
if (typeof waitOnce === "undefined") {
waitOnce = true;
if (typeof interval === "undefined") {
interval = 300;
if (typeof maxIntervals === "undefined") {
maxIntervals = -1;
var targetNodes = (typeof selectorOrFunction === "function")
? selectorOrFunction()
: document.querySelectorAll(selectorOrFunction);
var targetsFound = targetNodes && targetNodes.length > 0;
if (targetsFound) {
targetNodes.forEach(function(targetNode) {
var attrAlreadyFound = "data-userscript-alreadyFound";
var alreadyFound = targetNode.getAttribute(attrAlreadyFound) || false;
if (!alreadyFound) {
var cancelFound = callback(targetNode);
if (cancelFound) {
targetsFound = false;
else {
targetNode.setAttribute(attrAlreadyFound, true);
if (maxIntervals !== 0 && !(targetsFound && waitOnce)) {
maxIntervals -= 1;
setTimeout(function() {
waitForKeyElements(selectorOrFunction, callback, waitOnce, interval, maxIntervals);
}, interval);
(async function() {
'use strict';
// 抓Ajax Event
function ajaxEventTrigger(event) {
let ajaxEvent = new CustomEvent(event, { detail: this });
let oldXHR = unsafeWindow.XMLHttpRequest;
function newXHR() {
let realXHR = new oldXHR();
// this指向window
realXHR.addEventListener('readystatechange', function() { ajaxEventTrigger.call(this, 'ajaxReadyStateChange'); }, false);
return realXHR;
unsafeWindow.XMLHttpRequest = newXHR;
unsafeWindow.addEventListener('ajaxReadyStateChange', function (e) {
// 處理成功的request
if (e.detail.readyState === oldXHR.DONE && e.detail.status === 200) {
ajaxEventHandler(new URL(e.detail.responseURL), e.detail.response);
// 抓fetch event
let nativeFetch = unsafeWindow.fetch; // must be on the global scope
unsafeWindow.fetch = function(...args) {
let promise = nativeFetch(...args);
promise.then((r) => {
// 處理成功的request
return (r.url.match('report') && r.ok) ? r.clone().json() : false; })
.then((j) => {
if (j) { reportThree(j); } });
return promise;
waitForKeyElements("div#root > nav", init);
function ajaxEventHandler(url, response) {
if (url.pathname.split("/")[1] === 'cdn-cgi') { return; }
let page = location.pathname.split("/")[1];
if (url.href === "https://mykirito.com/api/my-kirito") {
myK = JSON.parse(response);
switch (page) {
case "":// 我的桐人
myKirito(url, JSON.parse(response));
case "profile": // 別的桐人
otherKirito(url, JSON.parse(response));
function init() {
// Navbar置頂 (from https://greasyfork.org/zh-TW/scripts/404006-kirito-tools)
let root = document.querySelector("div#root");
let navbar = document.querySelector("div#root > nav");
let navbarHeight = navbar.offsetHeight;
root.style.paddingTop = `calc(${navbarHeight}px + 18px)`; // height + margin bottom
navbar.style.position = "fixed";
navbar.style.top = "0";
// 加上選單按鈕
let bosss = document.createElement("LINK");
bosss.className = "sc-fzqAui eoGDzK";
bosss.innerText = "攻略網";
navbar.insertBefore(bosss, navbar.lastChild);
bosss.addEventListener("click", function() {
var redirectWindow = window.open('https://mykirito.nctu.me/', '_blank');
let button = document.createElement("a");
button.className = "sc-fzqAui eoGDzK";
button.innerHTML = '<svg style="filter: invert(1);" width="24" height="24" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd"><path d="M12 8.666c-1.838 0-3.333 1.496-3.333 3.334s1.495 3.333 3.333 3.333 3.333-1.495 3.333-3.333-1.495-3.334-3.333-3.334m0 7.667c-2.39 0-4.333-1.943-4.333-4.333s1.943-4.334 4.333-4.334 4.333 1.944 4.333 4.334c0 2.39-1.943 4.333-4.333 4.333m-1.193 6.667h2.386c.379-1.104.668-2.451 2.107-3.05 1.496-.617 2.666.196 3.635.672l1.686-1.688c-.508-1.047-1.266-2.199-.669-3.641.567-1.369 1.739-1.663 3.048-2.099v-2.388c-1.235-.421-2.471-.708-3.047-2.098-.572-1.38.057-2.395.669-3.643l-1.687-1.686c-1.117.547-2.221 1.257-3.642.668-1.374-.571-1.656-1.734-2.1-3.047h-2.386c-.424 1.231-.704 2.468-2.099 3.046-.365.153-.718.226-1.077.226-.843 0-1.539-.392-2.566-.893l-1.687 1.686c.574 1.175 1.251 2.237.669 3.643-.571 1.375-1.734 1.654-3.047 2.098v2.388c1.226.418 2.468.705 3.047 2.098.581 1.403-.075 2.432-.669 3.643l1.687 1.687c1.45-.725 2.355-1.204 3.642-.669 1.378.572 1.655 1.738 2.1 3.047m3.094 1h-3.803c-.681-1.918-.785-2.713-1.773-3.123-1.005-.419-1.731.132-3.466.952l-2.689-2.689c.873-1.837 1.367-2.465.953-3.465-.412-.991-1.192-1.087-3.123-1.773v-3.804c1.906-.678 2.712-.782 3.123-1.773.411-.991-.071-1.613-.953-3.466l2.689-2.688c1.741.828 2.466 1.365 3.465.953.992-.412 1.082-1.185 1.775-3.124h3.802c.682 1.918.788 2.714 1.774 3.123 1.001.416 1.709-.119 3.467-.952l2.687 2.688c-.878 1.847-1.361 2.477-.952 3.465.411.992 1.192 1.087 3.123 1.774v3.805c-1.906.677-2.713.782-3.124 1.773-.403.975.044 1.561.954 3.464l-2.688 2.689c-1.728-.82-2.467-1.37-3.456-.955-.988.41-1.08 1.146-1.785 3.126"/></svg>';
button.id = "mykirito_helper";
navbar.insertBefore(button, navbar.lastChild);
tippy(button, {
content: `<div style="text-align: center;">MOD選單</div>`+
`<p><label><input type="checkbox" id="yuuki_mod" ${(helperConfig.yuukiMod)?"checked":""}> 友記切換</label></p>`+
`<p><label><input type="checkbox" id="lisbeth_mod" ${(helperConfig.lisbethMod)?"checked":""}> 抓到你囉經驗包</label></p>`+
`<p><label><input type="checkbox" id="dead_mod" ${(helperConfig.deadMod)?"checked":""}> 鯊魚上香</label></p>`+
`<p><label><input type="checkbox" id="background_mod" ${(helperConfig.backgroundMOD)?"checked":""}> 背景圖片(跟其他MOD一起開會卡)</label></p>`+
`<p><label><input type="checkbox" id="scrolllist_mod" ${(helperConfig.scrolllistMOD)?"checked":""}> 玩家選單滑動(測試)</label></p>`+
`<input type="range" id="delay" min="100" max="5000" step="100" value=${helperConfig.delay}><p id="show_delay" style="display: inline;"> ${helperConfig.delay}</p>`+
`ms Delay<p>有問題請嘗試調大此值</p><p style="text-align: right;"><a href="https://greasyfork.org/zh-TW/scripts/405599-mykirito-helper/feedback" target="_blank" style="color: aqua;">回報問題</a></p>`,
allowHTML: true,
interactive: true,
arrow: false,
trigger: 'mouseenter focus click',
placement: 'bottom',
onShown() {
if (!inited){
document.getElementById("show_delay").innerHTML = ` ${document.getElementById("delay").value}`;
document.getElementById("yuuki_mod").addEventListener('input', () => { (document.getElementById("yuuki_mod").checked) ? helperConfig.yuukiMod = true : helperConfig.yuukiMod = false; });
document.getElementById("lisbeth_mod").addEventListener('input', () => { (document.getElementById("lisbeth_mod").checked) ? helperConfig.lisbethMod = true : helperConfig.lisbethMod = false; });
document.getElementById("dead_mod").addEventListener('input', () => { (document.getElementById("dead_mod").checked) ? helperConfig.deadMod = true : helperConfig.deadMod = false; });
document.getElementById("background_mod").addEventListener('input', () => { (document.getElementById("background_mod").checked) ? helperConfig.backgroundMOD = true : helperConfig.backgroundMOD = false; });
document.getElementById("scrolllist_mod").addEventListener('input', () => { (document.getElementById("scrolllist_mod").checked) ? helperConfig.scrolllistMOD = true : helperConfig.scrolllistMOD = false; });
document.getElementById("delay").addEventListener('input', () => {
helperConfig.delay = document.getElementById("delay").value;
document.getElementById("show_delay").innerHTML = ` ${helperConfig.delay}`;
inited = true;
onHidden() { GM_setValue('MyKiritoHelper', helperConfig); },
// 更新各種經驗表
let onlineData = GM_getResourceText("online_data");
if (onlineData !== null) {
onlineData = JSON.parse(onlineData);
pkWinBase = onlineData.pkWinBase;
pkWinMul = onlineData.pkWinMul;
pkLoseBase = onlineData.pkLoseBase;
actTable = onlineData.actTable;
expTable = onlineData.expTable;
function message(msg) {
let block = `
<div id="us_messageBlock" data-id="${1999}">
<div style="position: fixed; top: 2rem; right: 2rem; background-color: #cdfaef; border-radius: 0.5rem; font-size: 1.2rem;">
document.querySelector("div#us_customSpace").innerHTML += block;
// 測試中
function loadmod() {
waitForKeyElements('source', (pic) => {
if (helperConfig.lisbethMod) {
if (pic.srcset.match('lisbeth')) {
document.querySelector("div#root").insertAdjacentHTML("afterend", `<div id="us_customSpace"></div>`);
let msg = `<h5>抓到你囉</h5>`;
setTimeout(function() {
}, 2000);
if (helperConfig.yuukiMod) {
if (pic.srcset.match('yuuki.s')) {
pic.srcset = 友記縮圖;
if (pic.srcset.match('yuuki')) {
pic.srcset = 友記全身圖;
if (helperConfig.deadMod) {
if (/此玩家目前是死亡狀態/i.test (document.body.innerHTML) )
if (pic.srcset.match('')) {
pic.srcset = 死亡圖片;
}, false, helperConfig.delay);
function myKirito(url, response) {
let act = url.pathname.split("/");
if (act[2] === "my-kirito") {
switch (act[3]) {
case undefined: // 自己的資料
case "teammate": // 隊伍資料
case "doaction": // 行動
response = response.myKirito;
async function updateExpReq() {
await sleep(helperConfig.delay);
let expReq = document.getElementById("exp_require");
let prReq = document.getElementById("pr_require");
if (!isExist(expReq)) {
let table = document.querySelector("div#root table > tbody");
let tr = table.lastChild.cloneNode(true);
tr.childNodes[0].innerHTML = "保護狀態";
tr.childNodes[1].id = "pr_require";
tr.childNodes[2].innerHTML = "距離升級";
tr.childNodes[3].id = "exp_require";
let tr2 = table.lastChild.cloneNode(true);
tr2.childNodes[0].innerHTML = "玻璃值";
tr2.childNodes[1].innerHTML = response.murder;
tr2.childNodes[2].innerHTML = "BOTLV";
tr2.childNodes[3].innerHTML = response.botlv;
expReq = document.getElementById("exp_require");
prReq = document.getElementById("pr_require");
expReq.innerHTML = expTable[response.lv] - response.exp;
var prnumber = [response.murder*5+1] - response.defDeath;
if (prnumber<=0)
{var prText = "快樂的一天 死了進保護"}
{prText = "你還需要死" + prnumber + "次"}
prReq.innerHTML = prText;
async function updateTeam() {
await sleep(helperConfig.delay);
let teamRef = document.getElementById("team_ref");
if (!isExist(teamRef)) {
let team = document.querySelector("div#root div > h3 ~ div ~ div ~ div");
let a = document.createElement("a");
a.id = "team_ref";
teamRef = document.getElementById("team_ref");
let teammateUID = response.teammateUID;
let teammateName = response.teammate;
if (!isExist(teammateName)) {
teammateName = document.querySelector("div ~ div > input").value;
if (teammateUID) {
teamRef.href = `/profile/${teammateUID}`;
teamRef.innerHTML = teammateName;
else {
teamRef.href = "";
teamRef.innerHTML = "";
// 幫行動按鈕加上提示
async function addTooltip() {
await sleep(helperConfig.delay);
let buttons = document.querySelectorAll("button");
floorBtn = buttons[buttons.length-12];
buttons = [].slice.call(buttons, buttons.length-11);
actBtns = [];
actToLvUp = [];
let config = {
delay: [200, 100],
moveTransition: 'transform 0.2s ease-out',
animation: 'shift-away-subtle',
actBtns = actBtns.concat(createTipGroup(buttons.slice(0, 7), config));
actBtns = actBtns.concat(createTipGroup(buttons.slice(7), config));
config.delay = [1000, 100]; config.placement = 'bottom';
actToLvUp = actToLvUp.concat(createTipGroup(buttons.slice(0, 7), config, false));
actToLvUp = actToLvUp.concat(createTipGroup(buttons.slice(7), config, false));
for (let i = 0; i < actBtns.length; i++) {
actBtns[i].setContent(`${actTable[i]} 經驗值`);
if (myK.floor > 0) {
floorBtn = [].push(tippy(floorBtn, {
delay: [200, 100],
content: `${myK.floor * 100} 經驗值`,
animation: 'shift-away-subtle',}));
catch(e) {}
// 計算幾次行動後升級
async function updateTooltip() {
await sleep(helperConfig.delay);
let expReq = expTable[response.lv] - response.exp;
for (let i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
if (i === 0 || i === 2) { actToLvUp[i].setContent(`約 ${Math.ceil(expReq / ((Number(actTable[i].slice(3)) + Number(actTable[i].slice(0, 2))) / 2))} 次此行動後升級` ); }
else { actToLvUp[i].setContent(`${Math.ceil(expReq / (Number(actTable[i])))} 次此行動後升級`); }
// 修行跟樓層獎勵加上時間提示
async function addTimetip() {
await sleep(helperConfig.delay);
let now = new Date();
let config = {
delay: [200, 100],
trigger: 'mouseenter focus click',
placement: 'right',
animation: 'shift-away-subtle',
try {
catch(e) {
nextTimetip = [];
// 有樓層獎勵
if (myK.floor > 0) {
let nextFB = new Date(response.lastFloorBonus + 8*3600*1000);
if (nextFB.getTime() > now.getTime() + 100*1000) {
let divFB = document.querySelector("div#root > div > div > div:nth-child(3)");
divFB.firstChild.style.display = "inline-block";
config.content = "下次可領取時間:" + nextFB.toLocaleTimeString();
let nextFBTip = createTipGroup(divFB.firstChild, config, false);
nextTimetip = nextTimetip.concat(nextFBTip);
clearAtTime(nextFBTip[0], nextFB.getTime());
if (response.lastAction > now.getTime() + 100*1000) {
let nextAct = new Date(response.lastAction + 80*1000);
let divAct = document.querySelector("div#root > div > div > div:nth-child(4)");
divAct.firstChild.style.display = "inline-block";
config.content = "下次可行動時間:" + nextAct.toLocaleTimeString();
let nextActTip = createTipGroup(divAct.firstChild, config, false);
nextTimetip = nextTimetip.concat(nextActTip);
clearAtTime(nextActTip[0], nextAct.getTime());
else {
if (response.lastAction > now.getTime() + 100*1000) {
let nextAct = new Date(response.lastAction + 80*1000);
let divAct = document.querySelector("div#root > div > div > div:nth-child(3)");
divAct.firstChild.style.display = "inline-block";
config.content = "下次可行動時間:" + nextAct.toLocaleTimeString();
let nextActTip = createTipGroup(divAct.firstChild, config, false);
nextTimetip = nextTimetip.concat(nextActTip);
clearAtTime(nextActTip[0], nextAct.getTime());
function clearAtTime(tip, timetoclear) {
setTimeout(() => { tip.destroy(); }, timetoclear - now.getTime() - 100*1000);
async function otherKirito(url, response) {
switch (url.pathname.split("/")[2]) {
case "profile": // 別人的資料
otherK = response.profile;
if (isExist(otherK) && isExist(myK)) {
case 'my-kirito':
myK = response;
if (isExist(otherK) && isExist(myK)) {
async function reportbutton() {
await sleep(helperConfig.delay);
let reportbu = document.getElementById("reportobj");
if (!isExist(reportbu)) {
let rr = document.createElement("rr");
rr.id = "reportobj";
let navbar = document.querySelector("div#root > nav");
rr.className = "sc-fzqAui eoGDzK";
rr.innerText = "通緝發送";
navbar.insertBefore(rr, navbar.lastChild);
rr.addEventListener("click", function() {
fetch(通緝webhook, {
"headers": {
"content-type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8",
"body": JSON.stringify(bodydata),
"method": "POST"
reportbu = document.getElementById("reportobj");
var bodydata ={
"username": 發送名稱,
"avatar_url": 通緝頭貼,
"embeds": [{
"description": myK.nickname + "對" + otherK.nickname + "發起了通緝" + "\n" + "[通緝目標連結]" + "(https://mykirito.com/profile/"+otherK._id+")" + "\n" + "目標狀態:" + otherK.status,
"author": {name: "通緝令發起人: " + myK.nickname, url: "https://mykirito.com/profile/"+myK._id},
"fields": [
{name: "職業:", value: otherK.character, inline: true},
{name: "稱號:", value: otherK.title, inline: true},
{name: "目標顏色:", value: otherK.color, inline: true},
{name: "血量:", value: otherK.hp, inline: true},
{name: "攻擊:", value: otherK.atk, inline: true},
{name: "防禦:", value: otherK.def, inline: true},
{name: "體力:", value: otherK.stm, inline: true},
{name: "敏捷:", value: otherK.agi, inline: true},
{name: "反應速度:", value: otherK.spd, inline: true},
{name: "技巧:", value: otherK.tec, inline: true},
{name: "智力:", value: otherK.int, inline: true},
{name: "幸運:", value: otherK.lck, inline: true},
"color": 16411130
async function showRattr() {
await sleep(helperConfig.delay);
let btnDetail = document.querySelectorAll("button")[0];
let btnCompare = document.querySelectorAll("button")[1];
if (!isExist(btnDetail) || !isExist(btnCompare)) {
waitForKeyElements('button ~ button', () => {
btnDetail = document.querySelectorAll("button")[0];
btnCompare = document.querySelectorAll("button")[1];
btnDetail.addEventListener('click', btnSwitch);
btnCompare.addEventListener('click', btnSwitch);
async function btnSwitch() {
await sleep(helperConfig.delay);
// 詳細資料
if (btnDetail.disabled) {
let table = document.querySelector("div#root tbody");
rattrAppend(document.querySelector("div#root table > tbody"), otherK.rattrs, 4);
let prother = document.getElementById("pr_other");
// 一些有的沒的
let tr = table.lastChild.cloneNode(true);
tr.id = 'addi_info';
tr.childNodes[0].innerHTML = "目前層數";
tr.childNodes[1].innerHTML = otherK.floor;
tr.childNodes[2].innerHTML = "成就點數";
tr.childNodes[3].innerHTML = otherK.achievementPoints;
let tr2 = table.lastChild.cloneNode(true);
tr2.id = 'addi_info2';
tr2.childNodes[0].innerHTML = "玻璃值";
tr2.childNodes[1].innerHTML = otherK.murder;
tr2.childNodes[2].innerHTML = "BOTLV";
tr2.childNodes[3].innerHTML = otherK.botlv;
let tr3 = table.lastChild.cloneNode(true);
tr3.id = 'addi_info3';
tr3.childNodes[0].innerHTML = "保護狀態";
tr3.childNodes[1].id = "pr_other";
prother = document.getElementById("pr_other");
var prnumber = [otherK.murder*5+1] - otherK.defDeath;
if (prnumber<=0)
{var prText = "他準備要進保護了 or 已經進入保護狀態"}
{prText = "這個人還可以扁" + prnumber + "次"}
prother.innerHTML = prText;
// 能力比對
else {
rattrAppend(document.querySelector("div#root table > tbody"), myK.rattrs, 6);
rattrAppend(document.querySelector("div#root table ~ table > tbody"), otherK.rattrs, 6);
function rattrAppend(table, rattrs, count=0) {
for (let k in rattrs) {
if (rattrs[k] !== 0) {
let r = document.createElement('span');
r.className = 'sc-fzoLsD fYZyZu show_rattr';
r.innerHTML = ` (+${rattrs[k]})`;
if (k === 'hp') { r.innerHTML = ` (+${rattrs[k] * 10})`; }
async function addTooltip() {
await sleep(helperConfig.delay);
let lvDiff = otherK.lv - myK.lv;
let buttons = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll("button"), 2, 6);
pkBtns = createTipGroup(buttons, {
delay: [200, 100],
moveTransition: 'transform 0.2s ease-out',
placement: 'left',
animation: 'shift-away-subtle',
for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
let text;
if (lvDiff >= 0) { text = `${pkWinBase[i] + Math.floor(pkWinMul[i] * lvDiff)} / ${pkLoseBase[i]}`; }
else { text = `<${pkWinBase[i]} / ${pkLoseBase[i]}`; }
pkBtns[i].setContent(`${text} 經驗值`);
catch(e) {}
// 戰報處理
async function reportThree(report) {
await sleep(helperConfig.delay);
// boss戰
if (report.type === 99) {}
// 對戰
else {
let atkTable = document.querySelectorAll("tbody")[0];
let defTable = document.querySelectorAll("tbody")[1];
if (!isExist(atkTable) || !isExist(defTable)) {
waitForKeyElements("table ~ table", () => {
atkTable = document.querySelectorAll("tbody")[0];
defTable = document.querySelectorAll("tbody")[1];
tableEnhance(report.a, report.b, atkTable);
tableEnhance(report.b, report.a, defTable);
function tableEnhance(data1, data2, table) {
let AP1 = getAP(data1);
let AP2 = getAP(data2);
let count = 6;
table.childNodes[3].childNodes[1].innerHTML = `<a href="/profile/${data1.uid}">${data1.nickname}</a>`
for (let k in AP1) {
table.childNodes[count].childNodes[1].innerHTML += pCompare(AP1[k], AP2[k]);
table.childNodes[count].childNodes[1].style.display = "flex";
table.childNodes[count].childNodes[1].style.justifyContent = "space-between";
function pCompare(p1, p2) {
if (p1 > p2) { return `<span class="fYZyZu">+${p1-p2}</span>`; }
else { return `<span style="color: red;">-${p2-p1}</span>`; }
// 拿能力值 (加上轉生點)
function getAP(data) {
if (data.rattrs) {
return {'hp': data.hp + data.rattrs.hp,
'atk': data.atk + data.rattrs.atk,
'def': data.def + data.rattrs.def,
'stm': data.stm + data.rattrs.stm,
'agi': data.agi + data.rattrs.agi,
'spd': data.spd + data.rattrs.spd,
'tec': data.tec + data.rattrs.tec,
'int': data.int + data.rattrs.int,
'lck': data.lck + data.rattrs.lck
return {'hp': data.hp,
'atk': data.atk,
'def': data.def,
'stm': data.stm,
'agi': data.agi,
'spd': data.spd,
'tec': data.tec,
'int': data.int,
'lck': data.lck
//pic trans
function toDataURL(url, callback) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onload = function () {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onloadend = function () {
xhr.open("GET", url);
xhr.responseType = "blob";
// bgMOD
if (helperConfig.backgroundMOD) {
var css = "";
var url = document.location.href;
if (url.indexOf("https://mykirito.com") === 0) {
css += "body{background-image:bac_img_color,url(bac_img_url)!important;background-attachment:fixed!important;background-position:center center!important;background-repeat:no-repeat!important;background-size:cover!important;background-color:rgba(45,45,45,1)!important;overflow-y:scroll}#root{color:#fff}:root{--th-bg-color:#f0f0f000!important;--th-bg-color-alt1:#f0f0f000!important;--primary-bg-color:#f0f0f000!important;--border-color:#dddddd54!important;--btn-bg-color-disabled:#e0e0e059!important;--input-bg-color:#e0e0e059!important;--btn-bg-color:#e0e0e059}.fYZyZu {color:#FFF}";
css += 擴充CSS;
if (背景圖片網址 == GM_getValue("bac_img_url")) {
背景圖片網址 = GM_getValue("bac_base64");
} else {
if (背景圖片網址.substr(0, 4).toLowerCase() == "http") {
toDataURL(背景圖片網址, function (dataUrl) {
GM_setValue("bac_base64", dataUrl);
GM_setValue("bac_img_url", 背景圖片網址);
css += "";
css = css.replace(/bac_img_color/g, 背景圖片上面的漸層顏色);
css = css.replace(/bac_img_url/g, 背景圖片網址);
if (typeof GM_addStyle != "undefined") {
} else {
var node = document.createElement("style");
node.type = "text/css";
var heads = document.getElementsByTagName("html");
if (heads.length > 0) {
} else {
if (helperConfig.scrolllistMOD) {
setInterval(function () {
url = location.href;
if (url.includes("user-list")) {
// 在玩家列表頁
if (document.querySelectorAll("div#root > div > div:nth-child(1) > table").length != 0) {
// 尚未移動 list
let listTable = document.querySelector("div#root > div > div:nth-child(1) > table");
listTable.insertAdjacentHTML("beforebegin", `<div id="us_newButtonSpace"></div><div id="us_newListSpace"></div>`);
let newListSpace = document.querySelector("div#us_newListSpace");
newListSpace.style.maxHeight = "55vh";
newListSpace.style.overflowY = "scroll";
}, 100)
// 好醜
function cleanObjs() {
let expReq = document.getElementById("exp_require");
let prReq = document.getElementById("pr_require");
let teamRef = document.getElementById("team_ref");
let reportbu = document.getElementById("reportobj");
let addiInfo = document.getElementById("addi_info");
let rattrs = document.getElementsByClassName("show_rattr");
if (expReq) {expReq.parentNode.remove();}
if (prReq) {prReq.parentNode.remove();}
if (addiInfo) {addiInfo.remove();}
if (teamRef){teamRef.remove();};
if (reportbu){reportbu.remove();};
if (rattrs) {
for (let i = 0; i < rattrs.length;) {
if (floorBtn) {
if (actBtns) {
if (actToLvUp) {
if (pkBtns) {
if (nextTimetip) {
if (loadmod){
function cleanTips(arr) {
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
arr = [];
// 建立tootip並綁定成一組
function createTipGroup(btns, config, sglt=true) {
if (!Array.isArray(btns)) {
btns = [btns];
let tippyBtns = [];
for (let i = 0; i < btns.length; i++) {
tippyBtns.push(tippy(btns[i], config));
if (sglt) { tippy.createSingleton(tippyBtns, config); }
return tippyBtns;
function isExist(obj) {
return !(obj === undefined || obj === null);
async function sleep(ms=0) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(resolve, ms);
// from tippy.js
function injectCSS(css) {
var style = document.createElement('style');
style.textContent = css;
var head = document.head;
var firstStyleOrLinkTag = document.querySelector('head>style,head>link');
if (firstStyleOrLinkTag) {
head.insertBefore(style, firstStyleOrLinkTag);
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