Youtube Video Max Volume Patch JS - Override the html5 video volume to 1 when player's volume slider is set to 100%.
Roblox Error Loading Fix Windows 7 JS - Fix The Error Loading Withing 1 Second And Login Without Windows 10!
Simple JSFiddle light theme JS - 1/3/2022, 6:18:06 PM: this script does not add anything in the UI so to turn it off you have to use *Monkey. Also it might disrupt when JSFiddle might change styling.
Rainbow EVERYTHING*! JS - All (properly formatted non-extension) websites will become RAINBOW!
Roblox Error Loading Fix Windows 7 JS - Fix The Error Loading Withing 1 Second And Login Without Windows 10!
Invidious (yewtu.be) embed JS - Replace YouTube embeds with yewtu.be embeds.
Google Sheets Stopwatch JS - 1/7/2022, 9:06:21 PM
1v1.www JS - 1v1.LOL hack script - infinite ammo, infinite armor, rapid fire
航天云课堂刷课 JS - 1/11/2022, 6:27:03 PM
Keylol-Autorate JS - Keylol forum autorate tool
Allegro.pl - convert prices to EUR JS - 1/16/2022, 1:31:29 AM - Convert prices to EUR. You have to get a free API key from https://free.currencyconverterapi.com/ in order to use this script. The first time you use it on allegro, you will receive a prompt for the API key. It will keep prompting until you provide a valid key. If you don't want to see the prompt, turn off the script.
proekt JS - n+1
洛谷首页置顶助手 JS - 洛谷首页顶部置顶任意链接(1个)
链接预览助手 JS - 功能1:长按链接将打开内置窗口预览。Esc 可以关闭窗口。按住 Shift 或者 Alt 或者 Ctrl 或者 Command 键 或者 鼠标移动,长按时不会打开预览。功能2:鼠标中键 + (Shift 或者 Alt 或者 Ctrl 或者 Command 键),新窗口打开链接。
交易猫自动刷新 JS - 2022/1/17 下午2:33:43
TimerHooker English Version JS - Control page timer speed | Speed up to skip page timing ads | Video fast forward (slow play) | Skip ads | Support almost all web pages.
Bilibili视频变速 JS - 1/20/2022, 4:50:37 PM
CSDN去除收费项、免登录复制、免登录查看需关注的内容、沉浸式阅读 JS - 1.CSDN去除无用信息沉浸式阅读 2.免登录复制 3.免登录查看需要关注才能看的内容
swordz.IO Hack JS - Support extension for SwOrDz.Io
swordz.IO Hac JS - Support extension for SwOrDz.Io
swordz.IO lol JS - Support extension for SwOrDz.Io
中烟新商盟小助手 JS - 中烟新商盟订烟时删除所有订购量为0的行
RARBG Modified JS - Removes XXX torrents, 720p releases, re-encodes (RARBG, VXT etc)
Burrito theme shell shockers JS - burrito theme sub to luv-burrito
enum +1 JS - n+1
stack JS - n+1(a to b)
一键批量打开谷歌必应搜索前2的n次方项搜索结果 JS - To quickly understand a field, press Alt+1 ...2,3,4...Alt+5 on the search page of Google or Bing to open the search results of the first 2 nth power items and copy the opened ones link. Currently supports: Google, Bing, Zhihu.
雪阅模式|SNOREAD-横向滚动组件 JS - 【自用,目前还有很多BUG】 从雪阅模式 分离出来的 横向滚动组件,适用于只有纵向滚轮的鼠标。具有如下特性: 1. 在滚动页面的时候,首先会执行横向滚动,然后才是纵向。 2. 按元素大小成比例滚动,鼠标滚轮 一格 = 0.5 屏
Khan Acadamy UI Enhance JS - 1. Khan Acadamy dialogs force FullScreen, 2. Ctrl+Enter To confirm
[SNOLAB] Alt + 123... Searching Results Links List Batch Open JS - To quickly understand a field, press Alt+1 ...2,3,4...Alt+5 on the search page of Google or Bing to open the search results of the first 2 nth power items and copy the opened ones link. Currently supports: Google, Bing, Zhihu.
stock n-1(b to a) JS - a1||a2||...||an=const
enum +1auto JS - n+1
enum +1auto(ukr) JS - n+1
byggahus.se JS - 1/31/2022, 3:35:17 PM
byggahus.se JS - 1/31/2022, 3:35:17 PM
Stride2Hacks - stridestart.com JS - 1/31/2022, 12:25:43 PM
UploadrAr Auto Downloader JS - Automatically clicks download links for UploadrAr
Torn Addiction Script JS - Torn Addiction Warning
디시 여백 제거 JS - 2022. 2. 10. 오전 1:02:50
哔哩哔哩视频自动倍速播放(可记住用户设定值并自动设置播放速度) JS - 哔哩哔哩(bilibili.com)视频自动倍速播放,智能记忆用户设定的视频倍速并存储在本地,播放全站视频都会自动使用该倍速,例如全站视频都用1.25倍速播放,不用每次播放视频都要设置倍速。。修正不能自己修改速率的问题,增加快捷键切换速率,shift 1 2 3 5 = 1 2 1.25 1.5
自动学习 JS - 自动切换,自动模拟鼠标移动--- 开放大学 1.打开播放界面即可(脚本会自动模拟鼠标移动与切换下个视频). 2.选择地址里面较小的(如http://play.hnzjpx.net/player/483/play?package_id=80) 3.仅仅适配湖南广播大学/湖南开发大学 4.出现播放卡顿,建议上下切换视频
sigma16 tab key JS - 2/18/2022, 1:15:38 PM
4chan Archive Image Downloader JS - 4chan archive thread image downloader for general use across many foolfuuka based imageboards. Downloads all images individually in a thread with original filenames (by default). Optional thread API button, for development purposes.
Detect Low Player Servers JS - A userscript that detects servers with a low amount of players in them, but also not 0 players.
Russia auto reloader JS - No War! Attack Russia gov sites.
Google Classroom Complete Name JS - STOP MAKING THE CLASS NAMES 999999999999999999999 letters long teachers!!1!11!!
原神Wiki辅助工具 JS - 原神 Wiki 辅助工具, 1.显示/隐藏已完成成就
内网海康论坛-去水印|增加发布时间 JS - 2022/3/1 10:00:47
在 bing词典 中聚合显示 有道 的结果 添加转跳至各种在线工具的按钮 JS - 1. Display youdao.com results alongside the original results on bing.com/dict. 2. Provide shortcuts for many online tools.
youtube chat control script&&Blacklist extension JS - One-click to block,One-click report,One-click delete,Block accounts in bulk
My Theme JS - My theme, made with EZTHEME
微软tts 下载按钮 JS - 微软tts 下载按钮 方便下载合成的音频
去除CSDN代码登录后复制及全文关注后查看的限制 JS - 解决未登录时CSDN不能复制代码的问题
安乐净 - 1. 起点 JS - 可隐藏页面部分元素 - app下载、阅读ad、评论等...;电脑端、移动端通用。
filter planet JS - Delete level 0 & level 1 planet of dark forest
geocaching.com Check PQ Date Ranges JS - Find sequences in list of PQs
匿名修仙小帮手 JS - 匿名修仙小帮手,走起!!!
Better GitHub Pull Requests JS - Improves the GitHub Pull Request UI and adds several features. "Better PRs"
Hide releases (categories/users) on ABB JS - Hide releases in specific categories or by specific users on ABB
广东理工学院学习工具 JS - 功能1:自动考试,功能2:挂机看视频,3.可以随时开始期末考试。使用本工具之前请先安装脚本管理器https://www.tampermonkey.net/
vlr.gg user blocker JS - Block user posts on vlr.gg through the settings page
Old Reddit: Simple Filter JS - Filter subreddits, users, websites and topics
BLUE Moderators JS - Для настоящих ценителей форума, а Мираббос 0
SIT上应第二课堂日程助手 JS - 功能:1) 在任意活动内下载ical格式的日程表 2)一键显示前200项活动 3)教务系统内下载ics格式课程表,可用于导入 Google Calendar
Quin Anti-Stall JS - No more 4 hours of the mind numbing drivel just to be butt bois'd after less than 1 hour of gaming. Just open the steam,switch tab/monitor and you will be alerted/unmuted when the stalling has ended.
HC Free Coin Faucet Rotator 1 JS - Claim Free Coin
Ics Viewer - ProtonMail JS - Quickly see the .ics calendar file event information directly on your browser without having to download it or add it to any calendars!
Source Bot JS - MINI Bot to MPP
IMDb Page Cleaner JS - Remove unnecessary information from IMDb & rearrange the layout
dd-wrt mac to Hostnames JS - DD-WRT Match MAC Addresses and then display custom Hostnames
泛微OA样式优化 JS - 1.优化门户显示样式 2.优化文档显示样式 3.优化邮箱显示样式 4.优化流程显示样式 5.优化文档界面新增推送邮件功能
报就餐系统优化 JS - 2022/5/6 上午10:06:48 1.解除报餐日期限制
Sploop Console Script JS - As you already know, in sploop.io the console is no longer working, or rather, the output to the console. Perhaps you would like to continue using it? If yes, then use this script.
Hide SRS rank image on new grammar JS - When looking at synonyms and antonyms on grammar pages, "new" related grammar, that hasn't been added to reviews yet, still show an image, as if they were on SRS Level 0-2. This script removes those images to properly mark them as "new".
toqqicodez - Best macro's extension. JS - Sets show mass and dark theme to true, provides a tricksplit with E or 4, triplesplit with 3, doublesplit with D or 2, faster feeding with Q, and split with 1 Made by toqqicodez
Discord SEQTA JS - Seqta for gamers
美团开店宝-夜间根据关键字匹配对应话术自动回复插件-医美版-dianping.com JS - 这是一个自动回复插件的工具
[AMA] | Кураторы Форума JS - Не читай.
[EXT] | Кураторы Форума JS - Не читай.
jobs-tools JS - 1.boss直聘 自动打招呼 2.拉勾 自动投递简历 3.猎聘 自动打招呼
Custom Dictionary(自製字典庫) JS - Custom Dictionary(自製字典庫):設定自己的字典庫,可在任意網頁幫助查找,貼上。
More Ore - Enhanced Save JS - Automatically tries to export save to a file every 1+ hours (customizable)
AO3: [Wrangling] Rainbow Home Page and Bins JS - adds CSS classes to style table rows as a rainbow, and updates dynamically when filters are applied
看看不了的视频找我 JS - 三种方式,加载结果随缘;其中一种脚本需要后面这个脚本的支持(https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/445872-b%E7%AB%99%E8%B7%B3%E8%BD%AC%E8%A7%A3%E6%9E%90vip?locale_override=1)
B站跳转解析VIP JS - 附加工具,需要这个脚本的支持(https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/445871-%E7%9C%8B%E7%9C%8B%E4%B8%8D%E4%BA%86%E7%9A%84%E8%A7%86%E9%A2%91%E6%89%BE%E6%88%91?locale_override=1)
🐭️ MouseHunt - Item Quantity Fix JS - Fixes the "You Own: 0" bug when viewing an item info page.
Donderhiroba Total Played Counting Script byYiZhong JS - Counts how many time you've played taiko AC.
CSDN博客详情页优化 JS - 1. 去除博客详情页左右栏内容,仅保留目录功能2. 优化博客页面样式
Fix Bitwarden compatibility JS - Make login/password boxes on selected sites compatible with Bitwarden auto-fill
音量增强器 JS - 增强页面音视频音量
Cookie Clicker Hack JS - Infinity cookies, infinity chips, autoclicker, autocookies (you should have 1 cookie).
AE86 JS - 0 shame anti, op insta, autp replace..etc!
World Language Games - Automation for "Millions" (DEFUNCT) JS - This script will automatically launch and complete the game "Millions" on World Language Games, while adding a random duration between 1:00 and 3:59, and 0 to 4 wrong guesses. PLEASE NOTE - This script is defunct and was made for an older version of Millions that has since been updated.
MH - Minluck & CRE tool v2.0 (new) JS - Shows hunt statistics on the camp page
安大教务四分制绩点转换 JS - 将你的平均绩点从五分制转换为四分制,方便你比对心仪海外高校
Youtube Audio Mode JS - Listen to only the audio on YouTube without loading the video.
b站直播分区页面 自动检索红包/天选直播间并跳转 脚本 JS - 配合 b站直播自动抽红包脚本使用。来到直播分区页面,如:https://live.bilibili.com/p/eden/area-tags?parentAreaId=9&areaId=0 按“F1”或“F2”开始运行,按“F9”删除页面的直播封面(低调摸鱼)
豆瓣界面优化 JS - 用于美化豆瓣小组界面
🔥🔥🔥 战地1 - 图章分享码获取 🔥🔥🔥 JS - 可以将玩家图章生成对应分享码,粘贴到脚本对应处运行即可获取图章,无视图章数量限制(无需控制台操作)。感谢B_bili22、白梧