Simple HTML5 video player

Replaces any default HTML5 player with custom controls

Verze ze dne 02. 06. 2019. Zobrazit nejnovější verzi.

Seznam verzí skriptu, při kterých došlo ke změnám v kódu. Zobrazit všechny verze.

  • v8 15. 06. 2022

    UPDATE 15.6.2022:
    Attempt to fix scaling issues by keeping original classes for video object.

  • v7 15. 02. 2022

    Fixed some CSS issues with fullscreen/fullpage wrapper

  • v6 11. 04. 2021
  • v5.0 24. 04. 2020 Impove ui and support for streams.
  • v4.6 24. 04. 2020 Custom ui mode support for livestreams (not used by default).
  • v4.5 23. 04. 2020 Improvements to ui hover on volume change and mouse move.
  • v4.4 23. 04. 2020 Some fixes to absolute vs relative video.
  • v4.3 01. 02. 2020 Fix issue on twitch.
  • v4.2 18. 06. 2019 Fixed some size desync with wrapper and video.
  • v4.1 06. 06. 2019 Improved player replacement.
  • v4.0 02. 06. 2019 Changed UI controls scaling to be dynamic (if timestamp grows, seekbar shrinks, etc). Changed font to monospace one. Changed so that on volume scrolling it prevents other scrolling.
  • v3.3 02. 06. 2019
  • v3.2 27. 11. 2018 Added volume control by scrolling mouse up/down on video.
  • v3.1 27. 11. 2018 Small hotfix to UI autohide functionality.
  • v3.0 27. 11. 2018 Added filename label on top and automatic audiomode. (When theres no image source)
  • v2.60 17. 11. 2018 Fixed some fullscreen issues with webkit, added doubleclick->fullscreen and back, added mouseover controls visibility with timeout.
  • v2.50 03. 11. 2018 Improved volumebar updating.
  • v2.41 25. 10. 2018 Quickfix to volume slider not having background color on first load.
  • v2.40 25. 10. 2018 Fixed range colors that i accidently broke. (whoops)
  • v2.30 24. 10. 2018 Small scaling fix and added support for my other script (Stream grabber).
  • v2.25 24. 10. 2018 Small hotfix to fullscreen controls fading.
  • v2.2 24. 10. 2018 Fixed fullscreen (after accidently breaking it) and altered controls fade behaviour in fullscreen.
  • v2.1 24. 10. 2018 Seekbar background color now shows buffering progress.
  • v2.0 24. 10. 2018 Changed all colors to variables, changed all inline styling to css styling, added progressbar/background color for seekbar and volume bar.
  • v1.81 22. 10. 2018 Fixed fullpage height overflow bug and added failsafe for not triggering wrapping function multiple times.
  • v1.75 22. 10. 2018 Fixed fullscreen and fullpage view. Also removed download button (you can just right click and save-as...)
  • v1.7 22. 10. 2018 Added fullscreen support.
  • v1.6 22. 10. 2018 Fixes to pages with multiple videos.
  • v1.5 22. 10. 2018 Fixes to behaviour during video seeking (fixes to unwanted pausing and unpausing).
  • v1.3 22. 10. 2018 Made seekbar and volumebar easier to click and removed debug background color.
  • v1.2 22. 10. 2018 Added fading of control bar.
  • v1.1 22. 10. 2018 Defaulted volume to 50% for first time, load volume from localstorage on every other load. (Volume levels are preserved)
  • v1.0 22. 10. 2018