New Inline Tier Charts

This will provide an inline tier chart for Dawn of the Dragons.Maps created by Brayden.Tiers collected by Warric.

Seznam verzí skriptu, při kterých došlo ke změnám v kódu. Zobrazit všechny verze.

  • v2.33 21. 01. 2017 Added raids Elite Rannveig and BH LT
  • v2.32 30. 12. 2016 Added raids; Soldier Ants, Reminder that Script works on NG too.
  • v2.31 20. 12. 2016 Added raids; whitepelts, winter wyrm, elite sanctuary, elite yule PB... Added missing tiers for Dryads and Satyr. Reminder that script now works on NG
  • v2.30 05. 12. 2016 Now available for Newgrounds, Thanks Idrinth for locating the issue :D
  • v2.23 06. 11. 2016 Fixed Guild 2 button to display the right image, Thanks Beyonce :)
  • v2.22 04. 11. 2016 Added tiers for new raids + added some missing ones.
  • v2.21 16. 09. 2016 Added missing tiers for e. 5th
  • v2.20 16. 09. 2016 New buttons
  • v2.16 10. 09. 2016 Updated with a few raids.
  • v2.15 24. 06. 2016 Added new raids.Changed camp maps
  • v2.14 02. 05. 2016
  • v2.13 06. 01. 2016
  • v2.12 05. 01. 2016
  • v2.12 21. 11. 2015
  • v2.11 06. 10. 2015
  • v2.1 22. 09. 2015 Updated NQ Map
  • v2.0 22. 09. 2015
  • v2.0 22. 09. 2015
  • v2.0 22. 09. 2015
  • v1.5 16. 09. 2015

Zobrazit všechny verze skriptu