JKForum 助手 JS - JKF 捷克论坛助手:自动签到、定时签到、自动感谢、自动加载原图、自动播放图片、自动支付购买主题贴、自动完成投票任务,优化浏览体验,一键批量回帖/感谢,一键打包下载帖子图片,自动识别验证码,自动现在有空,自动点击置顶广告,登录时跳过绑定手机号验证码,自动发文
kill-e-book JS - 文泉|文泉(scau)|文泉(bit)|高教书苑|中教经典|可知|先晓书院|工程科技(校)|悦读(校)|社会科学文库|畅想之星|书递等公开免费电子书下载
全网VIP视频免费破解去广告,百度文库下载,一键领取淘宝、天猫、京东、唯品会、拼多多隐藏优惠券!全网查券!【免费领取京东淘宝双11超级红包、外卖红包、出行红包】 JS - 1、一键破解[B站|优酷|腾讯|乐视|爱奇艺|芒果|音悦台]等VIP视频;2、查询商家设置的隐藏优惠券,省钱开心购物,直接领取优惠券购买;3、百度文库解析下载功能。接口不好用了请反馈给我记录更新(QQ群:585709991)。
GitHub Sort by Date JS - Change the file sorting order to descending by date for easier viewing of the most recently updated files.
网站URL简化|去除杂乱参数 JS - 自动清理必应搜索、B站视频、百度搜索、KIMI AI和360搜索等的URL中的多余参数,优化浏览体验
ChatGPT: 英文翻譯工具 JS - 自動修改textarea後送出、論文翻譯、語句更改、文法檢查、字典
知乎推荐流优化 JS - 优化知乎首页推荐流的内容,如移除灌水用户、按屏蔽词屏蔽等
GitHub file list beautifier JS - Adds colors to files by type, displays small images in place of file-type icons in a repository source tree
GitHub warehouse quick jump assistant JS - 🤠 GitHub warehouse quick jump assistant, specially designed to help users quickly access their own warehouses on GitHub. It generates a button at the top of the navigation bar. Click to expand all your repositories and easily jump to your own GitHub repository page without using GitHub’s secondary menu.
ChatGPT Character Counter Limit (CCCL) JS - Adds a character counter to the input field with a limit of 32732 characters. (ChatGPT has a limit of 32732 characters.)
掘金Markdown格式适配器 JS - 掘金Markdown编辑器适配脚本:(伪)从本地导入Markdown文件,并对文档做一些处理:居中图片、居中图片标注的文字、解决==无法高亮的问题、自动填充标题
Nico Excluder JS - ユーザ拒否リストに引っかかった動画を非表示にする
东南大学课表样式调整 JS - 修改了原东南大学办事大厅“我的课表”的一些愚蠢设计。注意,目前本脚本仅在tampermonkey上测试过,且仅针对本人课表做了优化,保证打印时不会超出页面。如果在您的浏览器中出现周课表横屏打印页面超出,请适当调整代码第383行function printTitle()内的margin-top属性(该属性控制标题离页面顶部的距离),或者,选择竖屏格式打印。如果你有更好的解决方法,欢迎联系我!(联系方式见文档底部)
🌱【免费版】中国教师研修网|收费版本见文档:https://doc.zhanyc.cn/pages/jsyxw/ JS - 当前使用的是免费版本,仅包含视频页面防挂机、自动下一集等简单功能。广告:付费版本可解锁全自动换课、换阶段等高级功能,一杯咖啡钱,保你无忧学习|接各类脚本开发工作,微信:zhanyc_cn 备用微信:zhanfengkuo 个人网站:http://doc.zhanyc.cn
Open jsDelivr link on Github JS - Open the GitHub link on jsDelivr to quickly download files
全网VIP视频免费破解【专注一个脚本只做一件事件】长期更新,放心使用 JS - 全网VIP视频免费破解【专注一个脚本只做一件事件】长期更新,放心使用。支持:腾讯、爱奇艺、优酷、芒果、Bilibili、pptv、乐视等其它网站;
拼多多跨境(Temu)弹窗屏蔽 JS - 用于屏蔽拼多多跨境卖家平台的弹窗-jquery重构
GitHub CommitMessage Html View JS - This script converts commit messages on GitHub into HTML views for clearer visibility of commit details. It automatically transforms commit message lists, commit headers, and the latest commit information into HTML format, providing enhanced visual appeal and user experience.
ヨドバシ検索結果で量あたり単価を表示 JS - Shift+A/Shift+B:量単価上限で絞り込み A:量単価昇順 .:価格上限入力フォームにフォーカス Shift+Alt+A:価格昇順 z:レビューの★多い順 ,:価格上限で絞り込み(Amazon,iHerb)
小叶的b站视频时间查询器 JS - 这一款专为B站用户打造的实用小工具,能够便捷地计算视频的总时长,并根据不同的倍速计算实际的观看时间。除了提供精确的时间统计,这款工具还具备窗口拖动、动态样式调整等功能,非常适合在B站学习课程的用户使用。
Amazon.co.jp検索非表示 JS - Amazon.co.jpの検索で任意の商品やスポンサープロダクトなどを非表示。コマンド「Kindle注文済みスキャン」で注文済みを非表示にもできます
抖音无水印视频下载器 JS - 下载抖音无水印视频,支持首页,推荐页,详情页,搜索页,作者主页等页面视频的下载
网易云音乐信息快速获取 JS - 解析下载链接
ChatGPT Chat Fold Script & MAXWidth JS - Fold long "You" messages in ChatGPT
Flickr Download Link Plus JS - Adds download links to photos with size selection and batch download support for Flickr
实验室安全测试自动化(适用于杭州创高软件科技有限公司的旧版平台) JS - 实验室安全网上考试答案自动填充,支持单位:南京信息工程大学、西北农林科技大学、广东海洋大学、曲阜师范大学、唐山工业职业技术学院、台州学院、福建农业职业技术学院、郑州航空工业管理学院、无锡学院、嘉兴学院、中山大学、扬州大学广陵学院、宁夏大学、河北科技大学、仲恺农业工程学院(已失效)、江苏海洋大学、淮阴工学院、湖南文理学院、南通职业大学、暨南大学、青岛大学、玉林师范学院、中国农业大学、华侨大学、燕山大学、东北大学、湖南师范大学、西安建筑科技大学、河北科技大学、上海海洋大学、电子科技大学、湖南大学、中南大学、福建技术师范学院、温州理工学院、宁波大学、上海师范大学、常州大学、广州大学
Image Downloader JS - Images can be extracted and batch downloaded from most websites. Especially for websites the right click fails or image can not save. Extra features: zip download / auto-enlarge image. See the script description at info page (suitable for chrome/firefox+tampermonkey)
网盘提速 JS - 支持夸克/百度/阿里/天翼/迅雷/移动六大网盘,不限制速度下载的网盘解析脚本,无视黑号,拥有IDM/Aria2/Motrix三种方式任意体验极速下载!支持Microsoft Edge、Google Chrome、Firefox等浏览器 面向所有网友免费交流学习使用,更多功能正在完善中...
GitHub Automatically confirm device authorization JS - existGitHubThe authorization page automatically enters the authorization code and automatically confirms it.。
🌱【免费版】学习公社|大学生网络党校|中小学网络党校|中国教育干部网络学院 JS - 当前是免费版本,只包含了简单基本功能。AD:付费版本可解锁全自动无人值守,欢迎选购,请我喝一杯咖啡,保你无忧学习
视频网站自动网页全屏|倍速播放 JS - 支持哔哩哔哩、B站直播、腾讯视频、优酷视频、爱奇艺、芒果TV、搜狐视频、AcFun弹幕网自动网页全屏;快捷键切换:全屏(F)、网页全屏(P)、下一个视频(N)、弹幕开关(D);支持任意视频倍速播放,提示记忆倍速;B站播放完自动退出网页全屏和取消连播。
ChatGPT对话导出器 | ChatGPT Conversation Exporter Plus JS - 优雅导出 ChatGPT 对话记录,支持 JSON 和 Markdown 格式。Elegantly export ChatGPT conversation records, supporting JSON and Markdown formats.
b站评论区调整(保存网页用) JS - 删除b站视频及动态中的多余元素,并展开评论区二级回复,以及调整页面样式,为通过SingleFile等工具导出网页备份评论区做准备。必须搭配油猴脚本“Bilibili - 在未登录的情况下照常加载评论”使用。
GitHub Gist Copier & Downloader JS - Adds copy button to Gist files for easy code copying.| Adds download button to Gist files for easy code downloading.
Google網頁翻譯 JS - 自動(可關閉)網頁翻譯(預設為其他語言自動轉繁體)
南信院-新版正方教务系统导出课程表 JS - 通过对新版正方教务系统的课表页面的解析,实现导出一个适用于大部分ics日历的文件,理论使用于所有使用新版正方教务系统(可对 ``include`` 进行一定的修改以适用不同的学校的链接)
i,o,pでXPath生成ツール JS - i:生成 o:除外条件付き生成 p:除外条件+1つの要素のみを生成 Shift+i:除外条件変更 Shift+o:要求条件入力 Shift+p:要求Hits数変更
Sword Gale Online 介面優化 JS - 優化界面
Monster Twitch JS - Stretches stream to max width and hides left navigation bar with an Monster toggle that's to the right of the volume rocker
Title Manager JS - Manage page titles per (sub)domain. On any website, click Greasemonkey > User Script Commands > Title Manager's menu.
Y-marker JS - Sets up keyboard shortcuts for placing bookmarks and navigation inside webpage.
Nexus Clash Interface Tweaks JS - Various Tweaks to the Nexus Clash Browser Game Interface
Manga Loader (unmaintained) JS - Support for over 70 sites! Loads manga chapter into one page in a long strip format, supports switching chapters, minimal script with no dependencies, easy to implement new sites, loads quickly and works on mobile devices through bookmarklet
InoReader Filter JS - Highlight or remove articles in Inoreader. / Inoreaderの記事を消去もしくは強調表示します。
InoReader Key Customize JS - Customize keyboard shortcuts in InoReader. / InoReaderのキーボードショートカットをカスタマイズします。
Feedly Scroll Marker JS - Display the marker of page scroll in Feedly. / Feedlyでページスクロールしたときにマーカーを表示します。
YouTube Center JS - YouTube Center contains all kind of different useful functions which makes your visit on YouTube much more entertaining.
Howrse buy50 JS - Change the first option on the droppings buy menu to 50 instead of 1.
Pfandflaschensammler JS - Nach beendetem Pfandflaschensammeln wird ein Hinweis auf der zuletzt geoeffneten Seite ausgegeben und es kann zur Pfandflaschensammelseite weitergeleitet werden
Infozentrale JS - Infozentrale mit Anzeige von Kampf- und Bandenkampfwarnungen, aktuellem Plunder, Wutstatus sowie Kampfstärkebewertung (HH, B, M, K, Malle und Vatikan PG-Version 4.0)
Fightinfo JS - Stellt zahlreiche kleine und große Hilfen rund um das Thema Kämpfen zur Verfügung (HH, B, M, K, Sylt, Malle, Vatikan, New York, Paris, Marseille, Warschau, Krakau, Madrid, Buenos Aires, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paolo, Moskau, London)
Feedly LastModified Tweak JS - Replace the original relative date with absolute published/received date on Feedly
Google Search Better Privacy JS - Delete unnecessary params and add useful params on Google Search.
SetsMaster JS - Наборы армии, навыков и оружия - 3 в 1 (by Tamozhnya1 & Demin)
hwm_shop JS - Отображает стоимость боя и ОА в магазине и инфе арта, переплаты за покупку и аренду, добавляет быстрые ссылки на рынок (by Demin)
Dość nocnej JS - Skrypt ukrywający na Mikroblogu Wykop.pl wpisy dodane między godziną 1:00 a 6:00.
Agar.io By Deez JS - Sets show mass and dark theme to true, provides a tricksplit with E or 4, triplesplit with 3, doublesplit with D or 2, faster feeding with Q, and split with 1
Keep Scrambling JS - scrambles all the text on a page on a 1 second interval
vk-chat-shortcuts JS - Allows to change active chats with Ctrl+(1-5) (only 5 last of them)
Athena HIT search productivity enhancement JS - Provides a number of improvements when searching for and working on HITs, including AA time, six-level TO filtering, use of HitScraper blocklist, qualification feasibility tiers, etc.
Krayagar JS - Sets show mass and dark theme to true, provides a tricksplit with E or 4, triplesplit with 3, doublesplit with D or 2, faster feeding with Q, and split with 1
Twitch Multi-Redirect JS - Redirect Twitch with options
A7x Clan Extension JS - Sets show mass and dark theme to true, provides a tricksplit with E or 4, triplesplit with 3, doublesplit with D or 2, faster feeding with Q, and split with 1
MAgarPlus | A7x Clan JS - Sets show mass and dark theme to true, provides a tricksplit with E or 4, triplesplit with 3, doublesplit with D or 2, faster feeding with Q, and split with 1
Best Tricksplit, Doublesplit, and Feeding Macros + Auto Settings + Triplesplit Macro JS - Sets show mass and dark theme to true, provides a tricksplit with E or 4, triplesplit with 3, doublesplit with D or 2, faster feeding with Q, and split with 1
Google digits JS - Press 1-9 on Google search page to open the corresponding link
MAgarPlus | A7x Clan JS - Sets show mass and dark theme to true, provides a tricksplit with E or 4, triplesplit with 3, doublesplit with D or 2, faster feeding with Q, and split with 1
JR Mturk Panda Crazy Queue Helper JS - A script add on for Panda Crazy for displaying queue and sorting queue after submitting hits.
YouTube Dozenator part 1 JS - Dozenates Youtube
SGW Fixer - Users JS - Contains user definitions for other scripts
Youtube: AutoPlay Next Right Away JS - Play next video within 1 second of the end of a video.
A9 - Category Validation JS - Does stuff.
hwm_time_seconds JS - Время с секундами (by Demin)
hwm_auction_back JS - HWM mod - Auction back (by Demin)
hwm_photo_pl_albums JS - HWM mod - hwm_photo_pl_albums by Demin
hwmtakeoffon JS - Передача артов пачкой с изменениями (by xo4yxa & Demin)
spoiler tmd JS - postul #0 in spoiler
Red Skin Images SLIM JS - tentatively calling this done
Auto F5 reload window JS - Reloads (aka refreshs) a webpage after a certian time. Config menu with "Shift + T". Autodetects language: English, German, Spanish and Dutch
Manga OnlineViewer JS - Shows all pages at once in online view for these sites: Asura Scans, Batoto, BilibiliComics, Comick, Dynasty-Scans, Flame Comics, Ikigai Mangas - EltaNews, Ikigai Mangas - Ajaco, KuManga, LHTranslation, Local Files, MangaBuddy, MangaDemon, MangaDex, MangaFox, MangaHere, Mangago, MangaHub, MangaKakalot, MangaNelo, MangaNato, MangaOni, Mangareader, MangaToons, ManhwaWeb, MangaGeko.com, MangaGeko.cc, ReadComicsOnline, ReaperScans, TuMangaOnline, WebNovel, WebToons, WeebCentral, Vortex Scans, ZeroSc
The Pirate Bay Cleaner JS - Release 2024 Build 1
Super Tumblr Reblog JS - Reblog like a boss
C&C: Tiberium Alliances Chat Helper Enhanced Yiannis Mod JS - Automates the use of chat and message BB-Codes: [coords][url][player][alliance][b][i][s][u] - Contact list for whispering - Type /chelp <enter> in chat for help.
HIT Scraper WITH EXPORT Legacy JS - Snag HITs.
Pagar Comunidad JS - Reparte el dinero a tu comunidad segun la posición, los puntos y el 11 ideal
XioScript JS - XioScript with AjaxButtons and TopManagerInfo
Flashscript2:1 JS - Flashscript2:1 för Flashback Fixar utgående länkar Visar bilder visar bilder och youtube direkt i tråd.
Dota 2 Lounge title notifications & autorefresh JS - (1) Dota 2 Lounge - My Trades
Acvariu.ro - Enhancement Suite JS - 1. Shows a link "My Stats" (to the left of "My Profile") which links to your own "User View" page.\n2. If images are embedded into posts that are bigger than 1024px, it shrinks them to 1024px\n3. Avatar resize.\n4. Time Zone adjustments.\n5. Google Search limited to site:acvariu.ro/forum\n6. Fixed MyStats link loosing session.
Steam Store Achievement Links JS - Adds links to Achievement Websites from a games Steam store page.
Youtube Video Ratings Bar with Power Meter (DISABLED) JS - This used to display ratings bar on YouTube thumbnails, but Google has blocked how it gets its data. I'm disabling it for now in case people still have it running.
hwm_map_forever JS - Перемещение по карте в 1 клик с любой страницы (только с конем и выше) (by Demin)
WME Invalidated Camera Mass Eraser JS - Allow delete visible, unvalidated and in your managed area all speed camera in 1 click!
Alex:BSCF : forum search opens in new tab JS - version 1
Alex:BSCF : move page under banner JS - version 1
BSCF : sdgardne move page under banner JS - version 1
MTurk David White - Two Music Links: Same Album or Different Album? JS - Use 1 - 4 to select Yes, No, 404, or Cannot Tell, and Ctrl+S or Enter to submit. Opens both links automatically (must have MTurk Message Receiver installed)
MTurk Myhobnob - Analyze party invitations to understand user demographics JS - Float information tables and event image to enable quick completion of HIT
Virtonomica:Снабжение JS - Добавление расширенной функциональности вкладки Снабжение