The Sexy Button JS - Allow The Button to change colour
The Sexy Button Header JS - Allow The Button header to change colour from the websocket
Lichess auto analyse JS - Automatically request analysis when going to the analysis page.
Pimp My QuickLunch JS - Adds total price for a quick-lunch order
Lichess pieces, shapes JS - Adds custom chess pieces to lichess.org
WME Polygon Kab Dharmasraya JS - Polygons Kabupaten Dharmasraya, Sumatra Barat di WME layer
Feeder 拡張機能 JS - Feederチャットに拡張機能を追加します
Фотогалерея F1news.ru JS - Доработка фотогалереи сайта F1news.ru
IsoMap JS - Mapa Ikarian
Tumblr Plain Blog Links JS - Allows you to disable Peepr side panel that pops up when you click on a blog name.
TW Friends Check JS - Shows list of Friends gifts (log) from current Event. TW Friends script req.
rTWi stylish JS - A http://hyena.hu seed szerverén futó rTWi kinézetét módosítja
Twitter - add unread notifications count in the tab title JS - Adds unread notifications count in the tab title
Show SDMB Who Posted JS - Shows "Who Posted" popup from a thread
Steam QuickLaunch JS - Launches games in the "Recent Game Activity" section of a Steam profile at the press of a button
Funnyjunk Submitter Checker v1.1 JS - Highlights OP and user's username in comments sections
loop ylilauta videos JS - loop ylilauta videos by adding a "loop" attribute to video tags
2ch code preview JS - Add code preview to 2ch.hk
Posteo smaller theme JS - Change the new posteo design to fit on smaller screens
Yotube Image Acces JS - help to get youtube default images hq,mq,lq.
WME Show Alt Names JS - Shows alt names for selected segments
Virtonomica: showUnitCountInCreateNewDlg JS - Показывает количество уже существующих и строящихся юнитов того же типа при строительстве
Shido remover JS - usuwa komentarze shido (i dyskusję z nim) z wykopaliska/głównej
WME Polygon Kab Agam JS - Polygons Kabupaten Agam, Sumatra Barat di WME layer
Duoshuo Admin JS - 更加强大的多说评论管理脚本,可以自动分析所有有评论的页面,方便地修改thread_key,避免评论丢失。
gist-copy JS - Copy gist code with one-click.
the_button_helper JS - Colourise THE BUTTON with the flair you'd get when pressing it right this instance. Also makes it possible to check for your desired colour and press the button when it's (probably) hit.
MBTA-trip-planner JS - MBTA Trip Planner - support for favorites
WME HN Tool JS - Highlights un-nudged house numbers
Number 1 Enhancer JS - Highlights, rearranges, and adds context to Number One stuff
Github Stats JS - Display download stats about the last release of Github projects.
Stop AutoRefresh JS - Empêche l'AutoRefresh sur certains sites
网易云音乐去收藏 999 限制 JS - 去除网页版网易云音乐收藏 999 限制而不能添加收藏的问题
FASTudents Achieve / Parcours vers la réussite Rapide JS - Speeds up grade book data entry / Accélère l'entrée de notes dans le PVR.
Frambreaker Prevention JS - adds all sandbox restrictions to iframes except allow-same-origin
Advanced button stats JS - Show Advanced button stats
zendesk sidebar toggle JS - toggles the ticket left panel in zendesk
display the images of tumblr in HD revolution directly for PC and mobile JS - 直接显示电脑版和手机版tumblr的图片为高清版
InstaEmotes JS - Dank emotes for you to love
WK Font Sizer JS - change font size of reviews
WK Never Wrong JS - Never get a review wrong again* (*even if you do)
Virtonomica.инфо | Компания/Управление/Персонал: Настройка квалификации сотрудников JS - Установка квалификации сотрудников через управление персоналом
iks: virtonomica оптовое строительство JS - Автоматический запуск постройки нескольких подразделений одного типа, кроме офисов
Fix Google Search Options JS - Google検索で検索オプションのメニューをサイドバーへ移して表示します
WME Panel Swap JS - Allows swapping between the user and selection panel.
Tumblr note cleanup JS - A small line of code that removes all the useless likes and reblogs without comments from the notes list below a post.
XioScript Reborn JS - XioScript with AjaxButtons and TopManagerInfo
MyLikes Mature Video JS - Make submition instant
Jambi JS - Polygon Kecamatan di Jambi
No Yandex Ads JS - Removes ads in Yandex search results.
DC Météo JS - Et maintenant la météo!
Old BF JS - Automatic redirection to the old battlefield page
GoR BoTTols JS - GoR BoTTols (Bot+Tools) for Glory Of Rome
Polygon Kecamatan di Sarolangun JS - Kabupaten Sarolangun
Kasi-time Selectable JS - 歌詞タイムでテキストを選択可能にします
TW Fred Timer JS - Timer View for Event's free action
Virtonomica:kvala_personal_indicator_zarplaty_by_Agor71 JS - Отображение максимальной технологии, максимального числа/квалификации сотрудников, которые держит топ. Также после открытия окна "Сотрудники и зарплата" на всех заводах этого города будет показано отношение зарплаты к среднегородской.
Vivid XDCC links JS - Adds XDCC Button
MyAnimeList (MAL) Track Missing Relations JS - Allows to find missing relations and entries with wrong episode/chapter count
Kab. MUARA ENIM JS - Polygon Kecamatan di MUARA ENIM
Lahat JS - Polygon Kecamatan di Lahat
WoWsStatInfo JS - Расширенная статистика и функционал на сайте World of Warships.
DC - Popup Alerte JS - Alerte sonore a la reception d'une popup
Livemap Leaflets Disabler JS - Disables Waze Livemap leaflets.
NicoCommentCopy JS - 右クリックメニューからコメントをコピー
WK FiddleSettings JS - enter something useful
Mturk Unqualified Contact JS - Adds a contact link to unqualified hit capsules
translate.google tooltip JS - Translates selected text into a `tooltip' via Google translate
Unhide User ID JS - Unhide username in Reddit
HWM_Tavern_GameConditionsBySectors JS - В таверне показывает условия игры в разных секторах при наведении мышкой на имя сектора
hide ads on yandex JS - Removes ads in Yandex search results ("Реклама")
EMB Auto Login JS - auto login script for EMB HCI
EMB Auto Director JS - auto login script for EMB HCI
EMB Auto Logout JS - auto login script for EMB HCI
Allow Password Remembering webtop JS - make the webtop site autocomplete my username and password
Virtonomica: транспонированный грид розничного менеджера закупок для магазинов JS - Вместо одного товара в строке делает один товар в столбце, т.е. все товары одной строкой для каждого магазина
Virtonomica: скрытие значков и подписей в сообщениях на форуме JS - Скрывает значки подарков\достижений и подпись в сообщениях на форуме
polczat full frame fix JS - Fixes the applet initial size and resize on all browsers
Wanikani Landscape Friendly JS - Makes Wanikani Review font smaller
Wanikani Override for landscape JS - Adds an "Ignore Answer" button during reviews that makes WaniKani ignore the current answer (useful if, for example, you made a stupid typo)
Allscripts IntegrationMM JS - OpenEMR integration with Allscript ePrescribe
Hey Listen JS - Brings back our favorite fairie.
KAT - Average posts/day JS - Shows average post per day for a user on KAT
Damn You, Addic7ed Subtitles JS - There is a fucked up download manager on addic7ed.com.
Hide market entries in ppomppu e-cig forum JS - 뽐뿌 전자담배포럼에서 장터글을 숨기거나 보이도록 설정할 수 있습니다.
tieba Big image JS - 贴吧内容页无需点击直接显示原始大图
ATC-SIM Helper for Chrome JS - Ver 1.6b Highlights planes and strips on mouseover and allows multiple commands to be issued in one line. Adds ability to assign routes to planes
DailyMail right pane remover JS - Remove the "Don't miss" column from the right of the Daily Mail.
fantasti.cc load images from thumbnails JS - Show images instead of thumbnails (+ endless scrolling with AutoPager)
Simple html numeric captcha solver JS - After you click "Slow download" button the script solves the numeric captcha, waits for the countdown to finish, clicks the download button
Amazon a Pesos Argentinos JS - Mostrar precios en pesos argentinos a la cotización del momento
MAL Hide non-Japanese voice actors JS - Hides non-Japanese voice actors from show page
Better multireddit URL JS - Replace the browser URL with one you can actually share
8chan NSFW Remover JS - Removes NSFW boards from the board list on 8chan.
gif appear gamevn JS - This script display gif at url in gamevn and some xenforo 4r else.
163图集完整显示 JS - 看网易图集的时候一张一张的翻很麻烦,本脚本可以让所有图片全部展示出来。
KAB. PADANG LAWAS JS - Polygon Kecamatan di Padang Lawas
Tracking Hash Remover JS - This removes the random fragment identifiers used to track you.
MO Kab Kuantan Singingi JS - Boundary Polygons Kab Kuantan Singingi, Riau di WME.