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Framework for writing scripts for Wanikani
Seznam verzí skriptu, při kterých došlo ke změnám v kódu. Zobrazit všechny verze.
Fix pageload skipping after navigating before first turbo:load fires
Fix double pageload
Fix double-firing of pageload due to race condition
Increase z-index of menu on Reviews page to prevent other elements from obscuring it.
Fix regex_entry naming issue
Update internal version number to match header.
Added unload_handler to wkof.on_pageload. Added try-catch blocks around even handlers.
A more robust startup sequence for Turbo listener and first pageload.
Combine menu CSS for all site pages, and distinguish via class.
Fix pageload handler to be called when not on a Turbo page.
Improved support for Turbo navigation.Added wkof.on_pageload(urls, handler)
Fix version number
Fix scripts menu after WK removal of FontAwesome
Modified module URLs to new "" format.
Updated Menu.js to support changes on WK Lessons page
Add Menu support for /recent-mistakes/*/quiz
Fixed Menu links that are not in a submenu.Removed support for menu links for old version of WK
Fix insert_script_link() on lesson quiz
Add z-index to keep scripts menu on top of other screen elements when the menu gets long.
Add support for Kana Vocabulary
Update Apiv2 to improve rate-limit handling
Update APIv2 to remove dependency on Jquery
Support for new Hotwire-based WaniKani
Handle cached files that are null.
* Reduced dependency on jquery, since Wanikani is removing it from many pages.* Added ability for scripts to auto-load Jquery on Wanikani pages that don't have it, via wkof.include('Jquery') and wkof.ready('Jquery').* Increased pop-up delay of the Progress box.* Added ability for users to change the Progress pop-up delay via wkof.Progress.popup_delay().* Added option for scripts to disable pop-up on a per-transaction basis.
Improved filtering of key bubble capture in Settings dialogs.
Fixed "have_burned" filter when no assignments exist.Fixed key handling issue related to Self-Study Quiz.
Improved blocking of WK hotkeys when Settings dialog is open.
Added menu support to /extra_study.Added workaround for WK capturing keys while Settings dialog is open.
Update Menu module to add dropdown menu support on Lessons page.
Fix 'FontAwesome' icons after WK update.
Zobrazit všechny verze skriptu